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On the Complexity of Search Problems George Pierrakos. Mostly based on: On the Complexity of the Parity Argument and Other Insufficient Proofs of Existence [Pap94] On total functions, existence theorems and computational complexity [MP91] How easy is local search? [JPY88]
On the Complexity of Search ProblemsGeorge Pierrakos Mostly based on: On the Complexity of the Parity Argument and Other Insufficient Proofs of Existence [Pap94] On total functions, existence theorems and computational complexity [MP91] How easy is local search? [JPY88] Computational Complexity [Pap92] The complexity of computing a Nash equilibrium [DGP06] The complexity of pure Nash equilibria [FPT04] slides and scribe notes from many people…
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
Decision Problems vs Search (or “function”) Problems • SAT • Input: boolean CNF-formula φ • Output: “yes” or “no” • FSAT • Input: boolean CNF-formula φ • Output: satisfying assignment or “no” if none exist
Are search problems harder? They are definitely not easier: a poly-time algorithm for FSAT can be easily tweaked to give a poly-time algorithm for SAT …and vice versa, FSAT “reduces” to SAT: we can figure out a satisfying assignment by running poly-time algorithm for SAT n-times
Are search problems harder? • SAT is self-reducible but TSP is not… • Here is how we solve FTSP using TSP: • Use binary search to figure out the cost C of the optimum tour, using TSP algorithm • Run TSP algorithm n2 times, always with cost parameter C, each time setting the weight of some edge to C+1
The Classes FP and FNP • L €NP iff there exists poly-time computable RL(x,y) s.t. X € L y { |y| ≤ p(|x|) & RL(x,y) } • Note how RL defines the problem-language L • The corresponding search problem ΠR(L) €FNP is: given an x find any y s.t. RL(x,y) and reply “no” if none exist • FSAT € FNP… what about FTSP? • Are all FNP problems self-reducible like FSAT? [open?] • FP is the subclass of FNP where we only consider problems for which a poly-time algorithm is known
Reductions and completeness • A function problem ΠR reduces to a function problem ΠS if there exist log-space computable string functions f and g, s.t. R(x,g(y)) S(f(x),y) • intuitively f reduces problem ΠR to ΠS • and g transforms a solution of ΠS to one of ΠR • Standard notion of completeness works fine…
FP <?> FNP • A proof a-la-Cook shows that FSAT is FNP-complete • Hence, if FSAT € FP then FNP = FP • But we showed self-reducibility for SAT, so the theorem follows: • Theorem: FP = FNP iff P=NP • So, why care for function problems anyway??
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
On total “functions”: the class TFNP • What happens if the relation R is total? i.e., for each x there is at least one y s.t. R(x,y) • Define TFNP to be the subclass of FNP where the relation R is total • TFNP contains problems that always have a solution, e.g. factoring, fix-point theorems, graph-theoretic problems, … • How do we know a solution exists? By an “inefficient proof of existence”, i.e. non-(efficiently)-constructive proof • The idea is to categorize the problems in TFNP based on the type of inefficient argument that guarantees their solution
Basic stuff about TFNP • FP TFNP FNP • TFNP = F(NP coNP) • NP = problems with “yes” certificate y s.t. R1(x,y) • coNP = problems with “no” certificate z s.t. R2(x,y) • for TFNP F(NP coNP) take R = R1 U R2 • for F(NP coNP) TFNP take R1 = R and R2 = ø • There is an FNP-complete problem in TFNP iff NP = coNP • : If NP = coNP then trivially FNP = TFNP • : If the FNP-complete problem ΠR is in TFNP then:FSAT reduces to ΠR via f and g, hence any unsatisfiable formula φ has a “no” certificate y, s.t. R(f(φ),y) (y exists since ΠR is in TFNP) and g(y)=“no” • TFNP is a semantic complexity class no complete problems! • note how telling whether a relation is total is undecidable (and not even RE!!)
