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Linda Hunt, Program Director, Product Management and Strategy. Optim Query Capture and Replay Accelerate testing and deploy with confidence. Please note.
Linda Hunt, Program Director, Product Management and Strategy Optim Query Capture and Replay Accelerate testing and deploy with confidence
Please note IBM’s statements regarding its plans, directions, and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice at IBM’s sole discretion. Information regarding potential future products is intended to outline our general product direction and it should not be relied on in making a purchasing decision. The information mentioned regarding potential future products is not a commitment, promise, or legal obligation to deliver any material, code or functionality. Information about potential future products may not be incorporated into any contract. The development, release, and timing of any future features or functionality described for our products remains at our sole discretion. Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon many factors, including considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user’s job stream, the I/O configuration, the storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an individual user will achieve results similar to those stated here. IBM Confidential
Agenda • Overview • Architecture • IBM Differentiation • Client Stories and Success • What’s new? • Questions
Business Challenge • Challenges of lifecycle management • Realistic testing relieves lifecycle management challenges • Example scenarios: • Upgrading to new DB2 versions and maintenance updates • Performance Validation, Tuning and Troubleshooting • Deeper data layer testing to complement application stakeholder testing • Migrating from Oracle Database to IBM DB2 • Upgrade or Migrating the operating system
Business impact of deployment day disastersThe *real* cost of production outages Delays due to extra testing cycles Loss of customer satisfaction Higher Costs $90,000 - $6.4M USD Per hour cost of production outage Information Weekb 60% of availability & performance errors result from misconfigurationse 59% Of Fortune 500 companies experience a minimum of 1.6 hours of downtime/ weekaccording to IT Directora $10,000 USD Per minute cost of production outage Gartner reportc $2.8M USD Average cost of production downtime IBM Global Business Servicesd a. IT Director: Assessing the Financial Impact of Downtime, August 2009 b. Information Management Magazine: How much does downtime really cost?, April 2010 c. Gartner Report: The Challenges and Approaches of Establishing IT Infrastructure Monitoring SLAs in IT Operations, September 2010 d. IBM Global Business Services: Managing unplanned IT outages, January 2010 e. Costs and Scope of Unplanned Outages
IBM InfoSphere Optim Query Capture and Replay Capture production workloads and replay them in testing environments Requirements Record and replay SQL Application Source Database • Minimize unexpected production problems • Shorten testing cycles • Develop more realistic database testing scenarios Record InfoSphere Optim Query Capture and Replay Benefits TestDatabase • Identify database problems sooner with validation reports and performance tuning • Use actual production workloads for testing rather than fabricated scenarios • Extend quality testing efforts to include the data layer Play Note: Capabilities can vary across DB vendors PureData - System for Analytics (Netezza) PureData – System for Operational Analytics – Single coordinator node 6
Enable realistic testing using actual production workloads Deploy Change DB2 for z/OS DB2 for z/OS SQL Replay Capture Application Production System Test System Optim Query Capture and Replay • Original application timing • Order of execution • Transaction boundaries • Isolation levels • Performance metrics • Key SQL & application characteristics 7
InfoSphere Optim Query Capture and Replay Architecture Overview Remote Applications Local Applications Production Database SQL SQL S-TAP Query Capture and Replay (OQCR) Server Test Database SQL S-TAP 8 • S-TAP • Installed on database server • Intercepts database traffic • OQCR server • Software component running in appliance • Processes, replays and analyzes workloads • User interfaces • Browser-based • Administrative command line interface
Coexistence w/ Guardium Database Activity Monitor • Optim Query Capture and Replay Appliance/Collector • Log Full Details • Guardium Data Base Activity Montior Appliance/Collector • Monitor Priv Users • Ignore Session • Log Full Details on Sensitive Objects Only select * from sensitive_info select * from sensitive_info select * from sensitive_info Database Server select * from sensitive_info S-TAP Database All collectors receive the same information Each collector stores all or just a portion of the overall information collected Policy filters on collectors determines what information to store
Extending performance analysis with database tools Capture Prepare Replay Compare and Analyze 10
IBM Differentiation DB2 for z/OS -> DB2 for z/OS is an IBM Exclusive offering Broadest platform support on distributed platforms: DB2 LUW, Informix, Netezza, Oracle DB, Teradata, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, MySQL Exact Solutions iReplay does not support Local Replay Note: for DB2 for z/OS source, target can only be DB2 for z/OS Performance and scalability
