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PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO. Next. End. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO. Abstract : Tillage (ploughing the soil) is the most important and first operation carried out in mango plantations .
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Abstract: Tillage (ploughing the soil) is the most important and first operation carried out in mango plantations. Initial tillage operations carried out with deeper ploughs (Chisel plough, disc plough, mould board plough, etc.) are generally called as primary tillage, whereas, finer field operation like harrowing and planking etc. (using cultivator, harrow, plank, etc.) are named as secondary tillage. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO After tillage operation, mango is planted any one of the five systems, viz., square system, rectangular system, hexagonal system, quincunx system and contour system. However, square and rectangular systems are popular. The lay-out is made by marking the field and pits are dug-out and planting is made. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Learning objectives: To gain knowledge on different primary and secondary tillage operations in establishment of mango plantations. To learn the different land modifications in mango plantations before planting. Introduction Mango (Mangiferaindica), the king of fruits, is grown in many countries of the world. India is the largest producer of mango shares more than a half of total production in the world. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Mango can be grown on a wide variety of soils under varied climatic conditions. Tillage is the physical or mechanical manipulation of the soil with tools and implements result in good tilth for better establishment of crops. Tillage needs to be done at the right time with the right implements to get good tilth, which is pre-requisite for better crop production. Mango is deep rooted tree, needs deeper ploughing for better initial establishment. Primitive mango growers used the country ploughs for tillage operations. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO However, advancement of science and technology, different plough such as chisel plough, mould board plough, disc plough, cultivator, harrow, etc. are used for preparing mango plantations. Layout is also inseparable process with tillage, made to mark the pit. Tillage operations in mango 1. Primary tillage for mango Ploughs are commonly used for primary tillage. Implements used for opening and loosening of the soil are known as ploughs. Wooden or Indigenous plough is the most common and primitive plough used by mango growers. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Even today, in many of the developing countries, country plough is used and is drawn only with bullocks. Here, ploughing operation is not perfect, because, some un-ploughed strip (of inverted shape) is always left between furrows. This can be reduced by cross ploughing, but even then, small squares remain un-ploughed. Mould board plough is being widely used in mango orchards. This plough leaves no un-ploughed land, cuts clean and inverted to one side resulting in better pulverization. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO In disc plough, the usual size of the disc is 60 cm in diameter and this turns a 35 to 30 cm furrow slice. The disc plough is more suitable for land with much fibrous growth of weeds and works well in soils free from stones. No harrowing is necessary to break the clods of the upturned soil whereas, after mould board plough breaking clods are necessary. Chisel plough is mainly used for breaking hard pans and for deep ploughing (60-70 cm) with fewer disturbances to the top layers in the new mango orchards. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Either mould board plough or disc plough is mandatory in mango plantation preparatory cultivation depending on the soils. Mango has very deep root system and tap root systems prefers deep ploughed soil for its initial better establishment. Chisel plough operations before mango orchard establishment breaks the hard pan to a depth of >50 cm adds advantage of deep and easy penetration of roots. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO 2. Secondary tillage in mango Cultivator is an implement used for finer operations like breaking clods and working the soil to a fine tilth in mango cultivation. Cultivator is also called as tiller used to destroy weeds that germinate after ploughing. The disc harrow of concave discs (45 to 55 cm in diameter), cut through the soil and effectively pulverize the clods. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Blade harrowsare used for different purposes like removal of weeds and stubbles, crushing of clods, working of soil to shallow depth. Plank is a very simple implement crushes the clods (due to its weight) when operate in the field. It also helps in micro-levelling and slight compaction necessary after sowing. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Rollers are used mainly to crush the hard clods and to compact the soil. Cultivators and country plough are commonly used for secondary tillage operations. Disc harrows are now widely used. Plank and rollers are less importance, however, in developing countries, farmers using these Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Land modification for mango After the preparatory cultivation (primary and secondary tillages), the land is ready for lay-out formation. Different systems of planting like square, rectangular, hexagonal, quincunx and contour methods are followed at different places for establishing mango orchards. Square and rectangular systems are the most important methods of mango plantation. The spacing is depends on the vigour of the variety and the cropping system. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Rectangular planting Square planting Hexagonal planting Quincunx planting Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO High-density planting of mango helps increase the yield/unit area. In many parts of India, some of the mango varieties found amenable for high-density planting with a spacing of 2.5m × 2.5m. After fine tilth (secondary tillage), pits of 1m × 1m× 1m size are dug. These are exposed to sun for about 30 days. Pits are filled with well-rotten farmyard manure before planting. The top and sub-soil are taken out repeatedly while digging the pits. The grafts are planted and protected. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Summary Mango has very deep and tap root systems requires deep ploughed soil for its better initial establishment. Country plough is the most common and primitive plough used by mango growers and still popular in developing countries. Mould board plough leaves no un-ploughed land, cuts clean and inverted to one side resulting in better pulverization used widely in establishment of mango orchards. The disc plough is more suitable for land with much fibrous growth of weeds and works well in soils free from stones. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Chisel plough operations before mango orchard establishment is advantage of deep and easy penetration of roots. Cultivator, disc harrow, blade harrow, plank and rollers are the commonly used secondary tillage implements. Different systems of planting like square, rectangular, hexagonal, quincunx and contour methods are followed at different places for establishing mango orchards. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Square and rectangular systems are the most important methods of mango plantation. High-density planting (with a spacing of 2.5m × 2.5m) helps increase the yield/unit area. Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO Assessment: 1.Country plough is the most common and primitive plough used in mango plantations (True/False) 2.Mango has shallow root system and tap root systems prefers shallow ploughed soil (True/False) 3.Disc and mould board ploughs are most important ploughs in mango orchards establishment (True/False) 4.Square and rectangular systems are the most important systems of mango plantation (True/False) 5.Cultivator and disc harrows are commonly used for getting fine tilth in mango field preparation (True/False) Previous Next End
PRIMARY AND SECONDARY TILLAGE AND LAND MODIFICATIONS FOR MANGO References: Kumar, N. 2000. Introduction to Horticulture. Rajalakshmi Publications, Nagarkovil, Tamil Nadu. Nakra, C.P. 1980. Farm Machinery and Equipments. DhanpatiRai and Sons, New Delhi. Singh, S.P. 2000. Commercial fruits. Kalyani Publishers, Ludhiana. YellamandaReddy, T. and G.H. SankaraReddi. 2010. Principles of Agronomy. Kalyani Publisher, Ludhiana. Previous End