Both pictures are doing the same things, three people sitting on stairs. My picture is more modern compared to Evans; also the people in Evans photo have masks on whereas mine don’t. I think both pictures represent boredom; because of their body language it shows that they have nothing to do and there fed up. So I gave my picture the same sort of look but I showed their faces.
I’ve made my boots very similar to the ones that Walker Evans has done, I done this because his picture is very confusing. There’s not much going on, so it makes people wonder why these boots are here. My boots look more modern because of the good condition they are in, both floorings are different, mine is a clean flat area whereas Evans are on a gritty floor and this could be showing that they are working boots because of the state and area they are in. Evans has used the rule of odd and even in this picture because of their only being a pair of boots it looks quite unnatural whereas if he added something else in the picture it would have made it more comfortable and natural.
Both pictures are showing sort of the same thing, I tried making mine as natural and similar as possible. I think that on both pictures the dog and boy are the main part of the image, so the first thing you will look at when you see this picture is them, you wouldn’t worry about the other things in the image until after you’ve looked at the boy and dog. My picture seems more modern and has totally different clothing and environment around the main attraction. Evans picture clearly states that it is very old because of the wooden flooring, chairs and house and the boys clothes don’t look like they would belong in these days. Whereas in my picture there is carpet and wallpaper, brick walls, modern chairs and modern clothes, which shows that my picture has been taken recently. Evans has captured a very good picture, the light shines all around the picture and this covers the boy’s facial features and lights up the rest of the picture.