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
Subclasses of TFNP: PPA, PPAD • PPA stands for polynomial parity argument: • Every graph has an even number of odd-degree nodes • Every graph of degree two or less has an even number of leaves • Both arguments turn out to be equally generic • PPAD stands for polynomial parity argument directed • Parity argument in directed graphs, where we now seek for a sink or a source
PPAANOTHER HAMILTON CYCLE • Thm: any graph with odd degrees has an even number of HC through edge xy • Proof Idea: • take a HC • remove edge (1,2) & take a HP • fix endpoint 1 and start “rotating” from the other end • each HP has two “valid” neighbors (d=3) except for those paths with endpoints 1,2 • Evoke the parity argument: at least two (different) such HPs must exist: add edge (1,2) et voila! • time: worst case exponential…
PPAD2D-SPERNER • Given a triangulation of a triangle (castle) s.t. • each original vertex obtains its own color • no vertex on edge ij contains color 3-i-j there exists a trichromatic triangle • Proof Idea: • add external 0-1 edges • traverse triangles (“rooms”) using 0-1 edges (“doors”) • If a “room” has no “door” out then it is trichromatic • Note that • the process cannot exit the castle and cannot fold upon itself • our tour leaves 0 nodes to the right, hence direction, hence PPAD…
Definition of PPA • Let A be a problem and M the (associated) poly-time TM • Let x be an input of A • Let Cx= Σp(|x|) be the configuration space of x, i.e. the set of all strings of length at most p(|x|) • On input c € Cx machine M outputs in time O(p(n)) a set of at most two configurations M(x,c) • M(x,c) may well be empty if c is “rubbish” • c and c’ are neighbors ([c,c’] € G(x)) iff c € M(x,c) and c’ € M(x,c’) • G(x) is symmetric with degree at most 2 • It is the implicit search graph of the problem • Let M(x, 0…0) = {1…1} and 0…0 € M(x, 1…1), hence 0…0 is the standard leaf • PPA is the class of problems defined as follows: “Given x, find a leaf of G(x) other than the standard leaf 0…0”
Definition of PPA (an example) Take A to be ANOTHER HAMILTON CYCLE. We show that A € PPA • x is the input of A: • a graph and a Hamilton Cycle • Cxis the configuration space of x: • Cxcontains encodings of “valid” Hamilton Paths (poly-space) and other irrelevant stuff • On input c € Cx machine M outputs in time O(p(n)) a set M(x,c) of: • the at most two neighbors of a valid Hamilton Path, or possibly nothing • c and c’ are neighbors ([c,c’] € G(x)) iff c € M(x,c) and c’ € M(x,c’) • remember the graph of neighboring “valid” Hamilton Paths • the standard leaf is the initial Hamilton Path (from removal of (1,2))
Definition of PPAD • Same as PPA but… • M(x,c) = In(x,c) U Out (x,c)is an ordered pair of configurations with|In(x,c)| ≤ 1 & |Out (x,c)| ≤ 1 • G(x) is now directed:[c, c’] € G(x) iff c € In(x,c’) and c’ € Out(x,c) • We search for a node (other than the standard leaf) with |In(x,c)| + |Out (x,c)| = 1,i.e. any source or sink other than the standard one
Definition of PPAD (an example) Take A to be 2D-SPERNER. We show that A € PPAD • x is the input of A: • a triangle, a triangulation and a valid color assignment • CAUTION: restricted input “promise” problems: we usually need some sort of syntactic guarantee of the validity of the input • Cxis the configuration space of x: • Cxcontains encodings of all sub-triangles in the triangulation • M(x,c) = In(x,c) U Out (x,c) where: • In(x,c) is the castle room where we came from • Out(x,c) is the castle room where we are heading to • c and c’ are neighbors ([c,c’] € G(x)) iff c € M(x,c) and c’ € M(x,c’) • remember our tour through the triangular castle • the standard leaf is the node lying outside the triangle
Couple of Theorems • PPA as defined above makes use of the “even leaves” argument • Why not modify the definition as follows (PPA’): • …on input c € Cx machine M outputs in time O(p(n)) a set M(x,c) s.t. |M(x,c)| = poly(n)… • …“Given x, find an odd-degree node of G(x) other than the standard leaf 0…0”… and make use of the (more general?) parity argument? • Quite surprisingly: PPA’ = PPA
Theorem 1: PPA’ = PPA(The Chessplayer Algorithm) • Obviously PPA PPA’ • For the inverse: • For each node c of degree k ≥ 1, we create new nodes (c,i), where i = 0,…,k div 2 • each node (c,i) is connected to the two nodes (c’,j) s.t. the lexicographically 2i, 2i+1 edges out of c are the 2j, 2j+1 edges into c’ • nonstandard leaves of the new graph correspond to nonstandard odd-degree nodes of the former
