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The Stormy 60’s

The Stormy 60’s. Sexual revolution Civil Rights struggles Anti-war protests Assassinations of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy Feminist revolution Youth culture. Youngest president establishes youngest cabinet Attorney General = Robert “Bobby” Kennedy

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The Stormy 60’s

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  1. The Stormy 60’s • Sexual revolution • Civil Rights struggles • Anti-war protests • Assassinations of John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy • Feminist revolution • Youth culture

  2. Youngest president establishes youngest cabinet Attorney General = Robert “Bobby” Kennedy Biggest opponent = J. Edgar Hoover, FBI director Why Bobby begins to have FBI investigate organized crime Bobby wants FBI to start getting involved in Civil Rights Defense Department= Robert McNamara ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. JFK and Cabinet

  3. Abroad Peace Corps- an army of idealistic and mostly youthful volunteers to bring American skills to underdeveloped countries JFK and the “New Frontier”

  4. In congress- Southern Demos threaten to team up with Reps, shut down any New Frontier Deals (medical assistance for old, and federal aid to education) Expands house rules committee But bills remain stalled in congress New Frontier at Home

  5. Economy Restore economy after Eisenhower recessions However, almost immediately into his term, steel managementannounced great price increases, igniting the fury of the president, but JFK also heard fiery attacks by big business against the New Frontier. People worried about free enterprise quit complaining when JFK slashes taxes New Frontier at Home

  6. Space program Multi billion dollar project to get to the moon Tells public, show that we can rise to challenges and expand human possibilities In reality- wants to get up on USSR in space race (Sputnik) 1969- Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, land on the moon New Frontier at Home

  7. 1961- FDR meets Khrushchev Khrush makes threats on cutting Western Access to Berlin, JFK won’t be bullied Berlin wall constructed in 1961 Done to stop East Berliners from going to west Stands for 3 decades West calls it the Wall of Shame Rumblings in Europe

  8. What makes it prosper 1. Marshall Plan 2. European Economic Community (EEC), foundation of European Union Trade Expansion Act 1962 Cuts tariffs by as much as 50% in EEC countries (Common Market) Led to Kennedy Round of tariff negotiations- even better trade with W. Euro Beginnings of globalization Western Europe

  9. French leader Charles de Gaulle was one who was suspicious of the U.S., and he rejected Britain’s application into the Common Market. (Atlantic Community) France says US unreliable in crisis, develop own Nukes Western Europe

  10. In civil war US dumped money on them but didn’t help US worried about domino theory JFK doesn’t want to send troops Geneva Conference of 1962- establishes “shaky” peace in Laos Laos

  11. Shifting away from Massive Retaliation New Strategy = “flexible response” Develop an array of military options that can be matched with the gravity of the situation Increased military spending Green Berets Laos’s impact on Foreign Policy

  12. Problem with flexible response Could mean less diplomacy, and more force Steps of use of force Vietnam demonstrates these problems The Vietnam Quagmire

  13. Corrupt right-wing, pro-US government in South Vietnam. Diem Communists in the south, Viet-Cong, waging guerrilla civil war. Late 1961 Kennedy sharply increases US military advisors. 1963- US coup outs No Dinh Diem Ironic- US was supposed to ensure political stability, instead caused instability The Vietnam Quagmire

  14. US foreign policy in “underdeveloped world” Underdeveloped nations could develop into modern industrial and democratic nations by following the West’s path Walt Rostow- The Stages of Economic Growth 1960 Modernization Theory

  15. Latin American starts to resent US 1961 Alliance For Progress- basically Marshall plan for Latin America Shorten income gap between Latin American and US, thus quiet communists agitation Poor results- too little too late Our Southern Neighbors

  16. During Eisenhower, US makes plans to topple Castro, JFK continues on with them CIA plans to topple government, with help of anti- Castro rebels Bay of Pigs Invasion = huge failure Cuban Confrontations

  17. BofP and assassination attempts on Castro force him into Soviet hands 1962- US spy planes finds out USSR is installing nuclear tipped missile in Cuba (90 miles away) Cuban Confrontations

  18. USSR- missiles are to stop US in Cuba, and blackmail US into backing down in Berlin and elsewhere 1962- JFK naval quarantine on Cuba, attack from Cuba would result in nuclear retaliation against USSR “Nuclear Chicken” Cuban Confrontations

  19. The whole world watches on edge Compromise- Soviets pull missiles out of Cuba, US promises not to invade Cuba US secretly removed weapons from Turkey, which were aimed at Soviets Cuban Confrontations

  20. Khrushchev forced out of power Kremlin begins an aggressive program of military expansion; New Arms Race Democrats gain in the midterm elections. Kennedy begins to push for arms control and greater communications between Russia and the US. Hotline Ban on above-ground nuclear tests agreed to in 1963 Kennedy urges Americans to live with the Soviets as they are and find a method of peaceful coexistence. Origins of the policy of Détente. Results of the Cuban Missile Crisis

  21. JFK promised to end racial discrimination in house “with a stroke of the pen” Very slow in acting Ink for Jack protests- civil rights groups send him pens JFK hesitate because has little control over congress, and needs southern Democrats to support economic and social legislation (education and medical) JFK and civil rights

  22. Sit in movements strong Freedom riders start to challenge segregation in public (interstate) busing Violent resistance in Anniston and Montgomery Have to dispatch Federal Marshals to protect Freedom Riders CRM in the 1960’s

  23. JFK and Robert worried that MLK advisors could have communists ties, wiretap King’s phone Otherwise JFK and MLK have strong relationship CRM in 1960’s

  24. Voter Education Project Encouraged by Robert, backed by Kennedy’s private foundations, SNCC and other civil rights groups Purpose- register south’s disenfranchised black CRM 1960’s

