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Week 7 & 8. I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil. Malcolm X. Do Now:.
I have more respect for a man who lets me know where he stands, even if he's wrong. Than the one who comes up like an angel and is nothing but a devil.Malcolm X
Do Now: • What are your thoughts on the Malcom X story “Hair” where else do we see self- degradation; think about the media.
Watch video • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAW4LIFYFng Write down your reactions • How did the video make you feel? Did it bring up issues that you have discussed before? How will the video help you reflect on media and beauty? • SENTENCE STARTERS: • The video made me feel… • I can relate to the video because … • I have discussed this before in … (with friends, in a different class, with family) • The video helps me reflect because I get to think about …
Write a Letter to Malcom X • Write a letter to Malcom X expressing your concern for how people continue to practice self-degradation. Where do we see it? What do people do? How does it make you feel? Have you ever practiced it? Now how can we change that and challenge societies views?
Salutation of greeting: • Dear Sir or Madam, (Mrs., Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.) When you do not know the name of the person • Dear Mr Jenkins
Ending the Letter: • Yours Faithfully • Yours sincerely • Then YOUR SIGNATURE, then print it underneath the signature.
Paragraphs • The first paragraph should be short and state the purpose of the letter to make an enquiry, complain, request something etc. • The paragraph in the middle of the letter should contain the relevant information behind the writing of the letter. Most letters in English are not very long, so keep the information essential and concrete on organizing it clear and a logical manner. • Last paragraph of a formal letter should state what action you expect the recipient to take.
Power Point: • Create a Power analyzing looks. What does the media Portray as beauty? Look at TV shows, Magazines, commercials, bill boards, Movies, advertisement etc. • 1-5 slides with images of media portayal (Every slide should include a caption where you describe the image. How is it problematic? How can we challenge society
Active vs. Passive Voice • What Is Active Voice? • I'll start with active voice because it's simpler. In an active sentence, the subject is doing the action. A straightforward example is the sentence "Steve loves Amy." Steve is the subject, and he is doing the action: he loves Amy, the object of the sentence. • Another example is the title of the Marvin Gaye song “I Heard It through the Grapevine.” "I" is the subject, the one who is doing the action. "I" is hearing "it," the object of the sentence.
Passive • What Is Passive Voice? • In passive voice, the target of the action gets promoted to the subject position. Instead of saying, "Steve loves Amy," I would say, "Amy is loved by Steve." The subject of the sentence becomes Amy, but she isn't doing anything. Rather, she is just the recipient of Steve's love. The focus of the sentence has changed from Steve to Amy. • If you wanted to make the title of the Marvin Gaye song passive, you would say “It was heard by me through the grapevine,” not such a catchy title anymore.
In most sentences VERBS follow their corresponding subject. In inverted order, SUBJECT follows the Verb • Questions generally use inverted order. • Why is it better? (subject=it) • Was she pretty? (subject=she) • Sentences with here or there are also inverted. • Ex. There were no sheep in the park.
Choose the verb that agrees to the subject • (Were/was) there any sheep in the park? • Why (wasn’t/weren’t) there any flowers? • What color (was/were) it? • There (was/were) ponds with gold and blue and green fish in them.
Identify the subjects and verbs in the following sentences. Rewrite the sentences in the inverted form. • 1. You have heard of a writer named H.H. Munro. (Change into a question.) • 2. The reason the name is not familiar is simple. (change sentence to begin with there). • 3. The stories in this collection are wonderful. (change to a question). • 4. An excellent example of Saki’s style is here. (change the sentence to begin with here).
Parallel Structure: When ideas in a sentence have equal importance, express them in the same grammatical form. • NOT PARALLEL: • I like reading, writing, and to draw. • PARALLEL: • I like reading, writing, and drawing. • NOT PARALLEL: • Some of the stories are funny, entertaining, and teach me a lot. • PARALLEL: • Some of the stories are funny, entertaining, and educational.
Sentence Frames • I like _____ing, ________ing, and __________ing. • Some of these _________ are _________, __________, and _________. • She/he not only______________, but she/he also_________.
Your Turn: Re-write the following sentences in parallel structure. • 1. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a preacher and to lead the civil rights movement. • 2. He firmly believed that to segregate was unjust and quality for African Americans was right. • 3. He also believed that achieving his goals was important as to act nonviolently. • 4. He led the peaceful protest and winning the Nobel peace prize. • 5. King was neither a politician or was he business leader, but he changed the united states forever.