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Qualitative Research Methods. IB Psychology H 2. Learning outcomes Theory and practice in qualitative research. Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data. Explain strengths and limitations of a qualitative approach to research.
Qualitative Research Methods IB Psychology H 2
Learning outcomesTheory and practice in qualitative research • Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data. • Explain strengths and limitations of a qualitative approach to research. • To what extent can findings be generalized from qualitative studies? • Discuss ethical considerations in qualitative research. • Discuss sampling techniques appropriate to qualitative research (for example, purposive sampling, snowball sampling). • Explain effects of participant expectations and researcher bias in qualitative research. • Explain the importance of credibility in qualitative research. • Explain the effect of triangulation on the credibility/trustworthiness of qualitative research. • Explain reflexivity in qualitative research.
Markbands for paper 3 • LOW The answer does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. - There is an attempt to answer the question, but knowledge and understanding is limited, often inaccurate, or of marginal relevance to the question. The response makes no direct reference to the stimulus material or relies too heavily on quotations from the text. • MIDThe question is partially answered. - Knowledge and understanding is accurate but limited. Either the command term is not effectively addressed or the response is not sufficiently explicit in answering the question. The response makes limited use of the stimulus material. • HIGHThe question is answered in a focused and effective manner and meets the demands of the command term. The answer is supported by appropriate and accurate knowledge and understanding of qualitative research methodology. The response demonstrates a critical understanding of qualitative research methodology applied to the stimulus material.
Sample Paper 3 questions 1. Discuss the issue of generalizing data obtained through this method of research? [10 marks] 2. What are the ethical issues involved when using this method of research? [10 marks] 3. Interviews formed a part of this study discuss advantages and disadvantages of the interview as a method in this study? [10 marks]
Qualitative/quantitative debate • Debate statement • Psychology is a science and must therefore achieve its goal of predicting and controlling human behavior. This can only be achieved if nomothetic quantitative data is the foundation of theories relating to the mind and human behavior.
Debate rubric 1. The speakers’ statements clearly supported their position in the debate. 5 4 3 2 1 2. The speakers’ statements appeared to be well researched and documented. 5 4 3 2 1 3. The speakers addressed the opposing team and made appropriate eye contact. 5 4 3 2 1 4. Arguments were presented with clarity and appropriate volume. 5 4 3 2 1 5. Speakers were well rehearsed with minimal reliance on notes. 5 4 3 2 1 6. Rebuttals were specific to opposing arguments and expressed with clarity. 5 4 3 2 1 7. Rebuttals showed evidence of good listening skills. 5 4 3 2 1 8. Concluding arguments and statements were effective and convincing. 5 4 3 2 1 9. Speakers adhered to the rules of the debate. 5 4 3 2 1 10. The overall collective effort of the debate team was effective. 5 4 3 2 1
To what extent can generalizations be made • Case study Kitty Genovese • Read the original newspaper report of the murder of Kitty Genovese. • This case stimulated research into pro-social behavior • Let’s listen • http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/science/case_study_20080507.shtml
Questions • Using Crane 346 identify the type(s) of generalizations which can be made from the case of Kitty Genovese. Justify your answer. • Evaluate this case study using MCEG • Examine research ( doc named scans on the portal) which followed this case. • List explicit findings which have been made regarding altruistic behavior which have emerged from the case. • Complete a key study sheet (portal) on Piliavin, Rodin and Piliavin (1969). • Answer the question from the syllabus- ‘to what extent can findings be generalized from qualitative studies?’ Explicit evidence from the Kitty Genovese case must be used to justify your answer.
Evaluation in Psychology MCEG Gender Equal no of M & F PPs? Can results be Generalised? Methodology Culture Ethics Controls? Variables? Reliability? Validity? Ecological validity? m From what culture are the PPs? Is it generalisable? Are PPs protected from psychological and physical harm? APA Guidelines followed?
Ethical considerations • Ethical considerations • Coolican - p615 identify ethics • Top 10 unethical experiments • http://listverse.com/2008/09/07/top-10-unethical-psychological-experiments/
Sampling exercise – avoid consuming participants • Exercises p59/60/69
Participant expectations and researcher bias Mini-presentations • Group 1 – Participant expectations and research expectancy • Group 2 – cultural bias • Group 3- Gender bias
In each group - Identify explicitly the nature of the assigned bias - Explain clearly the effects of the bias in qualitative research. - Provide a relevant analogy for your explanation. - Identify how the bias can be controlled. - Provide an example of a study that either exhibits the form of bias or one which has controlled it.
Return to debate-qualitative vs quantitative Exercise…………..credibility, triangulation, reflexivity. Identify the major characteristics of each of the above. Choose a song, skit, rap or drawing to identify these characteristics. Complete this sentence for each in your notes – - Credibility/triangulation/ reflexivity is like ___________ because____________.
Seminars • Test IB Questions • Worksheet on qualitative methods- observations, case studies and interviews • Seminars on methods- groups • Worksheet on qualitative methods- observations, case studies and interviews • Seminars on methods- groups