  25. James Meredith- 1st Af. Am. Student to enroll in Unv. Of Miss. 1962 Much opposition- JFK has to send federal marshals and troops CRM 1960’s

  26. 1963- Birmingham Alabama, most segregated big city Blacks = 50% of population, but only 15% of voters 1975- 1963- “Bombingham” 50 cross burnings and 18 bomb attacks Much opposition police use, fire hoses, attack dogs, electric cattle prods All is seen on TV CRM 1960’s

  27. JFK, doesn’t turn blind eye like Eisenhower, makes speech advocating new civil rights legislation August 63, MLK marches on Washington, with 200,000 in support of new legislation CRM 1960’s

  28. Still problems Night of JFK speech, Medgar Evers shot (CRM leader) 1963- Church Explosion killing four black girls CRM leaders are getting frustrated by slow pace CRM 1960’s

  29. Nov 22 1963- JFK is shot is assassinated in Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald Days later, Jack Ruby kills Lee Harvey Oswald Bizarre events trigger investigation known as the Warren Commission Death of JFK

  30. JFK selected Lyndon B. Johnson to appease southern Democrats Lot of tension between “the Harvards” and Southern Demos LBJ one of last people to know about death of JFK Death of JFK

  31. Early career, big fan of FDR 1941 Senate race (TX) LBJ realizes liberals don’t win down south Turns conservative 1948 Senate race- runs as a conservative, wins easily “Landslide Lyndon” Very in your face style, known as “Johnson Treatment” LBJ before presidency

  32. Civil Rights Act 1964 Prohibits discrimination in facilities open to the public Strengthened power to end segregation in schools Created federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Prevents both race and gender discrimination.(Affirmative Action) Southern Senators try to kill with a lengthy filibuster Johnson launches a war on poverty designed to help those not yet getting the benefits of America’s vast wealth. Dubbed the Great Society Program. Medicare/Medicaid central pillar LBJ’ Great Society

  33. Demos- LBJ Republicans nominate Senator Barry Goldwater very, very conservative. Strongly anti-red, strongly anti-New Deal. Believes in small national government (Jeffersonian) Wanted American field commanders to have authority to use tactical nukes in the battle field Election of 1964

  34. Democrats play up image that Goldwater is trigger happy Tonkin Gulf Episode- US secretly has ships patrolling N. Vietnam, S. Vietnam shoots down US ships LBJ response- “limited” retaliatory raid- thus making Goldwater look the opposite Daisy Commercial Tonkin Gulf Resolution-gives president unlimited authority to defend US forces and members of SEATO Election of 1964

  35. Election of 1964

  36. Demos majorities in both houses, conservative Southerners see writing on the wall Congress pushes mass legislation, sim to 100 days Continues War on Poverty- EEOC gets 2 billion, 1 billion to Trans App area. Created the Dept. of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development. Names the first Black cabinet secretary—Robert Weaver Creates national Endowment for the arts. Great Society Congress

  37. 4 landmarks of legislation Four legislative achievements at heart of Great Society: Federal Aid to Education Medicare for the Elderly/Medicaid for the Poor Immigration Reform Voting Rights Act Medicare and Medicaid provide medical insurance at governmental expense for elderly and poor Medicare and Medicaid join social security and unemployment insurance as part of social safety net. M and M based on entitlements, part of “rights” revolution, helps out millions of Americans, but hurts Federal Government’s financial health Great Society Congress

  38. Abolishes quota system Doubles number of Immigrants allowed 1st time set limits on immigration from Western Hemisphere Family Unification clause Immigration and Nationality Act 195

  39. Conservatives say government money was wasted But Poverty rate on the decline Medicare eases poverty rates of old people Head Start programs helps impoverished youth obtain education Great Society

  40. Voting Rights Act of 65 is huge in attacking racism Literary test, poll taxes, Miss Law 24 amendment bans poll taxes 1964 becomes Freedom Summer- massive push for voter registration Battling for Black Rights

  41. June 64- CR activists murdered, 21 Mississippians (including sheriff) put on trial, but white juries wouldn’t convict MLK takes on Selma Alabama LBJ “we shall overcome” signs Voting Rights Act of 1965- outlaws literacy tests, sends voter registrars to south Huge social changes, politicians have to start catering to black vote, African Americans begin migrating back to the south Battling for Black Rights

  42. VRA of 65 marks end of nonviolent demonstrations Focus on integrating blacks into society 5 days later Watt Riots occur in LA Watts Riot mark a new more militant phase in Civil Rights movement, now sometimes aimed at black separatism Black Power

  43. New ldrs mock MLK Malcolm X- Nation of Islam, black separatism Black Panther Party (militant) forms in Oakland Stokely Carmichael begins preaching black power To some, it meant that African American should exercise new political and economic gains, speed up integration To others- separatists message, complete rejection of white culture Black Power

  44. 1967 riot in Newark NJ Detroit Michigan LA Riots anger and shock white Americans Race problem in the North as well Blacks now focus on economic issues Black Power

  45. Memphis Tennessee 1968 MLK JR is shot by James Earl Ray More riots ensue Blacks quietly entering voter polls- more blacks entering politics, schools begin integrating at quicker rates Death of a Legend

  46. Dominican Republic rebels against govt., LBJ says its Castro influenced, sends troops, commie takeover exaggerated, LBJ takes a popularity hit in US and Latin America LBJ and commie threat

  47. Viet Cong bombs American base in S. Vietnam Orders retaliatory bombing raids (1st time) known as Operation Rolling Thunder Felt step by step escalation of American forces would drive Viet Cong back LBJ and Commie Threat

  48. South Vietnam are guests of own war, America forces take more control, while S. Nam goes through corrupt governments 1968- LBJ puts another half million troops, and war budget exceeds 30 billion LBJ and Commie Threat

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