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Revisiting Security and Energy Geopolitics of South Caucasus: A Turkish Perspective

Revisiting Security and Energy Geopolitics of South Caucasus: A Turkish Perspective. Assoc. Prof. Atilla Sandıklı, President of BILGESAM Erdem Kaya, Research Fellow at BILGESAM. The location of the caucasus. The south caucasus at regional and global stage. US and EU

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Revisiting Security and Energy Geopolitics of South Caucasus: A Turkish Perspective

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  1. Revisiting Security and Energy Geopolitics of South Caucasus: A Turkish Perspective Assoc. Prof. Atilla Sandıklı, President of BILGESAM Erdem Kaya, Research Fellow at BILGESAM

  2. The location of the caucasus

  3. The south caucasus at regional and global stage • US and EU • Euro-Atlantic security system • NATO’s eastward enlargement • Russia’s return • The Eurasian Union & Customs Union • Turkey-Iran rivalry • Iran-Israel rivalry

  4. Reasons that make the region important for turkey • Security risks emanating from the unsettled disputes • Rivalry on energy resources and routes

  5. Security risks • The Armenian invasion of Azerbaijani territories • Armenia has no future plan to withdraw from the Nagorno-Karabakh and adjacent regions • Security Council resolutions do not work • Minsk Group is not effective • Internationalcommunity has no pressure on Armenia • Russian mediation helps the Armenian side

  6. Security risks • Separatist regions in Georgia: Abkhazia and South Ossetia • The new status quo in the aftermath of the August War of 2008 • The entities in Abkhazia and South Ossetia survive under Russian protection

  7. Rivalry on energy resources and routes • Competition over the operation and delivery routes of Caspian oil and gas resources • Russia’s efforts to stay monopoly and resurgence to control the routes • Azeri oil and gas, Kazakh oil, Turkmen gas • Europe’s search for different suppliers • Western companies’ involvement

  8. Rivalry on energy resources and routes • Baku-Supsa oil pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline, Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline

  9. Rivalry on energyresourcesandroutes • Russia’spolicy of disunitingEurope, NordStream, South Streampipelineprojects • Nabuccoprojectturnedout to be impossible • TANAP project

  10. Turkey and the south caucasus • Turkey-Azerbaijan-Georgia relations improved • Energy links increased • Cooperation in defense industry is developing • A trilateral group is emerging

  11. Turkey and the south caucasus • Reconciliation attempt in 2009 between Turkey and Armenia • Temporary chill between Turkey and Azerbaijan • Protocols could not produce results

  12. Armenia’s Goals for 2015 • Armenia’s claims regarding the 1915 evens • Diaspora’s activities • Preparations for the 2015, the first anniversary of the 1915 events • Attitude of US Congress • Armenia will try to secure Vatican’s and pro-Israeli lobbies for the 2015 goals

  13. Armenia’s budding talysh policy • Armenia’s Talysh policy against Azerbaijan • Pro-Talysh propaganda • Iran’s support

  14. Pkk/kck in the south caucasus • PKK/KCK’s activities in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh • Fund-raising activities • PKK/KCK operates in South Caucasus under the guise of seemingly civilian institutions, associations and foundations. • Attempt to recruit Yezidis in Armenia • Certain Armenian political parties are known to have links with the terrorist PKK/KCK

  15. End of the presentation

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