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Goulbourn Middle School. Goulbourn Middle School. Organization. Goulbourn Middle School. Organization. GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class. Goulbourn Middle School. Organization. GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 7 4 Regular classes
Goulbourn Middle School Organization
Goulbourn Middle School Organization GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class
Goulbourn Middle School Organization GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 7 4 Regular classes 2 Early French Immersion classes 1 Middle Immersion class
Goulbourn Middle School Organization GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 7 4 Regular classes 2 Early French Immersion classes 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 8 3 Regular classes 2 Early French Immersion classes 1 Middle Immersion class
Goulbourn Middle School Organization GRADE 6 1 Regular class 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 7 4 Regular classes 2 Early French Immersion classes 1 Middle Immersion class GRADE 8 3 Regular classes 2 Early French Immersion classes 1 Middle Immersion class SYSTEM CLASSES 1 Gifted 1 General Learning Program
Goulbourn Middle School Balanced Day
Goulbourn Middle School Buses and Dropoff Bus arrival: Buses are unloaded at 7:40. Students proceed to the back of the school and remain outside until the bell rings at 7:55. Drop off lane: Students who are dropped off by parents during this time need to wait for the bus duty teacher to signal when it is safe to exit the vehicle. The students should then proceed to the back of the school. Note: It is important to remind students to be dressed appropriately for the morning weather.
Goulbourn Middle School Attendance Protocol Students must sign in at the office if they arrive after 7:55, parents do not need to bring them in to sign in. All students must sign out if they are leaving the school before the 2:25 dismissal bell and must be met in the office by a parent. If your child will be absent, please call the attendance hotline 613-836-1311
Goulbourn Middle School Lockers All students are provided with lockers to keep their belongings organized and their valuables secure. They are also used to store their gym clothes and indoor foot wear. Students need to bring a combination lock to use with their assigned locker.
Goulbourn Middle School Homework Expectations Students can expect to have ten minutes of homework per grade per night across all subject areas. Many teachers send home electronic reminders to help keep everyone informed.
Goulbourn Middle School Special Education We offer a tiered approach to the delivery of Special Education support in our fully inclusive model. Tier 1: Classroom teacher provides differentiated programming Tier 2: Develop an Individual Education Plan with accommodations or modifications Tier 3: More extensive assessment and referrals followed by a case conference Because we follow a rotary timetable, support is scheduled during specific periods during the cycle
Goulbourn Middle School Special Education We have two System classes: Congregated Gifted New to our school this year, we have a Gifted Class designed to meet the specific needs of students placed in that setting at the board level. General Learning Program This program serves the needs of students identified with mild intellectual delays in a self-contained setting.
Goulbourn Middle School Community of Character Each month, we feature a different character trait that we recognize in individual students and groups of students in an effort to develop and strengthen their sense of community and to engender greater accountability in their conduct. We host assemblies to publicly recognize those students who demonstrate the qualities that define good citizenship.
Goulbourn Middle School GMS Website http://goulbournms.ocdsb.ca Our school website is a very important conduit for all kinds of information related to Goulbourn Middle School. We strongly encourage you to check the site often as it is regularly updated with the most current information pertinent to your child. We also provide our parents with mass emailings to apprise them of the latest information. Please provide your email address to be added to our list.
Goulbourn Middle School GMS Website Things you can find at our website: School Calendar Permission Forms Announcements Important dates Upcoming Events Sports Updates Health Bar Information Confidential Bullying Reports EQAO Information Curriculum Literacy and Numeracy Resources And much more….
Goulbourn Middle School Extra-curricular Activities At Goulbourn Middle School, there are many extra-curricular opportunities available to students. Check the website and listen to announcements for more information about the different opportunities available throughout the school year.
Goulbourn Middle School Technology at GMS At GMS, we strive to make our students technologically literate and to meet the challenges of the 21st century. We have two active and regularly used computer labs to support delivery of the curriculum. Our Special Needs students use wireless laptops to support their needs with a special suite of software tools. We are using SMART boards and are introducing iPads to further enhance the opportunities available to GMS learners.
Goulbourn Middle School Technology at GMS The OCDSB has an acceptable use agreement that parents must sign in order for their children to use technology at GMS. In addition, we have developed a school-based policy pertaining to students who bring their own devices to school and for those students who connect to our wireless network. This policy is posted on the website.
Goulbourn Middle School School Council We value our partnership with our School Council as we work together to best serve the students under our care. Council meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm in the school library. Currently, we are looking for a treasurer, a food coordinator and a milk coordinator for the 2013-2014 school year.
Goulbourn Middle School Health Bar Throughout the year, there are opportunities for students to purchase healthy foods to supplement their lunch: White and chocolate milk Booster juice Whole wheat pizza Pitas Subway sandwiches Lunch Lady Hot dogs
Goulbourn Middle School What to expect on the First Day of School On the first day of school, grade 6 students will be directed to the ball field. Grade 7 and 8 students will be directed to the back of the school. Homeroom teachers will pick up their classes from these designated areas. In the event of inclement weather, grade 6 students will proceed to the library and grade 7 and 8 students will go to the gym.