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百 合. 百合檔案. 本草綱目記載. 【 分類 】960 菜部柔滑類 本經中品 【 氣味 】 根 ~ 甘平無毒 【 主治 】 邪氣腹脹心痛,利大小便,補中益氣。(別錄) 除浮腫臚脹,痞滿寒熱,通身疼痛,及乳難 ※ 痹,止涕淚。 (別錄) 百邪鬼魅,涕泣不止,除心下急滿痛,治腳氣熱欬。(甄權) 安心定膽,益智養五臟,治顛邪狂叫驚悸,產後血狂運,殺蠱毒氣,胁廱乳廱,發背諸瘡腫。(大明) 心急黃,宜蜜蒸食之。(孟詵) 治百合病。(宗奭) 溫廢止嗽。(元素). 百 合 傳 奇.
本草綱目記載 【分類】960 菜部柔滑類 本經中品 【氣味】 根~甘平無毒 【主治】 邪氣腹脹心痛,利大小便,補中益氣。(別錄) 除浮腫臚脹,痞滿寒熱,通身疼痛,及乳難※痹,止涕淚。 (別錄) 百邪鬼魅,涕泣不止,除心下急滿痛,治腳氣熱欬。(甄權) 安心定膽,益智養五臟,治顛邪狂叫驚悸,產後血狂運,殺蠱毒氣,胁廱乳廱,發背諸瘡腫。(大明) 心急黃,宜蜜蒸食之。(孟詵) 治百合病。(宗奭) 溫廢止嗽。(元素)
福 認識百合 鋆 01.http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E7%99%BE%E5%90%88%E5%B1%9E&variant=zh-tw 02.http://baike.baidu.com/view/8651.htm(簡) 03.http://www.39.net/zhongyi/tupu/zhongyao/64886.html(簡) 04.http://e-info.org.tw/topic/plant/Lilium-formosanum/Lilium-formosanum.htm
福 認識百合 鋆 05.http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E7%99%BE%E5%90%88 06.http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B0%E7%81%A3%E5%8E%9F%E7%94%9F%E7%99%BE%E5%90%88 07.http://wssroc.agron.ntu.edu.tw/newsletter/2-1.htm 08.http://edu.ocac.gov.tw/local/nature/c/se/se1a02.htm
百合科學E-Book 1 • 1. Steroidal saponins from the bulbs of Lilium longiflorum and their antitumour-promoter activity. more • 2. Steroidal saponins from the bulbs of Lilium speciosum x L. nobilissimum 'Star Gazer' and their antitumour-promoter activity. more • 3. Home gardening may be a risk factor for contact dermatitis to Alstroemeria. more
百合科學E-Book 2 • 4. Occupational allergy caused by Peruvian lily (Alstroemeria). more • 5. Occupational allergy caused by Dianthus caryophillus, Gypsophila paniculata, and Lilium longiflorum. more • 6. Immunofluorescence studies on the localization of integrin-like protein in plant pollen tubes. more
百合科學E-Book 3 • 7. A novel histone variant localized in nucleoli of higher. more • 8. Immunocytochemical visualization of the centromeres during male and female meiosis in Lilium longiflorum. more • 9. Regulation of self-incompatibility by acetylcholine and cAMP in Lilium longiflorum. more
百合科學E-Book 4 • 10. Identification of an antifungal chitinase from a potential biocontrol agent, Bacillus cereus 28-9. more • 11. Acute renal failure caused by lily ingestion in six cats. more • 12. Isolation of lilin, a novel arginine- and glutamate-rich protein with potent antifungal and mitogenic activities from lily bulbs. more
百合科學E-Book 5 • 13. Effects of gold banded lily (Lilium auratum Lindl) or Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus L) on spontaneous mammary tumourigenesis in SHN mice. more • 14. Potential carcinogenic and inhibitory activity of compounds isolated from Lilium candidum L. more • 15. Nephrotoxicosis in a cat following ingestion of Asiatic hybrid lily (Lilium sp). more
百合科學E-Book 6 • 16. Medicinal plants and food medicines in the folk traditions of the upper Lucca Province, Italy. more • 17. Calcium channel blocker and calmodulin antagonists affect the gradient of free calcium ions in lily pollen tubes. more • 18. Nifedipine-sensitive calcium channels are involved in polar growth of lily pollen tubes. more