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COST IC0905 “TERRA”: Brief Overview and Update. Arturas Medeisis, COST-TERRA Chair Oliver Holland, COST-TERRA Vice-Chair and IEEE TCCN Liaison Presentation for IEEE TCCN December 2011. What is COST-TERRA?.
COST IC0905 “TERRA”: Brief Overview and Update Arturas Medeisis, COST-TERRA Chair Oliver Holland, COST-TERRA Vice-Chair and IEEE TCCN Liaison Presentation for IEEE TCCN December 2011
What is COST-TERRA? COST action IC0905 “TERRA”: “Techno-Economic Regulatory framework for Radio spectrum Access for Cognitive Radio/Software Defined Radio” An independent think-tank with broadly open participation from academia, industry and regulators Main objectives: Developing a comprehensive techno-economic regulatory framework for CR/SDR, which would cater for envisaged CR/SDR deployment scenarios, foster the development of wireless industries, and serve consumer interests in general Providing “know-how” assistance to regulators and policy-makers
Current Participants 19 “COST” countries participating: Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, FYR Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom 2 “non-COST” countries participating: Canada: Communications Research Centre South Africa: CSIR Meraka institute Liaisons with ETSI-RRS, IEEE DySPAN-SC, IEEE TCCN, CEPT, COST IC0902, Wireless Innovation Forum (formerly SDR Forum), numerous EU and other projects
Currently most resonant issues Understanding impact of TVWS regulation Scenarios and viability of CR business propositions Cognitive Radio for Vehicular, PPDR, and other application-specific uses The idea of a dedicated CR band Providing a stable long-term trajectory for developing, testing and deploying CR Easier R&D without the barrier of onerous incumbent protection requirements as is now with solely DSA-based spectrum access proposition Possibility of combining paid-for/unlicensed use
Possibilities for contributions All researchers as well as spectrum management regulatory professionals are welcome to join/follow the work of COST-TERRA by: Joining our mailing list; proposing talks at our future meetings Next COST-TERRA meeting: 25-27 April 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Additional paper publishing opportunities at co-located conferences: 2nd Baltic Conference for Future Internet Communications (www.bcfic.org), IEEEXplore proceedings 4th International Workshop on Communication Technologies for Vehicles (www.nets4cars.org), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science For more information, visit: www.cost-terra.org