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METIS FIRST TRAININN&SIMINAR. S.P.A Dr. Refaat Rashad Email: r_rashad@hotmail.com. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007. GNSS MARITIME APPLICATIONS. Bullet 1;MARITIME USERS Bullet 2;APPLICATION FIELDS Bullet 3;USERS REQUIREMENTS Bullet 4;CONCLUSIONS.
METIS FIRST TRAININN&SIMINAR S.P.A Dr. Refaat Rashad Email: r_rashad@hotmail.com METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
GNSS MARITIME APPLICATIONS • Bullet 1;MARITIME USERS • Bullet 2;APPLICATION FIELDS • Bullet 3;USERS REQUIREMENTS • Bullet 4;CONCLUSIONS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
MARITIME COMMUNITY 1 INTERNATIONA MARITIME ORGANIZATION METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
INTERNATIONA MARITIME ORGANIZATION • IMO • THE OBJECTIVE OF IMO IS TO ASSURE, • Safety of Lives • Safety of Cargo, Commodities and Trade • Safety of Ports and Maritime Infrastructure • Safety of Marine Life • Protection of Marine Environment and • Assurance of Clean Seas METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
INTERNATIONA MARITIME ORGANIZATION • IMO objectives are achieved through, • International Agreements, Conventions, Regulations, Rules, Recommendations, and Memorandum of Understandings. • All MEDA countries are members of IMO adopted basic conventions for, Safety, Security, and Environmental Protection. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
MARITIME USERS • International Maritime Organization (IMO) Classification • 1- SOLAS Ships • All ships involved in commercial operation and passenger ships irrespective to the size • 2- Non SOLAS ships • War and other Government ships used only on non commercial services • fishing vessels, coastal ships below 500 Grt. and vessels below 150 Grt. can be exempted from some regulations. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Navigation Requirement Performance • SOLAS ship should be fitted with Global Navigation Satellite System or terrestrial system, update ship position by automatic means. • 1998 resolution, was adopted for civil GNSS Internationally Operated METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Maritime Users METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Maritime Users METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
IALA • IALA is the International Association of Maritime Aids to Navigation and Lighthouses Authorities • ALAL is responsible for setting standards for Maritime Radio Navigation Services • IALA MEDA countries members are, Alger, Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Galileo Services Open Service (OS) Free Service; Mass Market Commercial (CS) Encrypted; Sub-metric Accuracy Navigation Open Service + Integrity and Authentication of Signal. Guaranteed Service Safety of Life (SoL) Encrypted; Integrity; Continuous Availability Public Regulated (PRS) Public Regulated (PRS) Search & Rescue Near real-time; Precise; Return link SAR METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Galileo Services Emergency Navigation Free Encrypted Open Access Open Service Commercial Public Regulated S&R Con. Integ Return Lin Simple Integrity Con. Integ. Precise METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
MARITIME COMMUNITY • SHIPS • PORTS • WATERWAYS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
PASSENGER AND CARGO SHIPS • GNSS cuts the cost of unnecessary drift off the course and provides the least time of voyage for passenger and cargo ships 5500 92000 METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
TANKERS • Tankers • Tonnage up to 500,000 Grt • of crud oil. • 363000 tankers • Navigating around the Glob METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
BULK CARRIERS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Oil Tankers METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
GAS CARIRIER METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
FISHING VESSELS • Thousands of fishing vessels use GNSS for locating their catches In 1995 the world fishing fleet numbered 3.8 million vessels METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
YHATS & LEUSIRE BOATS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
MARINE JETTY METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
TUG BOATES METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
ICE BREAKERS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
PORTS • Approaches to ports and navigational channels METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
CONTANER TERMINAL METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Not only container ships are fitted with GNSS but also each container may be fitted with GNSS to be located round trip METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
NARROW WATERWAYS • Narrow straits of Turkey METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Straits and Restricted Canals METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
NAVIGATION IN CONFIEND WATERWAYS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
NAVIGATION IN RESTRICTED WATERWAYS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Inland Navigation • Navigation in River Nile • Floating hotels METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Red Sea and River Nile METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Monitoring of Vessels in Particular Routs METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Hydrographic Operations METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Navigational Carts are extremely sophisticated process. • Safety of navigation relay on the accurate information and locations of fixed objects, coast line and navigational aids METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
NAUTICAL CHARTS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Underwater Applications • Soundings, side scan and bathymetric charts • Require highly accurate positioning system supported • By Local or Wide Augmentation System. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
SPECIAL MARINE OPERATION • Boundaries of dangerous and prohibited areas METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Navigation in confined and narrow waterways METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Precise locations of buoys METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
AUTOMATIC IDETIFICATION SYSTEM AIS is mandatory system For Solas ships, performance of the system depends on the accuracy Provided by GNSS It is a system enables ship to identify their names, particulars, direction, position and intention maneuvering in coastal and heavy trafficked areas provided by AIS METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
AISSpecial Requirement • Ships navigating in many areas, such as, ports, approach channels, canals and confined waterways, coastal areas, closed lakes, rivers, and inland waterways, irrespective to their sizes , types or flags may be requested by local authorities to be fitted with AIS transponders. • SOLAS ships ,mandatory ,to be equipped with system. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
AIS • Shall provide automatically, ship’s position and identify course and speed. • received automatically similar information from the ships equipped with AIS. • exchange data with ship/shore. METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Vessels Traffic And River Information Services • VTS and RIS are shore based centers provide navigation services in approaches of ports and Inland waterways METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Professional Applications • Using GNSS in measuring the changes of sea level and tidal observations • Dredging operations • Locating wrecks • Laying pipe lines • Salvage of sinking vessels • Dynamic positioning • Positioning of oil rigs • Fixing of Satellite sea launch platforms METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
Side scan supported by GNSS locates valuable wrecks METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007
METIS First Master Training& Seminar, Ifrane (Morocc),15,16.03.2007