Two more propositions • Proposition 1: FP PPAD PPA FNP • Proposition 2: • Consider the more natural definition of PPA, where the leaf we search for is the one connected to the standard leaf (PPA’’) • Then PPA’’ = PPAD’’ = FPSPACE • just show FPSPACE PPA’’ • any problem in FPSPACE can be solved by a reversible TM, i.e. one where each configuration has at most one predecessor and one successor [Be84] • define M(x,c) to return the (at most) two configurations that are the predecessor and successor of c on input x • hence, the nonstandard leaf on the same component as the standard leaf is the halting configuration with the desired output
PPADBROUWER FIX POINT • Brouwer’s fix-point theorem: let S be any n-dimensional simplex and let φ: SSbe a continuous function. Then φ has a fix point, i.e. an x* s.t. φ(x*) = x* • Proof for the special case of a triangle, using Sperner lemma • Let T1, …, Ti,… be a sequence of finer triangulations • Define labels L1, …, Li,… for the triangulations as depicted: Li is a valid labeling for Ti • Consider the sequence of centers c1, …, ci,… of the resulting trichromatic triangles t1, …, ti,…(guaranteed by Sperner’s Lemma) • This is an infinite sequence in a closed convex space, hence it has a subsequence converging at x*: a point which is arbitrarily closed to the centroid of a trichromatic triangle • x* is a fix point of φ: if not, then we can find a small triangle containing x* but not φ(x*). Because of the continuity of φ, we can show that this cannot be labeled with 3 colors • Also need to take care of continuity for representation in TM
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY • Theorem[Nash51]: every game has a mixed Nash equilibrium • Original proof of Nash uses Kakutani’s fix point theorem; KAKUTANI is in PPAD by a reduction from BROWER • Nash’s theorem can be proved using Brower’s fix-point theorem too • In [Pap94] they show that NASH is in PPAD by a reduction from LINEAR COMPLENTARITY
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY • LINEAR COMPLEMENTARITY • We are given an nxn matrix A and an n-vector b • We are seeking vectors x,y ≥ 0 s.t. • Ax + b = y • x·y = 0, i.e. at least one of xi, yi is 0 • Solved by Lemke’s algorithm: • some times it does not even converge • if it converges it might well be (worst case) exponential • In general, the problem is NP-complete (?) • For the case of P-matrices A (matrices satisfying det(AS) > 0 for all non-empty subsets S of {1,…,n}) the problem has a unique solution and Lemke’s algorithm converges to it. • Is checking for the P-property for general matrices in P? Open… • PPAD formulation of L-COMPL: Given A and b, find a solution x, y to the linear complementarity problem or a subset S s.t. det(AS) ≤ 0
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY • Example: from bimatrix games to a linear complementarity problem • Let • are the probability and payoff of player 1 for row i • are the probability and payoff of player 2 for column j • is the payoff of player 1 • is the payoff of player 2
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY • Approach 1: • implies that the player has equal expected payoff from both his choices (else he would pick the one maximizing his profit with probability 1 and drop the other) • Hence we can write down the following linear system: • To compute all equilibria we need to solve a linear system (in poly-time) for all different supports of players 1 and 2 in time 2n2mP(n,m)(support = subset of strategies played with p>0)
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY • Approach 2: reduce to L-COMPL
PPAD NASH & LINEAR COMPL/RITY Use Lemke’s algorithm: “double pivoting”
PPAANOTHER HAMILTON PATH • Given a graph G and a HP in it, find either another HP in G or in its complement Gc • Construct a bipartite graph, whose odd-degree nodes are HP of G and Gc • “left” nodes: all HP of the complete graph on the nodes of G • “right” nodes: all subgraphs of Gc -including the empty subgraph • Edge from h (hpath) on left side to s (subgraph) on the right side iff s is a proper subgraph of h • Claim: the only odd-degree nodes are the HP of G and Gc on the left side • If node on the left is not a HP of G or Gc then it contains a non-empty subset of edges of Gc and will be adjacent to all proper subsets of this set: these are 2k • A HP of G on the left will only be adjacent to the empty subgraph • A HP of Gc on the left will be adjacent to its 2n-1-1 proper subgraphs (excluding itself) and will also have odd degree • Any subgraph (node on the right) will be connected to all its possible connections to a HP (usually 0): for graphs with more than 5 nodes this number is even (can be proved via an easy calculation…)
