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Architecture Review Boards Foundation Commitment Review

Architecture Review Boards Foundation Commitment Review. Web Based Product Configurator And Data Service System. Fall 2012 Team 3 Nov. 2 nd , 2012. Internal Independent Verification and Validation. Jordan Padams. Agenda. Internal Independent Verification and Validation.

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Architecture Review Boards Foundation Commitment Review

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  1. Architecture Review BoardsFoundation Commitment Review Web Based Product Configurator And Data Service System Fall 2012 Team 3 Nov. 2nd , 2012

  2. Internal Independent Verification and Validation Jordan Padams

  3. Agenda Internal Independent Verification and Validation • Team Strong/Weak Points • Technical Concerns and Solutions • Operational Risks • WinWin Shaping Status • Project Evaluation

  4. Team Strong Points Internal Independent Verification and Validation • Operational View • Dev Team and Client Communication • Technical View • Prototype development

  5. Team Weak Points Internal Independent Verification and Validation • Operational View • Separation of concerns • Technical View • Experience • Web development • Embedded systems • Cellular technologies

  6. Technical Concerns Internal Independent Verification and Validation • Unknown requirements surrounding sensor telecom module • Prerequisite for data ingest service • Unsure what will/will not be included with module • Could effect requirements • Solution • Client understands risks • Leverage incremental commitment model • Prototype potential data ingest services

  7. Operational Risks Internal Independent Verification and Validation • Future System Maintainer Unknown • May not be web savvy • Mitigations • WYSIWYG interface for maintaining web content • Extensive documentation for system

  8. WinWin Shaping Status Internal Independent Verification and Validation • 10 Open WinCs • Known nice-to-have features • Evolutionary • 11 Agreed WinCs without issues • 7 Agreed WinCs with issues

  9. Project Evaluation Internal Independent Verification and Validation • SCS – Highly involved, enthusiastic • Precedentedness – Low/Nominal • Communication • Email • Telecons • join.me • Skills and experience are adequate

  10. Operational Concept Description JiZhou Lu

  11. Agenda Operational Concept Description • System purpose • Shared vision -Benefit-chain diagram -System boundary • Proposed new system • Desired capabilities and goals

  12. System Purpose Operational Concept Description • Our client Somatis, a start-up company • They sell hardware solutions in the robotic and sensor industry • The sales and After-sale service need support by our system • To increase customer satisfaction, company reputation, sales and profits

  13. Benefit-Chain Diagram – Part I Operational Concept Description

  14. Benefit-Chain Diagram – Part II Operational Concept Description

  15. System Boundary Operational Concept Description

  16. Current Company Business Workflow Operational Concept Description

  17. Proposed New Business Workflow – Part I Operational Concept Description

  18. Proposed New Business Workflow – Part II Operational Concept Description

  19. Desired Capability Goals Operational Concept Description

  20. Desired Level of Service Goals Operational Concept Description

  21. Desired Organizational Goals Operational Concept Description • Increase profits for the company. • Increase data availability of sensor data service. • Further increase efficiency of data management. • Increase flexibility of sensor module features, strengthen the communication with the system. • Create marketing tools

  22. Requirements QiuYang Liu

  23. Agenda Requirements Requirements for Three Major Components • Sensor Data Service • Data Ingestion Module • Data Manipulation Module • Sensor Configurator • Website Improvement

  24. Data Ingestion Module Requirements • System can store incoming data to database • Customer have X MB data for free, and is able to purchase more • Notification to users based on sensor events

  25. Data Manipulation Module Requirements • Export data to external files, i.e. CSV • View, Search and Manage Data

  26. Sensor Configurator Requirements • Customer login by personal username and password • Novice: • Customer s will be guided by list of questions • Most suitable combination will be selected • Expert: • All of the sensor parts will be listed with detail specs • Customer will be able to tailor the product at will • Notification to sales department • Order confirmation emails

  27. Website Improvement Requirements • Dynamic / Static Content update • Social Media Integration • User Forum • Customer Service • Discussion for products

  28. Miscellaneous Requirements • $2500 Budget • 2 Hours/month downtime for database • 10 concurrent user • Maximum 50% downtime for website • Support major browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox and Safari)

