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Pushdown Automata Part I: PDAs

Pushdown Automata Part I: PDAs. Chapter 12. Recognizing Context-Free Languages. Two notions of recognition: (1) Say yes or no, just like with FSMs (2) Say yes or no, AND if yes, describe the structure. a + b * c. Just Recognizing.

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Pushdown Automata Part I: PDAs

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  1. Pushdown Automata Part I: PDAs Chapter 12

  2. Recognizing Context-Free Languages Two notions of recognition: (1) Say yes or no, just like with FSMs (2) Say yes or no, AND if yes, describe the structure a + b * c

  3. Just Recognizing • We need a device similar to an FSM except that it needs more power. • The insight: Precisely what it needs is a stack, which gives it an unlimited amount of memory with a restricted structure. • Example: Bal (the balanced parentheses language) • (((()))

  4. Definition of a Pushdown Automaton • M = (K, , , , s, A), where: • K is a finite set of states •  is the input alphabet •  is the stack alphabet • sK is the initial state • AK is the set of accepting states, and •  is the transition relation. It is a finite subset of • (K ( {}) *)  (K*) • state input or  string of state string of • symbols symbols • to pop to push • from top on top • of stack of stack

  5. Definition of a Pushdown Automaton • A configuration of M is an element of K* *. • The initial configuration of M • is (s, w, ). K : Current state * : Input left to read * : Stack content Compare to the configuration of FSM

  6. Manipulating the Stack • c will be written as cab • a • b • If c1c2…cn is pushed onto the stack: • c1 • c2 • cn • c • a • b c1c2…cncab

  7. Yields Let c be any element of  {}, Let 1, 2 and  be any elements of *, and Let w be any element of *. Then, yields-in-one-step |-M is defined as (q1, cw, 1) |-M (q2, w, 2) iff ((q1, c, 1), (q2, 2)) . Let |-M* be the reflexive, transitive closure of |-M. C1yields configuration C2 iff C1 |-M*C2 c/1/2 q2 If ((q1, c, 1), (q2, 2)) , q1

  8. Computations A computation by M is a finite sequence of configurations C0, C1, …, Cn for some n 0 such that: ● C0 is an initial configuration, ● Cn is of the form (q, , ), for some state qKM and some string  in *, and ● C0 |-MC1 |-MC2 |-M … |-MCn.

  9. Nondeterminism If M is in some configuration (q1, s, ) it is possible that: ● contains exactly one transition that matches. ● contains more than one transition that matches. ● contains no transition that matches.

  10. Accepting A computation C of M is an accepting computation iff: ● C = (s, w, ) |-M* (q, , ), and ● qA. Maccepts a string w iff at least one of its computations accepts. Other paths may: ● Read all the input and halt in a nonaccepting state, ● Read all the input and halt in an accepting state with the stack not empty, ● Loop forever and never finish reading the input, or ● Reach a dead end where no more input can be read. The language accepted byM, denoted L(M), is the set of all strings accepted by M.

  11. Rejecting A computation C of M is a rejecting computation iff: ● C = (s, w, ) |-M* (q, w, ), ● C is not an accepting computation, and ● M has no moves that it can make from (q, w, ). Mrejects a string w iff all of its computations reject. So note that it is possible that, on input w, M neither accepts nor rejects.

  12. A PDA for Balanced Parentheses

  13. A PDA for Balanced Parentheses If input is ) and ( is on stack top, then ( is popped and nothing is pushed to stack. If input is (, what’s on stack top doesn’t matter and a ( is pushed to stack. M = (K, , , , s, A), where: K = {s} the states  = {(, )} the input alphabet  = {(} the stack alphabet A = {s}  contains: ((s, (, **), (s, ( )) ((s, ), ( ), (s, )) **Important: This does not mean that the stack is empty

  14. A PDA for AnBn = {anbn: n 0}

  15. A PDA for AnBn = {anbn: n 0} M = (K, , , , s, A), where: K = {s, f} the states  = {a, b} the input alphabet  = {a} the stack alphabet A = {f} the accepting states  contains: ((s, a, ), (s, a)) ((s, b, a), (f, )) ((f, b, a), (f, ))