Use case and client mapping Reduce Risk • Realistic workloads not fabricated workloads • Identify problem areas before production deployment • Increased visibility Deploy on time • Create tests from months to days • Conserve need for mainframe resources • Reduced test cycle time Within budget/Increased Productivity • No laborious script creation / Application setup • Automated repetitive tasks • Extended support / Cost of OS
Life Insurance and Financial Services – With the growing business, this company wants to not only support growing customer base but also innovate on latest technology to help its business team roll out new products and services to expand to new clients Link to the case study http://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/ecm/en/xsc03098fren/XSC03098FREN.PDF Need • It takes 4 years fo the tech team to upgrade databases across the enterprise • Lack of test rigor have resulted in production instability • Benefits • Reduced Risk with realistic testing using actual patterns of transactions for test to help ensure a stable upgrade • Establish repeatable process across the database instances while also not increasing labor effort 14 14
Global Bank DBA global team wants to upgrade to new capabilities but Line of Business resistant to any infrastructure change due to risk of sluggishness or downtime Need • Lack of test rigor in testing upgrades and patches resulting in limited functional testing and no performance testing • Difficult to get application owner’s time • Benefits • Establish repeatable process across database and reduce effort from a month to a week across hundreds of databases. • Accelerate time to value by Increasing LOB confidence with deeper level testing across database instances • Leverage existing Guardium platform for testing 15 15
Use Case 2: Data layer testing for Packaged applications (e.g. SAP) 16
Electrical Component Company relies on SAP as their business critical application interconnecting with other business critical applications. Need • Creating and configuring a SAP instance is very labor intensive. • As a result, testing with new DB2 versions and maintenance packs is labor intensive and gaps exists in testing methodology and what is actually occurring in production. • When issues occur, it is very time consuming to troubleshoot the issue • Benefits • Risk avoidance of $400K+ /hour with deeper level testing without creating and configuring an SAP instance • Improved troubleshooting by over 50% 17 17
Large Brokerage Firm – The first minutes of the opening of the market and last minutes of close of market are the two most critical periods of the day Need • Zero outage initiative • Inability to create tests that mirror distributed workloads to validate the hot standby can meet the performance needs Benefits • Risk avoidance of $1M+/hour with ability to validate performance of hot standby • Ability to create realistic tests of distributed workloads in days where previously impossible • Single repeatable process for testing at the data layer across all subsystems 19 19
What’s New? • Optim Workload Replay for DB2 for z/OS v2.1 - GA October 25, 2013 • Name change effective 10/1/13 • Enhanced Coverage • Day 1 Support DB2 for z/OS v11 “Sequoia” GA • Full LOB/XML support 32KB – (partial support available today) • Enhanced language support: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Brazilian • Enhanced Usability • Ability to filter capture during replay • Ability to Export and Import workloads from one appliance to another • View report after Transform • View report after Capture • Enhanced Scalability and Performance • Enhanced Scalability • Enhanced STAP performance • Optim Workload Replay v2.1 12/13/13 EGA (Dist) • Name Change effective 12/10/13 • Enhanced Coverage • Full LOB/XML support 32KB – (partial support available today) • Enhanced language support: Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Brazilian • Enhanced Usability • DB2: Connections reuse • DB2:Ability to Export and Import workloads from one appliance to another • Enhanced scalability
Conferences IDUG Barcelona Mon Oct 14th, DB2 NEXT ESP - The process of verifying the performance and accesspath selection in a new DB2 version, Frank Petersen, JN Data IOD Mon Nov 4th, ILM-2382InfoSphere Optim Workload Replay: Accelerate database deployment and automate database testing Wed Nov 6th, IDB-1265Preparing for IBM DB2 Migration: How to Monitor, Capture and Replay Your Workload on the Target System Thu Nov 7th, IDZ-3757 Improve the quality and efficiency of your DB2 for z/OS migrations with the right tools and best practices
SummaryFeel confident before you flip the switch How do you test infrastructure changes? How long does it take you to upgrade across the enterprise? Optimize and improve end user satisfaction Increase Productivity Build confidence and lower risk Reduce Testing Effort from month(s) to days per instance Increase Ensure well tuned, high performing workloads before deployment Establish robust testing processes
Downtime costs - $$$ Downtime Cost of downtime can vary by industry and can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars per hour Financial Impact of Downtime Per Hour Sources: Robert Frances Group Per IDC, a major hotel supplier who has used this type of solution has said “The ROI .. was in avoiding potential problems in the future; if the company has an outage, the cost to downtime with its core transactional system can be $1+ million per hour” Source: IDC 236616 12/2012 I D C M a r k e t S c a p e : W o r l d w i d e E n t e r p r i s e A u t o m a t e d S o f t w a r e Q u a l i t y 2 0 1 2 – 2 0 13 V e n d o r A n a l y s i s — D r i v i n g M u l t i m o d a l I n n o v a t i o n w i t h T e s t i n g P o r t f o l i o S t r a t e g i e s