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
The Class PPP • PPP stands for Polynomial Pigeonhole Principle • Definition: • A problem A is in PPP if it is defined in terms of a poly-time TM M • Given input x define the set of “solutions” S(x) = Σp(|x|)and • For any y € S(x), M(x,y) € S(x) • Desired output: • y € S(x), s.t. M(x,y) = 0…0 or • y, y’ € S(x) s.t. M(x,y) = M(x,y’) • One of the two is guaranteed to exist by pigeonhole principle
A PPP-complete problem:PIGEONHOLE CIRCUIT • Input: Boolean circuit C with n inputs and n output • Output: either find an input y s.t. C(y) = 0n or find two inputs y, y’ s.t. C(y) = C(y’) • Obviously PIGEONHOLE CIRCUIT € PPP: • M is the poly-time TM that simulates circuit C on input y • Input x is the description of the circuit C • S(x) = {0,1}n and for any y € S(x), M(x,y) € S(x) • And any problem in PPP can be evaluated by such a circuit: just tweak the proof of CIRCUIT-VALUE P-completeness
PIGEONHOLE CIRCUITfor MONOTONE circuits? • Monotone circuits are the circuits that do not contain “no” gates • Property of monotone circuits:swapping xi from false to true cannot change any output bit from true to false • Proof: trivial by induction on the depth of the tree • MONOTONE PIGEONHOLE CIRCUIT € FP • Proof: • We need to consider only the input sequences of the form 0i1n-i, i=0,…,n, i.e. only n input sequences • Start with 1n and start swapping bits to 0. The only way to have n distinct outputs is if: output starts at 0n and each time one output bit swaps to 1 • Hence, either output = 0n for some input, or two inputs have same output
PPPEQUAL SUMS • Input: n positive integers with sum less than 2n-1 • Output: two subsets with the same sum • EQUAL SUMS in PPP: • Two such subsets trivially exist since there are more subsets than possible sums • The formal definitions utilizes a TM M that given the input x (set of all sets) and the description of a set y, outputs in polynomial time the sum of the set’s elements. Since the sum of all elements is less than 2n-1 we cannot have M(x,y) = 0…0 • Is EQUAL SUMS PPP-complete?
Two more propositions • One-way permutation π is a poly-time algorithm mapping Σn to itself, such that for all x≠y, π(x) ≠ π(y), s.t. it is hard to recover x from π(x). • Prop1: If PPP=FP then one-way permutations do not exist • Proof: • suppose PIGEONHOLE CIRCUIT is in FP • We wish to invert an alleged one-way permutation π, i.e. given y, find x s.t. y=π(x) • Turn the algorithm for π into a circuit (CIRCUIT VAL is P-complete) and add bitwise XOR gates between output y and x; call this circuit C • Apply the poly-time algorithm for PIGEONHOLE CIRCUIT to C. Since π is a permutation, the algorithm cannot return two inputs giving the same output, hence it returns y, s.t. C(y) = 0, i.e. π(x) = y
Two more propositions • Prop2: PPAD PPP • Proof: • Reformulate any problem in PPAD with graph G as a problem in PPP by use of π(x) defined as • π(x) = x if x is a sink • π(x) = G2(x) if x is a nonstandard source • π(x) = G(x) otherwise • Trivially, from any confluence of values of π we can recover a nonstandard source or a sink of G
The class PLS • PLS originally defined in [Johnson, et. al. ‘88]: “find some local optimum in a reasonable search space”. • Basic ingredient: a problem with a search space, i.e. a set of feasible solutions which has a neighborhood structure • Every problem L (e.g. TSP) in PLS has a set of instances DL (e.g. encodings of adjacency matrix) • Every instance x in DL has a finite set of solutions FL(x) (e.g. tours) considered wlog polynomial in size • For each solution s in FL(x) we have • A poly-time cost function c(x,s) that given an instance x and a solution s, it computes its cost (e.g. length of a tour) • A poly-time neighbor function N(x,s) FL(x) that given an instance x and a solution s, returns its neighboring solutions (e.g. a tour that differs from the original one in at most two edges)
The class PLS • Remaining constraints are expressed in terms of 3 polynomial time algorithms AL, BL, CL • AL, given an instance x in DL produces a particular standard solution of L, AL(x) € FL(x) (e.g. a standard tour for TSP) • BL, given an instance x in DL and a string s determines whether s is a solution (s € FL(x)?) and if so, it computes its cost c(x,s) • CL, given an instance x € DL and a string s € FL(x) has two possible outcomes, depending on s: • If there is any solution s’ € N(x,s) s.t. c(x,s’) < c(x,s) it outputs s’ • Otherwise it outputs “no”, which implies that s is locally optimal
