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Response to Kay Raseroka’s Presentation on Her Memories and Experiences

Response to Kay Raseroka’s Presentation on Her Memories and Experiences. LIASA.

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Response to Kay Raseroka’s Presentation on Her Memories and Experiences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Response to Kay Raseroka’s Presentation on Her Memories and Experiences

  2. LIASA • LIASA Representative Council and the Executive Committee would like to extend its gratitude and appreciation to University of Alberta for recognizing and honoring Kay Raseroka, the First African IFLA President in this manner. We are proud of Kay's achievement and take this opportunity to congratulate her on behalf of the entire LIS profession in South Africa.

  3. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Library • congratulations on a great achievement. You have always been our inspiration as true African Leader in Library and Information Science • Robert Pearce

  4. LIASA North West Branch • The North West Branch would like to congratulate Dr Kay Raseroka on her being awarded the honorary degree. May she go from strength to strength with all her endeavours. • God Bless you Madam. • Ernest Bampoe

  5. CONGRATULATIONS TO SIS'KAY!!!!!!!!!! May God Bless You on this prestigious achievements. I am definitely sure that the LIS Profession is proud of you. I have personally seen your talent in the building of our own LIASA. We are proud of you. • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • Pam Mavume

  6. I would like to join the library fraternity in congratulating Kay Raseraka. I knew her the time I was a student at the University of Botswana. I am happy to learn that she will be going on retirement soon. I wish her well. God bless her. - Chiza Herbert Longwe (Malawi)

  7. Please allow me to congratulate Kay and the IFLA family for receiving such an honor from the University of Alberta. I am doing this on both a personal level and on behalf of the National Council on Library and Information Services and the South African Library Profession as a whole. Kay, we are very proud of you for taking the lead and paving the way for many African Library and Information professionals. - Prof MDR Ralebipi-Simela

  8. On behalf of GAELIC as a whole I wish you a healthy and happy retirement.

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