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Nixon and the Watergate Scandal. Chapter 22 Section 1. fineartamerica.com. Nixon’s Policies Target Middle America. Nixon was: From a modest family Worked his way through school A Navy veteran Former US Representative Former US Senator Eisenhower’s Vice President. fineartamerica.com.
Nixon and the Watergate Scandal Chapter 22 Section 1 fineartamerica.com
Nixon’s Policies Target Middle America • Nixon was: • From a modest family • Worked his way through school • A Navy veteran • Former US Representative • Former US Senator • Eisenhower’s Vice President fineartamerica.com
Nixon Calls for a “New Federalism” • Believed he represented the “silent majority” • Disliked “big government” of the Great Society • Felt responsible for public safety and the environment • “New Federalism” reversed the flow of tax $$$ from the States to Washington with revenue sharing • States were then responsible for controlling the spending of federal dollars
Nixon Expands the Government’s Role • Even though he sent $$ and power back to the states, he still pushed for many new federal programs and laws • OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration • DEA – Drug Enforcement Administration • EPA - Environmental Protection Agency • Clean Air Act - 1970 • Increased spending on Medicare and public housing
The Economy Struggles • Stagflation – simultaneous recession and inflation • Economists had not seen this before • Rising foreign competition in the global market cause US companies to lose business • US budget deficit (Vietnam War spending) caused inflation • Oil prices skyrocketed also increasing inflation of prices on consumer goods www.economydecoded.com
OPEC • Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries • OPEC placed an oil embargo on Israel and her allies (including the US) • (Embargo – banning the sale of a product) • US was dependant on OPEC for 1/3 of our energy needs • Oil prices rose 400% in one year • Gas stations had shortages and people waited in line for blocks at stations that had gas www.rationalrevolution.net
Nixon Follows a Southern Strategy • In order to win re-election, Nixon wanted to increase the number of blue collar workers and whites in the south who would support him www.examiner.com
Controversy Rages Over Busing • Nixon appointed multiple conservative southerners as judges on federal courts • Nixon spoke out against forced busing that was designed to desegregate southern schools • He won support from many whites who opposed busing topics.time.com
Nixon Proposes New Civil Rights Initiatives • Philadelphia Plan – initiates affirmative action by requiring labor unions and federal contractors to hire minorities http://www.kentuckypress.com/live/title_detail.php?titleid=2397
Nixon’s Strategy Succeeds • Nixon’s approval rating was high by 1972 • Positioned himself as a moderate • Won 61% of the popular vote and a great majority of the electoral votes • First Republican candidate to “sweep the South” hermelink-nixon.blogspot.com
Watergate Scandal Brings Nixon Down • June 1972 – Nixon aides hire thugs to bug the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate Hotel = epic fail • During the trial of the burglars in 1973, it came out that Nixon administration officials had been involved • The Senate investigated and witnesses said there was a cover up that included the President articles.businessinsider.com
Watergate Goes Public • Washington Post reporters uncovered the story • Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein • Source “Deep Throat”- secret government informant (30 years later revealed to be W. Mark Felt the #2 guy in charge of the FBI) • Nixon denied the allegations saying, “I am not a crook.” www.loc.gov
Meanwhile – Never a Dull moment • Summer of 1973 it is discovered that Nixon has been secretly taping conversations in the Oval office for years • Many people think the tapes could reveal Watergate plotting • Fall of 1973 Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned due to an unrelated corruption scandal • Nixon nominates Gerald Ford as VP bildungblog.blogspot.com
Revealing the White House Tapes • Nixon refuses to give the tapes to the special prosecutor • Claims executive privilege • July 24, 1974 – Supreme Court orders Nixon to cough up the tapes • Investigators discovered that many important parts of the tapes were not there • Nixon said his secretary must have erased them by mistake www.pimall.com
Nixon Resigns • The tapes had enough info to make Nixon look really, really bad • The Judiciary Committee of the US House voted to impeach (they make the recommendation to the House) • They charged that Nixon had obstructed justice • Before the whole House of Representatives could hold a vote for impeachment Nixon resigned technorati.com
Other Nixon NarfNarfs • Used “dirty tricks” to get elected • Spying, sabotage, lying to the press, forging document, etc • Had an “enemies” list • Used federal agencies to go after those on the list • Had the FBI tap phones of people he didn’t trust including government employees and reporters • Gets the nickname “Tricky Dick” www.sanfranciscosentinel.com
Watergate Leaves a Lasting Impact • Damaged the honor of the office of the Presidency • People less trusting of the government • Federal Election Campaign Act of 1974 created to limit private political donations • Demonstrated the solidity of our system of checks and balances • Proved no US citizen is above the law fineartamerica.com