The class PLS • The sense of local searching is obvious: starting at some arbitrary solution start searching locally for a better solution and move towards it. • Standard local search algorithm: Given x, use AL to produce a starting solution s= AL(x) Repeat until locally optimal solution is found: Apply algorithm CL to x and s If CL yields a better cost neighbor s’ of then set s=s’ • Since the solution space is finite the above algorithm always halts • If FL(x) is polynomially bounded then the above algorithm is polynomial • However, things can turn out pretty bad: • Finding a local optimum reachable from a specific state can be proven PSPACE-complete • There are instances with states exponentially far from any local optimum • Correct question to ask: “Given x, find some locally optimum solution s”
The class PLS • PLS-reduction: we must map the local optima of one problem to those of another, thus pairtaining the neighboring structure. Hence problem L reduces to K if there exist poly-time functions f and g s.t. • f maps instances x of L to instances f(x) of K • g maps (solutions of f(x), x) pairs to solutions of x • for all instances x of L, if s is a local optimum for instance f(x) of K, then g(s,x) is a local optimum for x • Basic PLS-complete problem: • weighted CIRCUIT – SAT under input bitflips • some relatives of TSP, MAXCUT and: • POS-NAE-3SAT: [Shaeffer&Yannakakis-91] Given an instance of NAE-3SAT with weights on its clauses and with positive literals only, find a truth assignment, whose total weight (i.e. the weight of the unsatisfied and totally satisfied clauses) cannot be improved by flipping a variable
Outline • Generally on Search Problems • The Class TFNP • Subclasses of TFNP part I: PPA, PPAD • Problems in PPA, PPAD • Completeness in PPAD • Subclasses of TFNP part II: PPP, PLS • PPAD-completeness of NASH & the complexity of computing equilibria in congestion games
Congestion GamesDefinitions • Idea: generalization of Selfish Task Allocation • Intuition: • Route traffic through a network • Resource allocation • We have • a set of resources E (network edges…?) • a set of players N • the resource delays de • For each player i • an action set Ai 2E • a weight (traffic demand) wi
Congestion GamesDefinitions • let A=(a1,…, an), ai€ Ai, be a strategy profile • denote by • Pe(A) the set of players picking resource e in profile A • ne(A) the number of players picking resource e in profile A, ne(A)=|Pe(A)| • define the load of resource e to be L(e) = Σiin P(e)wi • for each strategy profile A, each player incurs a total delay/cost ci(A) = Σein aiL(e)
Congestion GamesEquilibria and Potential Functions • A Pure Nash Equilibrium (PNE) is a strategy profile A=(a1,…, an), s.t. for all i € N and for all ai’ € Ai c(a1,…, ai,…, an) ≤ c(a1,…, ai’,…, an) • Notice the local optimality flavor of a PNE • Exact Potential for a c.g. is a function Φ:Ε→R s.t. for all i € N, ai’ € Ai and A ci(A) - ci(A-i, ai’) = Φ(A) - Φ(A-i, ai’) • It is easy to verify that every game that admits an exact potential possesses a PNE
Types of Congestion Games • Symmetric vs AsymmetricPlayers have the same action set and the same weights, i.e. they are indistinguishable • Network vs General Congestion Games • the resources are graph edges • each player has a source and a sink vertex (si,ti) • the action sets Ai are si-ti paths • Single vs multi-commodity (network) games • the (si,ti) pairs are common for all players
Congestion GamesExistence of PNE • Theorem [Rosenthal ’73]:Every unweighted congestion game is an exact potential game • The inverse holds [Mondere&Shapley]: Every finite exact potential game is isomorphic to an unweighted c.g. • So it is only for c.g. that we can find an exact potential • Does this mean that the potential technique (for guaranteeing existence of a local minimum) can be used only for c.g.?
Congestion GamesPotential Functions • We need to be less strict about the potential function. • Consider the party affiliation game (HAPPYNET): • n players (nodes in graph) • Symmetric preference relations between players-nodes • 2 actions per player: {-1,1} • State S is a mapping V{-1,1} (players pick sides) • payoff of i: sgn[S(i) ΣjS(j)wij] (if the payoff is positive then we say “node i is happy”) • The problem: “Find a state in which all nodes are happy” • intuition: everyone wants to be with his friends • application: convergence of Hopfield NN