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Consolidated/Mission Observational Requirements List (CORL/MORL). SPSRB Databases. Key SPSRB Processes. User Request 1. User 2. Science Improvement 3. Project Manager. User. Assessment 1. Request and Requirement Assessment 2. Technical Assessment
Consolidated/Mission Observational Requirements List (CORL/MORL) SPSRB Databases Key SPSRBProcesses User Request 1. User 2. Science Improvement 3. Project Manager User Assessment 1. Request and Requirement Assessment 2. Technical Assessment 3. NOAA Partnership Policy Requirement Change or Project Manager Resource Identification 1. Annual Product Reviews 2. Project Manager Reviews 3. Out-of-cycle Review Analysis of Alternatives 1. Integrated Project Team Formed 2. Proposal for Product Development (Solution Analysis and Selection) PPBES Allocate Funding Approved Project Plan Initial Project Plan Product Development 1. Development 2. Pre-operational 3. Operational Reporting 1. Project 2. Management Operational Decision 1. New Product Operational Decision 1. Update Product NOAA Observational System Architecture (NOSA) Resource and Development Planning Divesture or Retirement Decision NOAA Partnership Policy Requirement PROCESS STEPS B B Old QuikSCAT 25km New QuiKSCAT 25km A A NESDIS Process to Transition Satellite Products from Research to Operations Eileen Maturi1(GOVERNMENT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR) , Mike Kalb1, IvanCsiszar1, Marco Vargas1, Tom Schott2, David Benner3, Antonio Irving3, John Paquette3 1.NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, 2. NOAA/NESDIS/OSD, 3. NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD Requirement: Transition satellite research products to operational satellite products for users (Govt, Mil, Universities, Industry) Science:How can I develop a process to transition satellite products from research to operations? Benefit: 1) user can identify a need for a new or improved observations or products 2) scientific agencies can identify a maturing scientific development or algorithm thought to provide significant user benefit 3) NOAA/NESDIS program or project managers can receive requirements to develop new or improved products. These acquisitions managers formulate plans to acquire the new capabilities for users. These requests will include the requirements, specifications and other information needed to describe the requested product or service. They are submitted on the Satellite Products and Services Review Board (SPSRB) web site: http://projects.osd.noaa.gov/spsrb/userRequest/index.htm by only (gov and mil) domains. Others can submit a user request but have to submit their requests through a NESDIS sponsor. The SPSRB Manager receives a notification of each request and the assessment process is initiated. (1) USER REQUEST NOAA’s Satellite and Information Service (NESDIS) process to transition satellite products from research to operations is a function of the Satellite Products and Services Review Board (SPSRB). The transition to operations of new satellite products requires approval through the SPSRB process. MECHANISM There are three key assessments performed on the user requests: (1) request-ensure the request contains sufficient information to process, (2) requirement- consistent with the NOAA Mission Goal Program observational requirements data bases, and (3) technical-determine technical feasibility to satisfy the user request and provide NESDIS management the best way to process the user request. (2) ASSESSMENT SIX KEY STEPS (1) User Request (2) Assessment (3) Analysis of Alternatives (4) Project Development (5) Operational Decision (6) Product Divestiture or Retirement. (3) ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES There are four actions required in this part of the process: (1) Determine if the product is really needed and satisfies a NOAA Mission Goal Program; (2) Form an integrated products team (IPT)-assembled to guide product development; (3) identify viable technical solutions; (4) select a technical solution- Yes or No on product development. The SPSRB technical solution is to form an IPT and generate a plan for product development. As part of this plan, the resources needed for development, maintenance and archive are included. The projects are tracked via the secure SPSRB Web Product database. (4) PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PRE – OPERATIONAL This stage allows the IPT to begin routine processing for the purpose of complete testing and validation of the product. It allows for limited testing of the product by selected users. The user feedback helps refine the product and ensure formats are documented properly. (5) OPERATIONAL This stage allows the Management to work jointly with the IPT to transition the product into operations. Users are invited to participate. Two elements need to be met (1) project meets users' needs and (2) product can be supported operationally. Then the SPSRB will declare the product operational. The products database is updated and the product is required to become operational within 45 days or less. Ocean Surface Wind Vectors:Reduced Rain Flagged Vectors Produced with New QuikSCAT Processing Products are identified that no longer satisfy user requirements or the responsibility for the production can be transferred to another organization. (6) DIVESTITURE OR RETIREMENT COMPARISON OF NEW vs. OLD PROCESS: WHITE : RAIN FLAGS A and B are regions of the same area in both images showing the difference in quantity of rain flags. Decrease in rain flags indicate higher accuracy of prediction for wind vectors. No rain flags indicate a good measurement Examples of Ocean Color Products SeaWiFS-Chlorophyll Concentration Product Science Challenges: Streamline the process to ensure products are operational within 45 days. Next Steps: Review all operational products to determine if they are still used or can be retired. Transition Path: SPSRB Process MODIS-Chlorophyll Anomaly Product