  29. Prototype Xianan Fan

  30. Agenda • Website Mock-up Design • Wordpress Based Homepage • Initial Configurator Prototype • Initial Data Ingest Service Prototype

  31. Balsamiq Mock-up Homepage • Win Conditions: • View Dynamic Content • View Static Content

  32. Balsamiq Mock-up Data Manager Page • Win Conditions: • View and Search Ingested Data • Manage Data • Export Data to External Files

  33. Balsamiq Mock-up Mode Selection Page • Win Conditions: • Customize Product based on Expertise • Provide Different Customization Path (i.e. Questions VS. Detailed Specs)

  34. Balsamiq Mock-up Novice Mode • Win Conditions: • Guided by Questions in Novice Mode • Be able to Config Sensor, Com, Power Supply and Services

  35. Balsamiq Mock-up Expert Mode • Win Conditions: • Detailed Specs are Shown to Help Selection • Be able to Config Sensor, Com, Power Supply and Services

  36. Homepage Prototype Wordpress Based Homepage • Implemented in Wordpress • Unified theme • Features: • YouTube Integration for Company Introduction • Live Facebook Posts Support • Other Pages in Progress

  37. Configurator Prototype Configurator • Features: • Summary Updated in Real Time • Tabbed View • Animation

  38. Data Ingest Service Prototype Data Ingest Service • Features: • Pub/Sub model for handle incoming data • POSIX for multi-thread • Python mock data

  39. DEMO

  40. Architecture Dian Peng

  41. Agenda Architecture • Top Level Overview • NDI/COTS Selection • CMS Platform - Website • Configurator • Newly Developed Code • Physical Deployment

  42. The system has 3 sub-systems • The system connects with clients through Internet Top Level Overview

  43. NDI/COTS Selection • Take advantage of existing codebase for website improvement and sensor configurator • However, NDI/COTS can’t meet all requirements of the above 2 sub-systems • Possible NDI candidates for these 2 sub-system are WordPress and Joomla

  44. CMS Selection - Wordpress NDI/COTS Selection Account Module Content Update Module Product Configurator Module 100% 100% 0% WordPress 0% 100% 90% Social Media Pub/Sub Module User Forum

  45. Pro and Con of Wordpress NDI/COTS Selection Advantages: • Very flexible way to extend the codebase. • Good community supporting and huge amounts of third party plugins. • Easy to use and user friendly interface. • Complete documentation. • Light-weight and good for content heavy website. Disadvantages: • Lacks good account security coping mechanism. • Lacks direct support for CMS like Joomla.

  46. CMS Selection - Joomla NDI/COTS Selection Account Module Content Update Module Product Configurator Module 70% 80% 10% Joomla 0% 0% 90% Social Media Pub/Sub Module User Forum

  47. Pro and Con of Joomla NDI/COTS Selection Advantages: • Very easy and flexible to build a new website • Attractive website templates and many great extensions. • Good documentation. • Good community support. • Fit for large company website developing. Disadvantages: • Joomla is not easy to use compared to WordPress. • Joomla development task more effort than WordPress. • Joomla contains too many functionality which is useless for our project.

  48. Value Based Decision Making NDI/COTS Selection Targets: • Clients requires the website easy to maintain and update ,since he is not the web technology expert. • The development team hopes the developing stage to be agile and without too heavy testing. • The schedule does not allow us to use too complicated technology. WordPress Reasoning: • WordPress is easy to tailor and easy to maintain by none-expert person. • WordPress is fit for middle and small scale website , even with complex requirements for e-commerce and content management. • Even later we find out that WordPress is not fit for the development , the existed WordPress codebase can be imported into Joomla by importer

  49. Data Ingestion Service Newly Developed Code • No NDI/COTS available • Requirements: • It should use private protocol built on TCP/IP to communicate with sensor for security reason. • It should handle evolution and QOS requirement properly. • It is the most significant module in the system and has highest priority. • Current Prototype: • Use multi-thread and multi-process architecture. • Develop by pure C language. • Make the server software cross-platform.

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