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Sign language Interpreters

Sign language Interpreters. The best way of dealing with sign language interpreters as a justice system. Best practices concering sign language. Introduction Some history Deaf culture and the interpreter Sign language, something goes wrong What do the interpreters need?

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Sign language Interpreters

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SignlanguageInterpreters The best way of dealingwithsignlanguageinterpretersas a justice system

  2. Best practices concering sign language • Introduction • Some history • Deaf culture and the interpreter • Sign language, something goes wrong • What do the interpreters need? • Special groups withing deaf culture • Beste practices, yet again

  3. Me, Suzanne Heuft. Interpreter since 1996, member of NBTG/EFSLI Teacher of interpreters since 2001, post Doc level Workshop leader and trainer at EFSLI, SIGV and deaf communictie. Certified (one of 4) Judiciary interpreter in Holland Part of the national police register being an interpreter of covert video’s with a team of lipreaders Dutch,(grand) mother of 2

  4. History facts language interperters Court interpreting as a profession started at Nuremberg Bilingual person is NOT perse interpreter BP1 use trained interpreters Training in language is possible Professionals and seen as such

  5. History facts Sign Language interpreters THE oldest profession in the world Language very young (1960 W.Stokoe) and hard to study DO HAVE: code of ethics!! BP2: code of ethics SLI is young profession in a visual language Looked upon as HELPERS, part of the community BP3: set us free

  6. Bonding?

  7. The language • Visual language • Belongs to the deaf • Up and downside • BP4:seating is very important, across of deaf person

  8. ‘something goes wrong....’

  9. Training, schooling and preparation • The interpreters want and need schoolingBP6: train the interpreters • The interpreters needs preparationBP7: prepare the interpreter and give them all the materials they need • Courts should make lists or work together with a register.

  10. Special needs within deaf community • Cerebral palsy • Deaf Blind • Foreign sign languages

  11. Deaf interpreter

  12. Som it all up: • Use a trained justice interpreter for all situations. • Make, borrow or set up a code of ethics. • Communicate about the reason the JUSTICE SYSTEM has the interpreters working for THEM. (set us free) • Right seating for the interpreter • Make sure the client drinks the coffee you serve  work together with your interpreter. Expect professional conduct and invite it. • Train the interpreters you want to work with and make a list of trained interpreters. • Give the interpreter time to prepare and give them all the materials they ask for • Special needs and situations need special interpreters. Ask the deaf or interpreters who would be the best for the job. • Payment should be coming without problems, it is a JOB not a hobby.

  13. Thank you. sheuft@online.nl

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