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Chamoru Pråyek Songsong Guåhan Yo’ña. James Tenorio Sais Piriåt Fecha : Huebes diha 30 gi Måyu 2013. Yo’ña. Sustånsia : iyo-ña. Yo’ña. Populasion : 6,480. Yip Kod : 96915. Estorian Yo’ña.
ChamoruPråyek Songsong GuåhanYo’ña James Tenorio Sais Piriåt Fecha: Huebesdiha 30 giMåyu 2013
Yo’ña Sustånsia: iyo-ña
Yo’ña Populasion: 6,480 Yip Kod: 96915
EstorianYo’ña Yo’ña’s history dates back to ancient times. Many ancient sites have been found in Pulantat, one of the village’s ten sections, as well as along the Ylig river and in Tagachang beach park.
EstorianYo’ña From ancient times until after World War 2, Yo’ña was a rich farming land with fertile soil, good water, and abundant fishing grounds. Many people lived in scattered ranches and only two buildings in the area were built of wood before the war, while the rest were built with thatch. Yo’ña remained a peaceful farming area during the war until the last few weeks of the Japanese occupation. The village then began to turn away from farming and toward urban development.
EstorianYo’ña In 1962, typhoon Karen hit Guam, leaving Yo’ña with more destruction than any other village. The village had changed forever as an urban renewal project redesigned the village streets, restored damaged structures, and created many of the modern houses.
Mahot Ken Joe Ada 2013 – På’go
OfisiñaMahot Lugåt: 121 Sr. Eucharita street Yo’ña Guam 96915 Imel: yonamayor@guam.net Tilifon: 789-4798/789-1525
Ofisiåt Flores Chamoru: Flores Rosa English: Hibiscus Scientific: Hibiscus rosa- sinensis
Guma’ Yu’os San Francisco
Estorian Santos Saint Francis of Assisi was born in 1181 in Assisi, Umbria. He lived a good and rich life because of his father’s wealth and eventually gave up his wealth when God appeared to him in a dream. As God waited for Francis to convert, Francis had to wait for God. He slowly converted over time and as he was praying in an ancient, crumbling church in San Damiano, he heard Christ on the crucifix speak to him. He said to him, “Francis, rebuild my church.” Francis then gave up all he had, from his wealth, down to the clothes he wore on his back. Francis then started to preach and rebuild the whole Church, not only the church at San Damiano. Years of poverty and wandering had made Francis ill. He also began to go blind. Francis responded to blindness and suffering by writing the Canticle of the Sun. Francis, however, never recovered from his illness and died on October 4, 1226 at the age of 45. He is considered to be the founder of all Franciscan orders and is the patron saint of animals, ecologists, and merchants.
Santos Fiestan San Francisco: Gi fine’nena na Damenggo gi Oktubri San Francisco is the patron saint of animals, ecologists, and merchants.
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Tagachang Beach Park
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña M.U. Lujan Elementary School
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Leo Palace Resort
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Saint Francis Catholic School
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña KarabåoYo’ña
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Villa del Carmen
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Manenggon Memorial Foundation Peace Park
Empottånte siha na Lugåt gi Yo’ña Peredo’s General Merchandise Day Buy Day 7 Day Supermarket