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Photon angular momentum and geometric gauge. Margaret Hawton, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada William Baylis, U. of Windsor, Canada. Outline. photon r operators and their localized eigenvectors leads to transverse bases and geometric gauge transformations,
Photon angular momentum and geometric gauge Margaret Hawton, Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada William Baylis, U. of Windsor, Canada
Outline • photon roperators and their localized eigenvectors • leads to transverse bases and geometric gauge transformations, • then to orbital angular momentum of the bases, connection with optical beams • conclude
pz or z q py f px Notation: momentum space
Is the position of the photon an observable? In quantum mechanics, any observable requires a Hermitian operator a =1/2 for F=E+icB ~ p1/2 as in QED to normalize last term maintains transversality of rP(F) but the components of rP don’t commute! thus “the photon is not localizable”?
Is there a photon position operator with commuting components and exactly localized eigenvectors? It has been claimed that since the early day of quantum mechanics that there is not. Surprisingly, we found a family of r operators, Hawton, Phys. Rev. A 59, 954 (1999). Hawton and Baylis, Phys. Rev. A 64, 012101 (2001). and, not surprisingly, some are sceptical!
pz q c py f px Euler angles of basis
New position operator becomes: its components commute eigenvectors are exactly localized states it depends on “geometric gauge”, c,that is on choice of transverse basis
Topology: You can’t comb the hair on a fuzz ball without creating a screw dislocation. Phase discontinuity at origin gives d-function string when differentiated.
Geometric gauge transformation no +z singularity
q=p f q=0
Is the physics c-dependent? Localized basis states depend on choice of c, e.g. el(0) or el(-f) localized eigenvectors look physically different in terms of their vortices. This has been given as a reason that our position operator may be invalid. The resolution lies in understanding the role ofangular momentum (AM). Note: orbital AM rxp involves photon position.
For an exactly localized state “Wave function”, e.g. F=E+icB Any field can be expanded in plane wave using the transverse basis determined by c: f(p) will be called the (expansion) coefficient. For F describing a specific physical state, change of el(c) must be compensated by change in f.
Interpretation for helicity l=1, single valued, dislocation on -ve z-axis sz=1, lz= 0 sz= -1, lz= 2 sz=0, lz= 1 Basis has uncertain spin and orbital AM, definitejz=1.
Beams Any Fourier expansion of the fields must make use of sometransverse basis to write and the theory of geometric gaugetransformations presented so far in the context of exactly localized states applies - in particular it applies to optical beams. Some examples involving beams follow:
Elimination of e2if term requires linear combination of RH and LH helicity basis states.
Partition of J between basis and coefficient Dc to rotate axis is also possible, but inconvenient.
Commutation relations L(c) is a true angular momentum. Confirms that localized photon has a definite z-component of total angular momentum.
Summary • Localized photon states have orbital AM and integral total AM, jz, in any chosen direction. • These photons are not just fuzzy balls, they contain a screw phase dislocation. • A geometric gauge transformation redistributes orbital AM between basis and coefficient, but leave jz invariant. • These considerations apply quite generally, e.g. to optical beam AM. Position and orbital AM related through L=rxp.