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Zero Knowledge Proofs of Identity. Uriel Feige Amos Fiat Adi Shamir The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. A. S. M. Hasan Mahmud. How Do We Prove Our Knowledge. Alice: “I know the secret word to open a magic door in a cave. I will sell it to you”. Bob: “No, you don’t.”
Zero Knowledge Proofs of Identity UrielFeigeAmos FiatAdi Shamir The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel A. S. M. Hasan Mahmud
How Do We Prove Our Knowledge Alice: “I know the secret word to open a magic door in a cave. I will sell it to you”. Bob: “No, you don’t.” Alice: “Yes, I do.” Bob: “Do not!” Alice: “Do too!” Bob: “Prove it!” Alice: “All right. I’ll tell you.” She whispers in Bob’s ear. Bob: “That’s interesting. Now I know it, too. I will not pay you. I’m going to tell The Washington Post.”
Zero Knowledge Proofs - ZKP • Alice knows a secret • Bob will pay for the secret but not until he is sure that she really knows it. • Alice wants to prove her knowledge to Bob but she doesn’t want to reveal the secret
Interactive Zero Knowledge Proof • Informally, an interactive proof is a protocol between two parties • Prover, tries to prove a certain fact to the other party called the Verifier. • Interactive Zero Knowledge proof has 3 steps
Zero Knowledge Proofs - Commitment • Alice and Bob label the left and right paths from the entrance as A and B • Bob waits outside • Alice randomly takes either path A or B
Zero Knowledge Proofs - Challenge • Victor enters the cave and shouts the name of the path he wants her to use to return, either A or B, chosen at random.
Zero Knowledge Proofs - Response • If Alice is on side A she simply returns • If she was on side B, She opens the cave door with her magic word and comes through A
ZKP - Cheating • What if Alice does not know the secret word ? • Bob chooses path A or B at random • 50% chance of cheating • To decrease the probability of cheating, Alice and Bob repeat this 3 steps t times • Probability of cheating is
Properties of a ZKP • A ZKP must satisfy 3 property • completeness property • Given an honest prover and an honest verifier, the protocol succeeds with overwhelming probability • The verifier accepts the prover’sclaim. • soundness property • A dishonest provercannot convince an honest verifier except with some small probability
Properties of a ZKP (cont’d) • zero-knowledge property • Proverdoes not release any information about the secret knowledge. • Participation in the protocol does not increase the chances of subsequent impersonation
Quadratic Residues • y is called a quadratic residue(QR) modulo n • If there exists an integer x such that x2= y mod n • x is called the square root mod n of y • Example: • mod 15: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (residues in bold) • 72 = 22= 4 mod 15 • 92= 6 mod 15
Quadratic Residuosity Problem • Given y, is there any x such that x2 = y mod n ? • This problem is HARDfor large n (1024 bit … ) • Equivalent to finding the prime factorization of n • if n = pq, where p and q are primes, then its easy to determine
SendY1 … Ykand X1 ... Xk Alice 3 Bob ZKP – Prime Factorization • Alice claims that she knows prime factorization of a large number n • How can she prove it to Bob 1 2 4 Alice generates Random number Y1 .. Yk Computes Xi such that Xi2= Yi mod n Bob checks whether Xi2= Yi mod n Should Bob be convinced ? No, Alice can cheat. Alice can generate Xi first then compute Yi
SendY1 … Yk to Alice • SendX1 ... Xkto Bob Alice 2 4 Bob ZKP – Prime Factorization (Cont’d) 3 1 5 Computes Xi such that Xi2= Yi mod n Generates Random number Y1 .. Yk Bob checks whether Xi2= Yi mod n Should Bob be convinced ? Yes, But Bob can cheat
SendY1 … Yk to Alice • SendX1 ... Xkto Bob Alice 2 4 Bob ZKP – Prime Factorization (Cont’d) 3 1 5 Generates Random number R1 ... Rkand computes Y1.. Yksuch that Ri2= Yi mod n. Depending on whether Ri == Xi Bob can find out the prime factorization of n (with a very high probability), i.e. prime number p and q such that n=pq Computes Xi such that Xi2= Yi mod n
Send h(X1) ... h(Xk) • h is a one way function (Hash) • Send Y1 … Yk to Alice Alice 2 4 Bob ZKP – Prime Factorization (Cont’d) 3 1 5 Generates Random number R1 ... Rkand computes Y1.. Yksuch that Ri2= Yi mod n. Computes Xi such that Xi2= Yi mod n Checks whether h(Ri) == h(Xi)
ZKP- Quadratic Residue • Alice claims to know S, a square root mod n of y • S2= Y mod n • She wants to prove her knowledge to Bob using ZKP • She does not want to reveal S • Both Y and n are known to Bob and Alice
SendX1 and X2 to Bob • Square root mod n of X1 ? • Sends R1 Alice 6 7 3 Bob ZKP – Quadratic Residue(Cont’d) 5 Randomly picks either X1 or X2and asks Alice to supply a square root of it. Let’s say Bob picked X1 1 Chooses a random number R1 such that R1* R2 = S and gcd(R1, n) = gcd(R2, n) =1 2 8 4 Checks whether X1* X2 == Y Checks whetherX1= R12 mod n? Computes X1 = R12 mod n X2= R22mod n Note: S2= Y= (R1* R2)2= X1* X2 mod n Bob can not ask square root mod n of both X1and X2. Why ? Alice can Cheat
Sends R1 • SendX1 and X2 to Bob • Square root mod n of X1 ? Alice 6 3 7 Bob ZKP – Quadratic Residue(Cont’d) 5 Randomly picks either X1 or X2and asks Alice to supply a square root of it. Let’s say Bob picked X1 8 2 1 4 Checks whether X1* X2 == Y Checks whetherX1= R12mod n ? Finds another value X2such that, X1* X2 ==Y Note: Finding R2 such that X2= R22mod n is hard. Alice does not know S Chooses a random number R1and Computes X1 = R12 mod n But if bob picked X2, Alice will not be able to deliver R2, 50% chance
ZKP – Quadratic Residue(Cont’d) • Alice and Bob repeat this protocol ttimes • Probability that Alice is cheating is • This protocol is the basic building block of Feige-Fiat-Shamir’s Zero Knowledge Proof of Identification scheme
A Real Case Study • Someone set up a fake automatic teller machine at a shopping mall. • When a person inserted a bank card, the machine recorded the information • Responded with the message that it could not accept the card. • The thieves then made counterfeit bank cards and went to legitimate teller machines and withdrew cash. • Smart cards are getting popular • How to prevent identity theft?
