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“Linking High School and College English Teaching” Assoc. Prof. Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr ., Ph.D. Faculty, Department of English University of Santo Tomas Moderator : Ms. Kristine May D. Martinez.
“Linking High School and College English Teaching” Assoc. Prof. Andres Julio V. Santiago Jr., Ph.D. Faculty, Department of English University of Santo Tomas Moderator: Ms. Kristine May D. Martinez
The use of the tenses of the verbs is one of the problematic areas in the development of language skills in English. Though these are introduced in the elementary level, there is much to be desired among students as they showcase their competencies across grade and year levels. Tertiary level students, the would-be professionals, aren’t spared from this dilemma. This demo-teaching is aimed at establishing a link between secondary school and tertiary level teaching in the light of this area of language education in the realization of the roles of basic education in the secondary level and the tertiary level education. Demo-Teaching Abstract
“The past, the present, and the future walked in at Room 317. It was tense.”
Pre-TestComplete the following sentences with the correct tense of the verb.
Individual: Silent reading of the text “Some Thoughts on Education for the 21st Century” by Emma H. Santos-Castillo on pages 64-66 of the textbook Teaching –Learning Activities
Situation 1 ~ The Boat is Ready: Closing the Chapter known as High School An autograph book or slumbook is very popular among the graduating students. Given the chance to turn back the hands of time, what could have you written on its dedication page if you had one? Express your thoughts and feelings within a short paragraph of around ten to fifteen sentences. Teaching –Learning Activities
Situation 2 ~ A Map of My Future: Charting Success in College You are now in college pursuing a degree program that leads to the realization of your dream. Having learned from the lessons of the past and recognizing the opportunity that the present has given you, how do you see success in your academic life? Construct a short paragraph of around ten to fifteen sentences that you intend to post on your blog as an exemplification of Thomasian commitment. Teaching –Learning Activities
Situation 3 ~ Always a Brother’s Keeper in Life’s Journey: An Advice to a Fellow Freshman After a few weeks since the opening of classes, you have observed that a seatmate had a difficult time fulfilling the requirements of college life as shown in his performance in most of the courses. In the spirit of Thomasian compassion, compose a message for him of around ten to fifteen sentences that you intend to tell him over a cup of coffee. Teaching –Learning Activities
Situation 4 ~ Coming Face-to-Face with the Tides of Fate: My First Day at Work Having seen the would-be professional you wanted to be, how do you imagine your first day at work someday? Exuding with Thomasian competence, create a short paragraph of around ten to fifteen sentences about being a Thomasian professional as you anticipate a meeting with your immediate superior. Teaching –Learning Activities
Situation 5 ~ Land Ho!: Arriving at the Shores of a Well-lived Professional Life Most professionals pursue their careers within forty years of being of service to society. Having lived the Thomasian ideals as a professional, by what words would you like to be remembered by as an administrator from your company will read a short paragraph of around ten to fifteen sentences about you as you receive your Plaque of Appreciation. Teaching –Learning Activities
2. Constructing ideas for a spoken or written discourse to address the context of the situation for the use of verb tenses 3. Analyzing the spoken or written discourse for congruence with verb tenses Teaching –Learning Activities
For Phases 2 & 3, the students will: • Identify the environment of the situations given to them (Knowledge). • Match the ideas with their proper verb tenses for the sentences (Comprehension). • Build the required short paragraph using the proper verb tenses (Application). Teaching –Learning Activities
Analyze the flow of ideas vis-à-vis proper verb tenses in the short paragraph (Analysis). • Revise parts of the paragraph so as to adhere to the proper use of verb tenses (Synthesis). • Critique the final output before presenting to the class (Evaluation). Teaching –Learning Activities
4. Presenting the spoken or written discourse to the class for critiquing ~ Rubrics for written and spoken outputs will be used. The evaluation will come from the group (self-evaluation), the other groups doing the same nature of output, i.e. written or spoken (peer evaluation), and the course facilitator. Teaching –Learning Activities
Presentation of spoken or written discourse to be critiqued using rubrics (downloaded or teacher-made). Note: Samples of downloaded rubrics to be coursed through the Conference Secretariat. Assessment Tasks
In a month’s time we will be graduating. I remembered the first day when we were in First Year. I was pretending to be busy fixing my things when all of a sudden our classroom got filled with young people like me. If I had smiled more that day, I would have been sent a request on FB immediately… Sample Output 1
I am now a Thomasian! My Registration Form says that I am now a bonafide member of the Thomasianstudentry. I will be attending classes in this Royal, Pontifical, and Catholic University of the Philippines. My parents graduated from this prestigious university too… Sample Output 2
Tommy, the Preliminary Major Exams Week is just around the corner. I looked at the lessons in Math 1 and I must admit I find them difficult. It has been this way for me since Grade 6. How about you?... Sample Output 3
A Thomasian professional exemplifies the core values of competence, commitment, and compassion. This means that I will exert my best efforts in accomplishing the task required of me. This also means that I will have done it before the deadline knowing others depend on how well I manage my time as a professional… Sample Output 4
Our esteemed retiree for today has been with the company since its growing years in the industry of I.T.. He had been dutifully attending to his responsibility as Head of the Product Innovation Department for more than ten years now. He brought prestige to the company by introducing cutting-edge technology that our competitors both admire and are envious of… Sample Output 5
Post-TestListen to the following statements and decide whether it is grammatically correct or not relative to the rules of verb tenses. Shade the if it is correct and the if otherwise.
Textbook: MadrunioM., Villamarzo P., Vizconde C., and Ward A, (2009). Managing College Freshman Langauge Skills. Manila:Universityof Santo Tomas Seminar Hand-out: De Guzman, Allan B. (2013) Handout from theThe 27th Fr. Antonio Gonzalez, O.P. Memorial Lecture and the 3rd Annual National Convention of Teacher Education Students: “Restructuring the Teacher Education Course Design: The OBTL Way”. Manila: University of Santo Tomas. References
On-line Materials: http://www.rcampus.com/rubricshowc.cfm?code=W6393C&sp=true& accessed on May 16, 2013 http://www.avantassessment.com/sites/default/files/Placement_ScoringRubric_2011Fall.pdf accessed on May 16, 2013 www.ealmb.ca/pluginfile.php/750/mod_page/content/1/speaking-rubric...accessed on May 16, 2013 http://www.ets.org/Media/Tests/TOEFL/pdf/Independent_Speaking_Rubrics_2008.pdf accessed on May 16, 2013 http://connectingwithesl.edublogs.org/files/2012/09/Speaking-and-Writing-Rubric-144yruo.pdf accessed on May 16, 2013