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RSA and Public Key Cryptography

RSA and Public Key Cryptography. Oct. 2002 Nathanael Paul. Some quick things to fill in some holes…. (P,C,K,E,D) P: plaintext C: ciphertext K: keyspace E: encryption function D: decryption function Someone recently asked me (and something for you to think about for next time):

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RSA and Public Key Cryptography

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  1. RSA and Public Key Cryptography Oct. 2002 Nathanael Paul

  2. Some quick things to fill in some holes… • (P,C,K,E,D) • P: plaintext • C: ciphertext • K: keyspace • E: encryption function • D: decryption function • Someone recently asked me (and something for you to think about for next time): • Can cryptography and math be separated? Why or why not?

  3. What is public key cryptography?Why is there a need? • Asymmetric vs. Symmetric • Problems solved by public key • Shared secret not needed • Authentication • Trapdoor one-way function • Factoring integers • Discrete logs • Slow, power hungry

  4. Where did public key cryptography come from? • Diffie and Hellman • Credited with invention (circa 1976) • One year later, RSA is invented • April 2002, ACM communications • 1970 James Ellis (British Gov’t) • “The possibility of non-secret encryption” • NSA claims

  5. Overview • RSA • Rivest, Shamir, Adleman, 1977 • Zn • Modular operations (the expensive part) • A sender looks up the public key of the receiver, and encrypts the message with that key • The receiver decrypts the message with his private key • Although, public key is public information, private key is secret but related to the public key in a special way

  6. Essence of RSA • P, C are in Zn • n = p * q, where p and q are primes • y = Ek(m) = mb mod n • m = Dk(y) = ya mod n • D(y) = D(E(m)) = D(mb) = (mb)a = m • Factoring not necessary for decryption • The public key is (b,n), everything else is private • private key is (a,n)

  7. Some relationships • a is relatively prime to (p-1)(q-1) • ab  1 (mod (p-1)(q-1)) • (n) = (p-1)(q-1). ??? • (n) = { x < n : gcd(x, n) = 1 } • “all integers less than n that are relatively prime to n” • Let’s check to see if encryption and decryption really are inverse operations.

  8. Checking RSA • ab  1 (mod (n)) • “ab is some multiple of ((n) + 1) • ab = t((n) + 1), t >= 1 • (mb)a  mt((n) + 1) (mod n)  (m (n))tm (mod n)  (1)tm (mod n) by Euler’s Thm.  m (mod n) DONE

  9. How to pick a public key • Pick 2 primes, p and q • Compute n = pq and (n) = (p-1)(q-1) • Choose a random b (1 < b < (n)) • gcd (b, (n)) = 1 • Compute a = b-1 mod (n) • Extended euclidean algorithm • Publish the public key • (b, n) is a person’s public key now(i.e., people may now send encrypted text using this public key)

  10. Bob chooses his public key • He randomly chooses 17th and 19th primes, 59 and 67, respectively (p = 59, q = 67) • (n) = (58)(66) = 3828 • Pick a random b, less than 3828 but > 1 • Let’s try 2669. Will that work? gcd(2669, 3828) = 1 • Now, ab  1 (mod (n)) • a * 2669  1 mod 3828 • a will exist iff gcd(a, (n)) = 1

  11. Bob finishes his calculations in making his public key… • a = b-1 in Zn, recall a is the decryption exponent • a = 1625 (b-1 = 1625 modd 3828) • Bob’s private key (a, n) is (1625,3953), so now Bob publishes his public key (b,n) as (2669, 3953)

  12. Alice wants to send Bob a message, m… • Alice has plaintext 3128 to send. She will send E(m): • Alice encrypts with public key (b,n) or (2669,3953) • E(m) = 31282669 mod 3953 = 3541 • Bob receives the ciphertext 3541: • Bob decrypts with private key (a,n) or (1625,3953) • 35411625 mod 3953 = 3128

  13. Some notes about a,b, p, and q • p and q must be large for security • b, the encryption exponent, does not have to be that large (216 – 1 = 65535 is good) • a, the decryption exponent, needs to be sufficiently large (512 to 2048 bits) • Having to work with such large numbers, we need to look at some other elements of RSA.

