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Searching for the lost baby orangutan in the Borneo Rainforest!. Click on the binoculars to start your adventure!.
Searching for the lost baby orangutan in the Borneo Rainforest! Click on the binoculars to start your adventure!
You're volunteer for the BOS (Borneo orangutan survival Australia) foundation. You heard about this dilemma and volunteered with your co-workers to brave the dangers of the rainforest to find this lonely orangutan. The mother has lost her baby and her health is decreasingas she fears for her baby. Start the adventure!
You have just entered the Borneo Rainforest There are three paths. What way do you go? Left Path Right Path Straight ahead
You found the baby orangutan! You save his life and get to take him back to his mother!
Wrong way! You’re face to face with an adult Clouded Leopard; a predator in the Borneo Rainforest. Slowly retreat out of the forest and call off the search for today
Wrong way! The foliageis too dense and overgrown for you to continue!
The path narrows. Go back and choose another path You go straight ahead
A snake crawls out from the shrubs and bites your leg Click on the face to find out what happens!
Your team of searchers rush out of the rainforest and take you to the nearest hospital.You recover however: You don’t find the baby orangutang
You walk along and see a Litoriainfrafrenata(giant tree frog) perched on a rock Continue searching You take a photo of it Click on camera to view photo!
You hear leaves rustling. The sound came from the right, off the path . You follow the sound, and go off the path to your right. You ignore the sound and continue walking
You see fruit scraps ahead, under a large tree. You ignore the fruit and head back to the path You follow the fruit and search the trees
You’re at a dead end, You think It’stoo late to keep searching and change direction. You have to give up for the night and head home. You head back, for one last look at where you hear the noise before You head home, giving up for the night
You find the baby orangutan. He is on the floor beside the tree. You are too late, he has been attacked by a predator. Find out what happened next
You call off the search and head home. You were unsuccessful in saving the orangutan and bringing him back to his mother.
The Giant Tree FrogLitoriainfrafrenata • Facts: • This is the worlds largest tree frog • When in distress, the giant tree frog makes a sound like “meow,” similar to a cat! • Its diet mainly consists of small insects • In the wild it can live for up to 10 years. Go back