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如何组织学术会议. --- 博士生必修科 《 科学研究方法与实践 》. 谭营 教授 北京大学信息学院. 如何组织学术会议. 组织大型会议 组织报告会 组织研讨会 组织科研组讨论会. 2 、组织报告会. 先期工作 : 联系报告人 讨论报告题目及内容 索取报告人简历 安排报告时间和地点并通知报告人 安排好报告人的食宿 将信息通报有关单位 张贴有关报告的广告信息. 报告前的准备. 准备接待报告人 提前准备报告会场 调试好报告用设备 ( 计算机 , 投影机 , 激光笔 , 粉笔等 ) 安排听众提前入场 陪同报告人到会场或提前到会场迎候报告人的到来.
如何组织学术会议 ---博士生必修科《科学研究方法与实践》 谭营 教授 北京大学信息学院
如何组织学术会议 • 组织大型会议 • 组织报告会 • 组织研讨会 • 组织科研组讨论会
2、组织报告会 先期工作: • 联系报告人 • 讨论报告题目及内容 • 索取报告人简历 • 安排报告时间和地点并通知报告人 • 安排好报告人的食宿 • 将信息通报有关单位 • 张贴有关报告的广告信息
报告前的准备 • 准备接待报告人 • 提前准备报告会场 • 调试好报告用设备(计算机,投影机,激光笔,粉笔等) • 安排听众提前入场 • 陪同报告人到会场或提前到会场迎候报告人的到来
报告 • 简要介绍报告人, 包括内容: • 姓名,单位,学历,学位,主要成就,研究领域以及本次报告的题目和简要内容 • 邀请报告人报告 • 掌握报告进度,并在报告结束前5分钟提醒报告者.
提问与回答 • 主持提问。 • 把握讨论气氛,使整个提问与回答在一个友好、融洽的氛围中进行。 • 在报告结束时间前及时结束提问。 • 最后对本次报告内容给一个简短的综述,和表达对报告人的感谢。 • 宣布报告会结束。 • 安排会后事项(送报告人,关闭各项设备,灯光和锁会场大门)
Seminar Speaker Invitation Form I plan to invite this seminar speaker to PKU. Background information of the speaker is shown below:
组织研讨会 • 大会前准备 • 到达会场的准备 • 研讨会前准备 • 研讨会进行中 • 研讨会后讨论
SESSION CHAIR DUTIES • BEFORE THE CONFERENCE • • Know your authors • - Review biographical data from the authors • Review the papers in your session • • Prepare a keynote of approximately 100 words for delivery at the beginning of the session • • Prepare questions to stimulate discussion at the session the session
ON ARRIVAL AT THE CONFERENCE • Attend the Authors Breakfast • - Meet your authors personally; ensure all are accounted for. • - Obtain or fill out biographical forms. • - Find out if rooms have changed. • - Divide presentation and discussion time • equally among authors. equally among authors. • - Make any last minute arrangements.
SESSION CHAIR DUTIES BEFORE THE SESSION BEFORE THE SESSION • Review the material supplied at Authors Breakfast • Check your authors’ visual aid needs • Check room for visual aid equipment (slides, movies, projectors, lights, microphone, computer, pointer, screen and chalk) • Communicate assistance needs immediately to the staff/executive committee
BEFORE THE SESSION • • Brief the Vice-Chair about • - His/her role in conducting the session • - Ask Vice Chair to distribute and collect session attendance cards • • Obtain brief biographical data to introduce the Vice-Chair
AT THE SESSION • Commence on time • Deliver your key-note (100 words maximum) • Introduce Vice-chair chair • Introduce authors in the order listed. Give a brief biography; state the topic/title and a brief biography; and time allotted • Remind audience to fill out session attendance cards before they leave
AT THE SESSION AT THE SESSION • • Keep on Schedule Keep on Schedule • - Keep each paper to the time allotted Keep each paper to the time allotted • • Act as a moderator during Act as a moderator during • questions/discussion questions/discussion • • Act as a catalyst for discussion Act as a catalyst for discussion • • Take note on session significance for Take note on session significance for • outstanding session award outstanding session award
DUTIES OF SESSION CHAIR • (Continued) • AT THE SESSION • ! Remind authors to submit papers for Remind authors to submit papers for • publication in JPVT publication in JPVT • ! Identify outstanding papers suitable for Identify outstanding papers suitable for • awards awards • ! Record no Record no-shows and attendance shows and attendance • ! Complete Session Rating Form Complete Session Rating Form • ! Complete and submit a brief session report in Complete and submit a brief session report in • PVP Form F32 PVP Form F32
DUTIES OF SESSION VICE-CHAIR CHAIR BEFORE THE CONFERENCE • Know your Session Chair • Make your reservation (conference and hotel) • Know your authors
SESSION VICE-CHAIR DUTIES AT THE CONFERENCE • Attend the Authors Breakfast • - Meet your Chair • - Meet the authors • Review the material given at Author’s Breakfast Breakfast
SESSION VICE-CHAIR BEFORE/AT THE SESSION • • Check equipment needed for the session • • Check room for visual aid equipment (slides, movies, projectors, lights, (slides, movies, projectors, lights, • microphone, computer, pointer, screen microphone, computer, pointer, screen • and chalk) • – request assistance • • Distribute and collect attendance cards • • Assist Chair to evaluate session
Session chairs help ensure that sessions will run smoothly. Chairs are asked to help make sure that the discussants in a session receive the papers in a timely fashion, and serve as timekeeper/moderator during the session. You may volunteer to serve as a chair for one or more sessions whether or not you are presenting or serving as a discussant. Please use the FORM included and indicate the number of sessions, the JEL code(s) and the area(s) in which you would be willing to chair. Be sure to indicate if you will NOT be present for any of the days of the conference. Please note that there is no discount on fees for only chairing a session.