Zero Knowledge Proof of Identity • Alice has an identity • She wants to identify herself to Bob • She does not want to reveal her identity • Instead of giving her identity to Bob, she will prove that she knows her identity
Fun Fact About This Paper!! • Best known zero knowledge proof of identity • On 1986, they submitted a US patent application • Potential military and commercial application • Patent office respond with a “secrecy order” • Disclosure of this material is dangerous to national security. • Otherwise, 2 years imprisonment or $10K fine or both • Criticism from academic community and press • Removed the secrecy order later
I={I1, … Ik } Trent T (KDC) Alice 4 Feige-Fiat-Shamir’s identification scheme 1 2 3 5 Publishes n = pq , where p and q are two large prime number (512 bit). Keeps p and q secret. Publishes I1, … Ik Chooses k random number S1, … Skin Zn. This numbers are her identity. gcd(Si, n) =1 Computes I1, … Iksuch that, Alice keeps S1, … Sksecret
Y • SendXto Bob • E (= E1… Ek) Alice 4 2 6 Bob Feige-Fiat-Shamir’s identification scheme(cont’d) 7 Checks whether 5 1 3 0 Computes Prepares a k bit random Boolean vector E (= E1… Ek) , Ej= 0 or 1 Chooses a random number Rand Computes X = ± R2mod n S = {S1, … Sk} – Identity I = {I1, … Ik } Note:
I = {4,11,16} Trent T (KDC) Alice 4 Example 1 2 3 5 Publishes n = 35 = 5*7 Publishes I = {4,11,16} 35 I= {4, 11, 16} Chooses S={3,4,9} as her secret key/identity. K = 3 .
Y = 17 • X=11 • E=6 (110) Alice 4 2 6 Bob Example(cont’d) 7 Checks whether = 172 × 4 × 11 mod 35 = 11 == X 5 1 3 0 Prepares a 3 bit random Boolean vector E = 6 (110) Chooses a random number R=16and Computes X = 162mod 35 =11 S = {3,4,9} - Identity I = {4,11,16} Computes = (16 × 3 × 4 ) mod 35 = 17
X=14 • E=6 (010) • Y = 7 Alice 4 6 2 Bob Alice Can Cheat !!! 1 7 Computes X for any Random Y=7 = 72 × 11 mod 35 = 14 Checks whether = 72 × 11 mod 35 = 14 == X 3 0 Prepares a 3 bit random Boolean vector E = 2 (010) S = {3,4,9} - Identity I = {4,11,16} E = 2 = (010) – Correct guess
Security • Alice can still cheat • If she can correctly guess E of step 4 • Can compute the X for any random Y at step 7 before the start of the protocol. • Does not need to know secret keys • Probability of correct guessing 2-k (since, |E|=k) • Bob repeats the protocol t times • Probability of cheating is 2-kt
Security (cont’d) • Security relies on the difficulty of finding the square root mod of a large composite number n=pq. • This Protocol, relative to a trusted center, is sound and zero knowledge proof of knowledge provided that k= O(log log n) and t=O(log n) • For n=21024, k=10 and t=1024 • Limited computational power required for an honest prover and verifier
Parallel version • Each of the step contains data for all t rounds simultaneously. • Security properties are same as the sequential version
Real World • Smart Card issuer generates S = {S1, … Sk} andI = {I1, … Ik} using a large composite n = pq • Keeps p and q secret • Publishes n andI = {I1, … Ik } • Embeds S = {S1, … Sk} and other information into the card
Real World (cont’d) • A microprocessor with limited computational power is embedded on the card • No one can read S = {S1, … Sk} directly • Only microprocessor can access them for computation • Card is built using some tamper free technology