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Lec 10, Ch.4, pp.121-127: Parking studies (objectives)

Lec 10, Ch.4, pp.121-127: Parking studies (objectives). Understand parking planning is an integral part of transportation planning Know the definition of parking terms Learn the methodology of parking studies Learn how to find out space requirements for a parking garage.

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Lec 10, Ch.4, pp.121-127: Parking studies (objectives)

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  1. Lec 10, Ch.4, pp.121-127: Parking studies (objectives) • Understand parking planning is an integral part of transportation planning • Know the definition of parking terms • Learn the methodology of parking studies • Learn how to find out space requirements for a parking garage

  2. What we cover today in class… • Why do we need to conduct parking studies • Types of parking facilities • Definition of terms related to parking studies • Steps of parking studies • Steps of analyzing parking data

  3. Parking needs

  4. Types of parking facilities On-street parking facilities: Parking bays alongside the curb Question: What kind of parking do we have in downtown Provo? Off-street parking facilities: Private vs. Public Surface lots vs. garages Self-parking vs. attendant-parking

  5. Definitions of parking terms

  6. Four steps of parking studies • Inventory of existing parking facilities • Collection of data on parking accumulation, parking turnover, and parking duration • Identification of parking generators • Collection of information on parking demand

  7. Info included in parking studies • Parker characteristics (when, where, why and how many people park) • Parking supply characteristics (number, location and cost of spaces, who provides and how spaces are controlled and used) • Parking needs for new or existing developments

  8. Demand Factors • Changes in population, motor vehicle registrations, and travel • Changes in CBD employment, floor space, new economic activity generators and loss of existing generators, competition from outlying areas • Economic factors relating to a specific parking project (competitive price changes, subsidies, development of competitive parking facilities) • Change in public transit availability, service and usage, or other changes in CBD accessibility • Public policies regarding parking and transit • Technology or science affecting transportation, new laws and regulations affecting motor travel, energy or fuel shortages, and community and national economic health

  9. Inventory of existing parking facilities • Type and number of parking spaces • Times of operation and limit on duration of parking • Type of ownership • Parking fees • Restrictions on use • Other restrictions (near bus stop, fire hydrant) • Probable degree of permanency

  10. Collection of parking data • Accumulation – checked about every 2-hr basis • Turnover and (max permissible) duration Demand fluctuates. No. of parked cars Time of day T = (No. of different vehicles parked)/ (No. of parking spaces)

  11. Identification of parking generators Spacial distribution, size of parking generators (trip attraction facilities), and available transportation modes affect the level of parking demand.

  12. Parking demand survey If you get 30% back, you are really fortunate. • Interview drivers on a typical weekday between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. • Or, give drivers a survey form Destination after parking Trip purpose Trip origin Arrival and departure Vehicle type

  13. Analysis of parking data • No. and duration for vehicles legally parked • No. and duration for vehicles illegally parked • Space-hours of demand for parking • Supply of parking facilities

  14. Parking demand estimation D = space vehicle-hours demand for a specific period of time (usually the duration the parking facility is open) N = number of classes of parking duration ranges (commuters, shoppers, business meetings, etc.“Class” means grouping of purpose and parking durations) ti = midparking (meaning “average” here) duration of the i-th class. ni = number of vehicles parked for the i-th duration range (meaning “class”)

  15. Parking supply estimation 10hrs j = 1, 2, 3,… Simply stated: S = f*tave/space*M S = practical number of space-hours of supply for a specific period of time M = number of parking spaces available tj = total length of time in hours when the j-th space can be legally parked on during the specific period f = efficiency factor to take into account the time lost during turnovers

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