  14. RSA: Component Operations • Exponentiation • We need to do it fast • Factorization • Believed to be difficult (security is here) • Finding prime numbers and testing primality • Rabin Miller test • New polynomial time algorithm • http://mathworld.wolfram.com/news/2002-08-07_primetest/ • http://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/primality.pdf

  15. Fast Exponentiation • a ^ 256 mod 7 • Don’t do (a*a*a…*a) 256 times and mod by 7 • (a * b) mod p = (a mod p * b mod p) mod p • Shortcut: Look at binary representation of 256 • 256 = 28, (((((((a2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2 and mod 7 each time you perform a square • 25 = 11001 = 24 + 23 + 20a ^ 25 mod n = (a * a8 * a16) mod n = (a * (((a2) 2) 2) * ((((a2) 2) 2) 2)) mod n (((((((a2 mod n)*a) mod n)2 mod n)2 mod n)2 mod n) * a) mod n

  16. Factorization • Brute force is stupid and slow • d = 1,2,3,4,… Does d divide n? • Factoring n = pq. If p <= q, n >= p2, so n >= p • d can go high as n in worst case • For n ~ 1040, 1020 number of divisions • Use structure of Zn • p –1 method (not really used, but a good speedup) • Pollard’s rho method • Quadratic sieve, Number Field Sieve (NFS) • Is there a better method out there?

  17. Finding some prime numbers • Easy to generate a number, but how do you know if it’s prime? • Rabin Miller • If n is prime, output is always “could be” • If n is composite, output is “composite” or “could be” • If n is composite and “could be” is returned, the probability of a wrong answer is <= ¼ • New polynomial algorithm that can say yes/no!

  18. Using RSA: What can go wrong? • Computing (n) is no easier than factoring n • From n = pq and (n) = (p-1)(q-1), we obtain: • p2 – (n - (n) + 1)p + n = 0 • The roots of the above equation will be p and q • If the decryption exponent, a is known, Bob needs to choose a new decryption exponent. • That isn’t enough! Bob must also choose a new modulus.

  19. DES vs. RSA • RSA is about 1500 times slower than DES • Exponentiation and modulus • Generation of numbers used in RSA can take time • Test n against known methods of factoring • http://www.rsasecurity.com/rsalabs/challenges/factoring/numbers.html

  20. Key Distribution • Then hard problem for symmetric (secret) key ciphers • Transmitting a private key on an insecure channel • Asymmetric system solves problem

  21. Primitive roots •  is a pritimitive root of Fp you can get all elements of Fp from  • There exists an m such that: m = n mod p, for 1 <= n < p • m is unique • Can you solve for m? Yes, but it’s hard by currently known methods (Discrete log) • All primes have primitive roots

  22. Example of primitive root • Consider the element 2x mod 1320 1 mod 13 28 9 mod 13 21 2 mod 13 29 5 mod 1322 4 mod 13 210 10 mod 1323 8 mod 13 211 7 mod 1324 3 mod 1325 6 mod 13 Primitive roots are not26 12 mod 13 found this way in Fp, but 27 11 mod 13 this is an example of a primitive root.

  23. Key distribution: Alice and Bob need to talk • Insecure channel of communication • First, set up our field that our numbers will operate within: • p, a large prime (sets up something called our field) •  is called a primitive root of Fp

  24. Alice and Bob obtain a private key using public keys Bob Alice a b ko = (a )b k1 = (b )a So, k1 = ko, and a secret key is shared between Alice and Bob.

  25. What does the adversary know, and what can he do? • Knows a, b, , and p • So we want to find the key, k • k = ab • This is believed to be hard. • If one knows how to compute discrete logs efficiently, then one can break this scheme (and other schemes based on public key cryptography)

  26. Public Key Cryptographic Use • Secure RPC • SSL • Cisco encrypting routers

  27. Key distribution • Key freshness • Predistribution • Agreement protocols

  28. Trusted Authority – Alice and Bob need to talk (again) • How about a TA issuing a certificate? • TA shares a secret key with each person that may ever want to communicate with TA • Alice asks for Bob’s public key, so TA issues a certificate: E (K, ID(Bob), T, L) • E is done with Alice and TA’s shared key • K is random, T is timestamp, L is lifetime • Alice can verify certificate is from TA • Ex. Kerberos

  29. Reading • “New Directions in Cryptography” • http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~tdnguyen/classes/cs671/presentations/Arvind-NEWDIRS.pdf • "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryptosystems" • http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~cis/pubs/rivest/rsapaper.ps

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