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National Statistics Quality Review of UK Maritime Statistics

Explore the quality review of UK maritime statistics, including freight and sea passenger data collection, evaluation methods, and progress to date. Learn about survey control procedures, user needs, and emerging findings.

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National Statistics Quality Review of UK Maritime Statistics

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  1. National Statistics Quality Review of UK Maritime Statistics International Maritime Statistics Forum 16 April 2007 Jeremy Grove, UK DfT

  2. Overview • What are we reviewing? • Why & how are we reviewing it? • Progress: emerging findings

  3. What are we reviewing? • Maritime Freight and Sea Passenger Statistics collected under EU Directive 96/64/EC • Current system since 2000 - The Statistical Returns (Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Sea) Regulations 1997 (Statutory Instrument No. 2330) • Previously collected annual statistics from ports

  4. Freight data (MSD system)… • Major ports (>1 Mt) • Route/cargo detail – lines/agents (MSD1) • Port totals – ports (MSD2, MSD2X) • Minor ports • Total tonnage in/out (MSD5)

  5. ……freight data…… • Initial chasing & validation by collection agent (BMT Reliability plc) • Oracle data repository and Access database • Data submission methods

  6. ….still freight data (yawn) • BMT send data weekly to DfT • Further quality and credibility checks at DfT • Aggregation of route and port data • Eurostat ‘mirror’ checks

  7. Sea passengers • 30+ ferry operators • 20+ cruise lines • 1 page monthly return • Easy!

  8. Publications and outputs • Maritime Statistics (Oct) • Provisional (May) • Sea Passenger bulletin (March) • Transport Statistics Great Britain (Sept) • Focus on Ports (2006) • Eurostat • DfT Web Site

  9. Why & how are we reviewing it? • Working well, but 6 years on • National Statistics Quality Review Programme • Survey Control Procedures } do both

  10. UK National Statistics Quality Review Programme (2000) • Key National Statistics subject to regular quality review: • meet user needs (consult) • meet quality standards • review methods (vs. other countries?) • identify areas for improvement • publish review & action plan, approved by “National Statistician”

  11. Survey Control procedures (1969) • All government surveys of businesses and local authorities to be reviewed every 5 years: • ensure necessary and appropriate • estimate survey compliance burden • ensure burden minimised • promote best practice in data collection

  12. Management of review • Published in Project Initiation Document (PID) www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/statistics/standardsreview/450ongoingreviews • Management • Project Board – users & data providers (JD, DG…) • Review Team • Report to National Statistician & Ministers

  13. Key Aims of Review • User needs & data quality • User survey – meetings & seminars • Data providers’ needs • Data provider survey • Process review • Internal & external review • Links with other data sets • Visits - interviews

  14. Progress to Date -Emerging Findings • User Survey • Data provider survey • Process review • Other data sets

  15. User Survey • 74 sent + PB + web site • > 40 returned (43%) J • Access: + pdf, + spreadsheet, (- paper) • Popular data: + containers, + major ports, (- fleets) • Many uses for data • Popularity of data - fulfilling need • Qualitative results – still to come

  16. …user survey - Gaps • Origin & destination – onward mode • Transhipment • Seasonal data • Timely data

  17. Data Provider Survey • 181 sent out • 105+ returned (58%) JJ • Compliance burden (c. £400k?) • Still to come: • Web-based form • Problem areas • Ideas for improvement • Helpline / web site feedback • Use of data

  18. Process reviews • So far largely confined to details • Reducing resource requirement (IT) • Improving data quality (checks) • Quarterly grossing • Enhance security & data provider feedback • Clearer delineation of contractor/DfT work

  19. Other data sources… • Trade Statistics (HM Revenue & Customs) • Mainly value based • Wide data set, but reducing • Intra-EU data very limited • Limited data overlap • Maritime & Coastguard Agency • Data collection to increase • No overlap • Very limited scope for cross-checking

  20. …other data sources • Port Community Systems • Help with some data gaps? • DfT ro-ro survey • ‘Merge’ data collection - done • More comparison of results • Other ideas • Container tracking? • Industry sources on sea passengers • Trade sources

  21. What Next? • April-May – complete analysis & draft report • June – Project Board considers report • Submitted to Ministers & National Statistician • Published on ONS web site • Carry out Action Plan

  22. Contact details Jeremy Grove UK Department for Transport Tel: +44 (0)20 7944 4441 jeremy.grove@dft.gsi.gov.uk or maritime.stats@dft.gsi.gov.uk www.transtat.dft.gov.uk

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