How to Organize a Seminar or an Event • Seminars and events have always been implemented as a holistic experience to participants. Thus, organizing an event requires extensive planning and preparation with most work implemented at least a few months before the actual event. Most of the time, seminars seem to run like clockwork with all events flowing smoothly according to schedule. In reality however, much groundwork has been worked on with the purpose of developing the right atmosphere in addition to a beneficial experience to partipants.
1. Establishing the theme of the event • Each event follows a theme and purpose which will drive the event set-up, the target audiences or the participants, the guests and the marketing approach. In general, a business event such as an international conference for a particular industry will appeal to participants conducting businesses within that industry as well as sponsors who gain mileage out of publicizing their products during the event. • Apart from that, the theme of the seminar will also determine the type of marketing channels to be used to for publicity. This also holds true for the seminar marketing team who will need the event theme to correctly identify target participants and companies to sell the event to.
2. Selecting a venue • Venue selection is highly dependent on the scale of the event. Usually this is determined by the number of participants, the presence of any guests of honor (such as royalty or politicians) the activities during the event, or if there are additional floor space required for exhibition purposes. • A typical seminar of about 100 – 200 can be comfortably implemented in a hotel seminar room, possibly in a theater style setting or classroom setting. However, larger scale events with participant numbers scaling between 500 – 1000 may require a large hall, ballroom, auditorium or a convention center. • The location and quality standard of the venue is also important especially if the event involves the participation of VIPs. With this, a reputable location would be imperative, including good quality and wide range of seminar facilities available. It is always wise to explore the possibility of a few venues and examine their location suitability, level of services, ambience, and costs before coming to a decision.
3. Seminar Marketing and Publicity • Seminar marketing is by far the most critical and often most challenging task in event organizing, and is often regarded as the most critical factor of an event’s success. This is because the number of participants turning up for a seminar is highly dependent on the strength of marketing activities and publicity. Whether or not the event achieves its objective or whether the organizers will walk home with a profit or loss largely depends on the marketability of the event. This means that the right marketing strategy and seminar positioning must be adopted in order to draw adequate event sign-ups. • Most of the time, event organizers who have large budgets will turn to above the line marketing such as newspaper and magazine advertisements as well as radio and television advertising to publicize the event. Press releases may also be sent in to major newspapers, in order to create the awareness of the upcoming event. Additionally, large advertising media banners and posters can also be purchased to advertise the event in high human traffic areas. When using print advertising, the specific magazine or newspaper used must have the target audience of your event as their primary readership base. Also all print media should be copy written with an enticing approach, highlighting the extensive benefits of participation. • However, if budget is a problem, then below the line marketing may also do wonders. If the event is industry specific, mass faxing to companies belonging to the industry would be feasible. Telemarketing is a very effective marketing channel to create awareness within the right participant group. Additionally, dispatching sales personnel to attend to the requirements of large participant groups is an ideal and effective strategy. Mass emailing has become one of the most cost-efficient methods to reach out to large target audiences. This would be really useful if the event organizer already have an existing database. Otherwise, a list of names can be rented from database companies to attain the same results.
