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Course: APPL 655 Practical Applications in I/O Psychology

Course: APPL 655 Practical Applications in I/O Psychology. Tom Mitchell, U. of Baltimore, (Instructor) Div of Applied Psychology & Quant Methods Tmitchell@ubalt.edu http://home.ubalt.edu/tmitch Mike Sturman, Cornell U. (DataSim)

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Course: APPL 655 Practical Applications in I/O Psychology

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  1. Course: APPL 655 Practical Applications in I/O Psychology • Tom Mitchell, U. of Baltimore, (Instructor) Div of Applied Psychology & Quant Methods Tmitchell@ubalt.edu http://home.ubalt.edu/tmitch • Mike Sturman, Cornell U. (DataSim) Organizational Mgt, Communication, and Law mcs5@cornell.edu(607) 255-5383

  2. Capstone Course in I/O ΨU. of Baltimore M.S. in Applied Ψ • M.S. Curriculum in I/O (42 hours) • Personnel (I): Job analysis / personnel / assessment • Organizational (O): Org psych / motivation-satisfaction-leadership • Core: Research methods / statistics

  3. Competencies Demonstrated • Core SKAs: • Conduct job analysis • Develop performance appraisal • Develop employee selection program • Assess employee morale • Analyze data • Software utilization • Communication / Interpersonal skills: • Report writing • Oral presentation of findings • Teamwork skills

  4. Course Format • Applied Psychology Consultants Inc.APC, Inc. (virtual consulting firm) • Instructor(s) = Senior consultant • Students = Junior consultants • 3 projects each (selection/performance appraisal/satisfaction) • Team Leader on one of projects

  5. Course Format (dynamic/interactive) • Instructor responds: to identified problems changes/redirects (via memos) to proposed solutions to interventions • Provides: simulated feedback (data) - to confirm/disconfirm hypotheses critique / recommendations

  6. DataSim(Mike Sturman) • Visual Basic program: • Creates data sets to user specifications • Saves simulation / data in txt file - For import to Excel/SPSS/SAS/ etc. • Imports existing data • Adds additional variables later

  7. DataSim (Sturman) • Constructs / variables (unlimited): Number of items (unlimited) Reliability (internal consistency) Correlation matrix (user specified) • Construct types: Normal (continuous) Categorical Custom continuous

  8. Item types & char • Normal continuous • Min/max/ mean/ standard deviation • Truncate / winsorize • Categorical • 2 to 12 • Proportion of each category • Custom - continuous • Median / standard deviation • Skew level (+ to -) • Tail elongation

  9. Project Process: Team • Identifies problem • Formulates hypotheses • Develops assessment plan • Requests data from organization • Develops or finds existing measures (test/questionnaire/survey) • Creates SPSS data structure / parameters

  10. Example: Sel3: Alum Alum Corp. • Selection of mid-managers • Concurrent Validation study • Demographics: Race/gender/education • Predictors: WPT/WGCTA/CPI • Criteria: Grievances / supervisor rating

  11. Project Process: Team • Analyses data using SPSS • Incorporates results in report • Forwards report to Instructor for critique / grade

  12. Uses of DataSim • Research methods Simulate data for proposals Test “pilot” data for studies • Statistics courses Create data sets for examples • Assessment Develop unique data set for each student

  13. Suggestions? • For DataSim? Other uses? What you would like it to do? • For Capstone course?

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