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Celebrating love. Sexual education at school in The Netherlands . Introduction. Claire Smit, teacher, special educational needs coördinator Rogier Tiel Groenestege teamleader, first grades. ‘Doctor Corry’. Sexual education at primary school. Sexual education at secondary school.
Celebrating love Sexual education at school in The Netherlands
Introduction Claire Smit, teacher, special educationalneeds coördinator Rogier Tiel Groenestege teamleader, first grades
‘Doctor Corry’ • Sexualeducation at primary school
Differencesbetweencountries in Europe Figuur 1: EU27 landen a met hoogste en laagste percentage 15-jarigen dat ooit geslachtsgemeenschap heeft gehad (Bron: Currie et al., 2008; HBSC survey-jaar 2005/2006). aIerland en Polen verzamelden geen gegevens over seksuele gezondheid. Ook gegevens voor Malta zijn niet meegenomen in de vergelijking vanwege verschillen in vraagstelling. http://www.nationaalkompas.nl/gezondheidsdeterminanten/leefstijl/seksueel-gedrag/verschillen-internationaal/
Statements Sexualeducationshouldn’tbe part of te school the schoolprogram. It’s the parentstasktoinform the children. Sexueladucationencouragessexualactivity in adolescents. The Netherlands are well knownfortheirstraightforwardand open culture. Thatswhysexueleducationcanbe a part of the curriculum. This is notpossible in our country / culture Homosexualety is a regarded as normalandaccepted in our society. Itsnormal subject todiscusswithstudents.