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Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT's). A nonspecific term used most often to describe only spirometryPulmonary tests include: chest x-ray (CXR), arterial blood gas (ABG), Spirometry with FEV1sec, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF 25-75, Flow-volume loops, Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, Pulse oximetry (SpO2), SaO2
1. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT’s) Scott Stevens D.O.
Gannon University
College of Health Sciences
Graduate Program • Department of Nursing
2. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFT’s) A nonspecific term used most often to describe only spirometry
Pulmonary tests include: chest x-ray (CXR), arterial blood gas (ABG), Spirometry with FEV1sec, FVC, FEV1/FVC, FEF 25-75, Flow-volume loops, Ventilation-perfusion (V/Q) scan, Pulse oximetry (SpO2), SaO2 from ABG, Mixed venous oxygen (PvO2) and saturation from pulmonary artery catheter
3. PFT Indications Possible pneumonectomy or lobectomy
Surgery of upper abdomen
History of pulmonary disease: COPD, bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, significant smoking history
Severe obesity, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), pickwickian syndrome (obesity, decreased pulmonary function, polycythemia)
Evidence of pulmonary dysfunction during history and physical exam
Dyspnea = shortness of breath, SOB
DOE = dyspnea on exertion
4. Patients at risk for post-op pulmonary complications Significant history of pulmonary disease
Thoracic or abdominal (esp. upper) surgery
Long-term smokers
Elderly patients (>70 yrs)
5. High risk PFT results FEV1 < 2L
FEV1/FVC < 0.5
VC < 15cc/Kg in adult & < 10cc/Kg in child
VC < 40 to 50% than predicted
6. Why get PFT’s preoperatively? By estimating pulmonary reserve one can better plan and predict pre-, intra- and post-operative pulmonary care requirements
7. Preoperatively Goal is to treat any reversible conditions, optimize pt
Bronchodilators: testing will show any improvement with treatment, adjust doses
Most important in patients with a >15% improvement in FEV1 after treatment
Bronchitis: optimize patient
respiratory therapy, bronchodilators for bronchospasm
antibiotics to treat infection, sputum for culture and sensitivity (C&S)
Optimize CHF
8. Intraoperatively Ventilator adjustments
Severe emphysema requires longer expiratory times (normal I:E is 1:2, so in COPD ? 1:3)
Closely monitor peak inspiratory pressures (PIP) to avoid rupturing an emphysematous bleb
CO2 retainers: EtCO2 should be keep near the pt’s baseline, a rapid correction will lead to metabolic alkalosis
Bronchospasm: avoid *histamine releasing drugs
Pentothal (STP), Morphine (MSO4), Atracurium, Mivacurium, Neostigmine
Tx with nebulized albuterol
9. Postoperatively Extubation:
If FEV1 is >50% predicted than extubation probably will not be effected
If FEV1 is between 25 – 50%, with some hypoxemia and hypercarbia – prolonged intubation probable
If FEV1 is <25% predicted – only life saving procedures should be done, regional anesthesia if possible, long term ventilatory support, possible inability to wean from ventilator, tracheostomy probable
*Extubation criteria:
VSS, awake & alert, resp. rate < 30
ABG on FiO2 of 40% ? PaO2 >70 and PaCO2 <55
MIF is more negative than -20cm H2O
Vital capacity (VC) > 15cc/Kg
10. Acute respiratory failure *Intubation criteria:
Mechanics: RR>35, VC <15cc/Kg in adult or <10cc/Kg in child, MIF more neg. than -20cmH2O
Oxygenation: PaO2 < 70mmHg on FiO2 of 40%, A-a gradient > 350mmHg on 100% O2
Ventilation: PaCO2 > 55 (except in chronic hypercarbia), Vd/Vt > 0.6 (remember normal dead space is 30%)
Clinical: airway burn, chemical burn, epiglottis, mental status change, rapidly deteriorating pulmonary status, fatigue
11. Normal CXR
12. Expiratory CXR
13. Inspiratory CXR (same pt)
14. Expiratory CXR for pneumothorax (PTX)
15. Tension Pneumothorax
16. CHF or excessive IV fluids
17. RUL consolidation ? aspiration
18. ABG Results: pH / PCO2 / PO2 / bicarbonate / base excess
Usually obtained from radial, brachial, femoral, axillary, or dorsalis pedis artery
Drawn in heparinized syringe
Must be measured within 15 minutes or glycolysis will occur with lactic acid production, decreased pH, and increased PCO2
Sample can be stored on ice for 1 to 2 hours
Heparin may significantly lower PCO2 by dilution, esp. in children when small samples taken
19. ABG normal values pH: 7.35 – 7.45
