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NICOLAS LEGLER. Jesus is God. Jesus is God Jesus is the firstborn. Jesus is God Jesus is the firstborn Jesus is the creator. Jesus is God Jesus is the firstborn Jesus is the creator Jesus is the owner. Jesus is God Jesus is the firstborn Jesus is the creator
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator Jesus istheowner
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator Jesus istheowner Jesus isthesustainer
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator Jesus istheowner Jesus isthesustainer Jesus isthehead
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator Jesus istheowner Jesus isthesustainer Jesus isthehead Jesus istheresurrectedone
«Wherearethewise? Whereistheteacherofthelaw? Whereisthephilosopherofthisage? Has not Godmadefoolishthewisdomoftheworld? Forsince in thewisdomofGodtheworldthroughitswisdomdid not knowhim, God was pleasedthroughthefoolishnessofwhat was preachedto save thosewhobelieve.» The Bible, 1Corinthians 1:20-21
Jesus isGod Jesus isthefirstborn Jesus isthecreator Jesus istheowner Jesus isthesustainer Jesus isthehead Jesus istheresurrectedone
«Andthroughhimtoreconciletohimself all things, whetherthings on earthorthings in heaven, bymakingpeacethroughhisblood, shed on thecross.» The Bible, Colossians 1:20