  16. A PDA for {wcwR: w {a, b}*}

  17. A PDA for {wcwR: w {a, b}*} M = (K, , , , s, A), where: K = {s, f} the states  = {a, b, c} the input alphabet  = {a, b} the stack alphabet A = {f} the accepting states  contains: ((s, a, ), (s, a)) ((s, b, ), (s, b)) ((s, c, ), (f, )) ((f, a, a), (f, )) ((f, b, b), (f, ))

  18. A PDA for {anb2n: n 0}

  19. A PDA for {anb2n: n 0} M = (K, , , , s, A), where: K = the states  = the input alphabet  = the stack alphabet A = the accepting states  contains:

  20. Exploiting Nondeterminism A PDA M is deterministic iff: ● M contains no pairs of transitions that compete with each other, and ● Whenever M is in an accepting configuration it has no available moves. But many useful PDAs are not deterministic.

  21. A PDA for PalEven ={wwR: w {a, b}*} S SaSa SbSb A PDA:

  22. A PDA for PalEven ={wwR: w {a, b}*} S SaSa SbSb A PDA:

  23. A PDA for {w {a, b}* : #a(w) = #b(w)}

  24. A PDA for {w {a, b}* : #a(w) = #b(w)}

  25. More on NondeterminismAccepting Mismatches L = {ambn: mn; m, n > 0} Start with the case where n = m: b/a/ a//a b/a/ 1 2

  26. More on NondeterminismAccepting Mismatches L = {ambn: mn; m, n > 0} Start with the case where n = m: b/a/ a//a b/a/ 1 2 ● If stack and input are empty, halt and reject. ● If input is empty but stack is not (m > n) (accept): ● If stack is empty but input is not (m < n) (accept):

  27. More on NondeterminismAccepting Mismatches L = {ambn: mn; m, n > 0} b/a/ a//a b/a/ 2 1 ● If input is empty but stack is not (m > n) (accept): b/a/ a//a /a/ /a/ b/a/ 2 1 3

  28. More on NondeterminismAccepting Mismatches L = {ambn: mn; m, n > 0} b/a/ a//a b/a/ 2 1 ● If stack is empty but input is not (m < n) (accept): b/a/ b// a//a b// b/a/ 2 1 4

  29. Putting It Together L = {ambn: mn; m, n > 0} ● Jumping to the input clearing state 4: Need to detect bottom of stack. ● Jumping to the stack clearing state 3: Need to detect end of input.

  30. The Power of Nondeterminism Consider AnBnCn = {anbncn: n 0}. PDA for it?

  31. The Power of Nondeterminism Consider AnBnCn = {anbncn: n 0}. Now consider L =  AnBnCn. L is the union of two languages: 1. {w {a, b, c}* : the letters are out of order}, and 2. {aibjck: i, j, k 0 and (ij or jk)} (in other words, unequal numbers of a’s, b’s, and c’s).

  32. A PDA for L = AnBnCn What is it?

  33. Are the Context-Free Languages Closed Under Complement? AnBnCn is context free. If the CF languages were closed under complement, then AnBnCn = AnBnCn would also be context-free. But we will prove that it is not.

  34. L = {anbmcp: n, m, p 0 and nm or mp} SNC /* nm, then arbitrary c's SQP /* arbitrary a's, then pm NA /* more a's than b's NB /* more b's than a's Aa AaA AaAb Bb BBb BaBb C | cC /* add any number of c's PB' /* more b's than c's PC' /* more c's than b's B'b B'bB' B'bB'c C'c | C'c C'C'c C'bC'c Q | aQ /* prefix with any number of a's

  35. Reducing Nondeterminism and show where the competitions are ● Jumping to the input clearing state 4: Need to detect bottom of stack, so push # onto the stack before we start. ● Jumping to the stack clearing state 3: Need to detect end of input. Add to L a termination character (e.g., $)

  36. Reducing Nondeterminism ● Jumping to the input clearing state 4:

  37. Reducing Nondeterminism ● Jumping to the stack clearing state 3:

  38. More on PDAs A PDA for {wwR : w {a, b}*}: What about a PDA to accept {ww : w {a, b}*}?

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