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The plenary assembly hall of the former German parliament was buzzing with life. More than 1,500 visitors from the realms of politics, the media and international organizations are participating in this year's Global Media Forum (GMF), and many of them chose to wear national dress. Colorful African, Asian and South American robes were accompanied by a hubbub of languages. This year, once again, the GMF is a platform for exchanges of views from participants from very different backgrounds - who have, however, all come to Bonn with similar aims.
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Social responsibility • Maria Radyati from Jakarta's Trisakti University believes that all over the world the importance of the media is increasingly extending far beyond the task of reporting. "The media have to inspire people, move them, and educate them," she explained. A professor of social sciences, she was looking forward to discussions with media experts and hoped to be able to contribute her experiences from Indonesia. • Ubale Musa is DW's correspondent in the Nigerian capital Abuja. The journalist hopes that the conference will have an effect well beyond the three days in Bonn, and that the participants will go home with a different perspective on how economics influences the world. "The media can make sure that people are informed about the cost of the financial crisis," he said. "Something has to be done to make sure it doesn't happen again." • Chomsky is one of many of this year's high-profile speakers
The principle of diversity • The GMF's program makes it easy for people to start thinking outside the box. Participants vary from the German government's GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (Society for International Cooperation: GIZ) to environmental organizations, foundations from all over the world, and young start-up entrepreneurs looking for people to invest in their ideas. • Sanjay Goel, for example, who is looking for new ways his Internet company Oximity can make its mark in the news industry. "I'd like to show people how the Internet can and will turn news broadcasting completely on its head," he said. He was reluctant to go into detail - but with so many news professionals at the GMF he'll have to get used to answering questions. • Over the three days of the conference, around 2,500 people are expected to attend more than 50 events at the GMF. Highlights include keynote speeches by Vandana Shiva, the human rights activist and winner of the Alternative Nobel Prize, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, and the renowned American linguist and activist Avram Noam Chomsky.