PCO2: 35 – 45 mmHg
PO2: 75 – 105 mmHg
Bicarbonate: 20 – 26 mmoles/L
Base excess: -3 to +3 mmoles/L
20. pH Acidemia = blood pH < 7.35
Alkalemia = blood pH > 7.45
Acidosis = a process which causes acid to accumulate
Alkalosis = a process which causes alkali accumulation
Altered pH ? next determine if respiratory (CO2) or metabolic (HCO3-)
Buffers: substance that can absorb or donate H+
Bicarb(HCO3-), Hb, serum proteins, phosphate(HPO4-)
21. PaCO2 Hypercapnia – increased CO2
Hypocapnia – decreased CO2
*Rule: an increase of PCO2 by 10 mmHg causes a decrease in pH by 0.08, likewise, a decrease of PCO2 by 10 mmHg will increase pH by 0.08
So an acute increase in CO2 to 60 should cause a drop in pH to 7.24
22. PaO2 Hypoxemia = decreased PO2 in blood, < 75
Hypoxia = a low O2 state
A-a gradient – a measure of efficiency of lung
PAO2 = (PB-PH2O)*(FiO2) – (PaCO2/0.8)
PAO2 = (760-47)*(0.21) – (40/0.8) = 100
PAO2 = (760-47)*(0.5) – (40/0.8) = 306
PAO2 = (760-47)*(1) – (40/0.8) = 663
Normal A-a = approximately (Age / 3)
A-a gradient is widened during anesthesia and with intrinsic lung Dz: PTX, PE, shunt, V/Q mismatch, diffusion problems
A-a gradient is normal with hypoventilation or low FiO2
Tx is supplemental O2, adjust ventilation, tx atelectasis, add PEEP, tx underlying cause
23. Bicarbonate A calculated value from:
[H+] = 24 * (PaCO2/[HCO3-])
Values alter due to acidosis/alkalosis
Base excess is calculated directly using PaCO2, pH, and bicarbonate values
Rule: a decrease in bicarb. by 10 mmoles decreases the pH by 0.15, likewise, an increase in bicarb. By 10 mmoles increases pH by 0.15
A bicarb. of 13 would result in a pH of 7.25
Total body bicarb. deficit = (base deficit * wt in Kg * 0.4), in mEq/L, usually replace ˝ of deficit
24. Respiratory Acidosis Low pH & High PaCO2
Acute and chronic causes:
Hypoventilation with hypercarbia
CNS depression – trauma, drugs
Decreased FRC – obesity
Upper or lower airway obstruction
COPD, asthma, pulmonary fibrosis
After 1-2 days renal compensation occurs
H+ excreted by kidney and HCO3- reabsorbed into blood to partially correct pH
25. Respiratory Alkalosis High pH & Low PaCO2
Hyperventilation with hypocarbia
Causes: hypoxic respiration, CNS Dz, encephalitis, anxiety, narcotic withdrawl, pregnancy, early septic shock, hypermetabolic states, artificial ventilation
Renal compensation will occur causing increased excretion of HCO3- and decreased secretion of H+ which partially corrects pH
26. Metabolic Acidosis Low pH & Low HCO3-
Causes: lactic acidosis from hypoperfusion, DKA, renal Dz with bicarb loss (anion gap and K+), HCO3- loss in diarrhea, ASA ingestion, high protein intake
Respiratory compensation (central chemoreceptors) with hypocarbia, more rapid than renal compensation, partial correction
Kidneys may increase H+ excretion
27. Metabolic Alkalosis High pH & High HCO3-
Causes: bicarb. infusion, metabolism of lactate or citrate, loss of H+ from vomiting or excessive NGT suctioning
Respiratory compensation by limited hypoventilation due to eventual hypoxic drive, partial correction
Kidneys may increase bicarb. excretion in urine
30. Spirometry
31. FEV-1 second After maximal inspiration, the volume of air that can be forcefully expelled in one second
Effort dependent
Normally between 3 – 5 L
Also reported as percent predicted
Also reported as a percent of FVC
FEV1 / FVC ? normally > 75%
Most important clinical tool in assessing the severity of airway obstructive disease
32. FEV1
33. Degree of risk in obstructive lung disease RISK FEV1 / FVC
Normal > 75
Mild 60-75
Moderate 45-60
Severe 35-45
Extreme < 35
34. Flow-Volume loop
35. Flow-volume loops Helps distinguish between upper airway obstruction (extrathoracic) and generalized pulmonary disease (intrathoracic)
An extrathoracic obstruction decreases inspiratory flow
An intrathoracic obstruction decreases expiratory flow
37. FEF 25-75 Forced expiratory flow at 25 to 75% of FVC
Effort independent
Reflects collapse of small airways, peripheral airways
Sensitive indicator of early airway obstruction
38. MVV or MBC Maximal voluntary ventilation
Maximal breathing capacity
“will to live” test
The maximal amount of air a pt can exhale in one minute at maximal effort (hyperventilation)
Extremely effort dependent, nonspecific
Tests motivation, mechanics, strength, and endurance
A decrease has been shown to predict increased morbidity and mortality in pts undergoing thoracic surgery
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