4. Collaboration with sponsors • Getting reputable sponsors to participate in an event will help boost the creditability of the event, as well as reduce costs. Sponsors can also help with marketing, as they also help publicize your event to their customers. Apart from that, some of the sponsors can chip in on venue rental in exchange for exhibition space or publicity for themselves. Some sponsors also require a short message of their company to be given to the participants during the event. Others give away sample products or door gifts to participants.
5. Managing People and working with speakers • A seminar will not be successful without the people running it, as well as the speakers sharing their knowledge to the participants. Invite speakers who are of caliber and reputation to the event, and who will provide the participants with relevant information to their work, industry or business. Prepare the speakers beforehand and work with them on their Power point presentations as well as pre-inform them of the logistics processes, timing as well as the expected audience size. Check with them on any special requests, such as the requirement for an overhead projector or additional microphones to be used for question and answer sessions. • All events require a good team of people handling tasks on ushering, registration, customer service as well as handling financials. Familiarize the team with any required event protocol to eliminate the possibility of confusion or error. In order to ensure smooth implementation, each person should be familiar with their individual roles. This can be ensured through a preparation of a detailed schedule of events coupled with roles and responsibilities for each person. Ideally, a project manager should control the whole team and ensure that everyone is carrying out their duties efficiently. Apart from that, the project manager also has the delegated authority to deal with all parties such as the venue management as well as the sponsors and event exhibitors.
6. Actual Day – Preparation, Registration, Ushering, Feedback • All seminar planning and preparations, constituting 80% of total work involved, cascade to the actual event which may last only for a few hours or a few days. On the day before the event, visit the venue to ensure that everything is in order according the requirements and specifications. Microphones, projectors, audio and video systems must be all checked to be in excellent working order. Over at the office, have a packing list prepared and get all require items transferred to the actual venue at least a day before the event. Event staff should be dispatched to work on site preparations, including setting up booths, decorations and posters, the day before the event. • On the actual day, staff should be present at the venue at least 1 ½ hours before commencement. They should report to their duty stations and must be ready to receive participants half an hour before they are scheduled to file in. Registrations must be made at the door to ensure authorized access. Name tags, door gifts and event schedules or booklets will be given out at this point and ushers will show participants to their seats in the event hall. • Staff will also be responsible for providing advice or help to participants during the event. Finally, feedback forms should be distributed and then collected from participants to determine the satisfaction level on all aspects of the event experience. This is in order to receive pointers, ideas and advice for future improvements. • Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and Entrepreneur Magazine e-Biz radio show host, became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world's top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. • For more information, visit Bacak's site at http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/ or sign up for his Powerful Promoting Tips at http://www.promotingtips.com/
8 Tips On How To Successfully Chair A Conference • 1 • It is the conference chairperson’s responsibility to see that the atmosphere during the discussion is always friendly, communicative and fair. • 2 • The conference chairperson introduces the topic in an objective and informative way. He/she formulates the discussion goals for each item on the agenda. During a discussion, he/she must not initially express his/her own opinion or assessment as • this would bias the discussion. • 3 • The chairperson speaks as little as possible in order to give maximum time to the conference participants. Conference chairmanship principally entails raising questions and giving the floor to different speakers. • 4 • Questions from the chairperson should always be designed to stimulate dialogue and consequently should never be answered by the chairperson himself/herself. • 5 • Preference should be given to open questions (W-questions: who, why, where, when, etc.) and information questions. Closed questions (which can only be answered with a “yes” or “no”) can be fatal to a discussion. • 6 • Should a discussion peter out it is up to the chairperson to get it moving again by means of (open) questions, thought-provoking remarks and a summary of the proceedings so far. • 7 • The chairperson should make interim summaries to emphasize the thread of the discussion. At the close, the chairperson gives a general summary and his/her evaluation as to which of the goals formulated at the outset have or have not been achieved. • 8 • At the end of the conference, it is also up to the chairperson to formulate and delegate tasks to individual participants. Nobody ought to leave the conference without precisely knowing: • a. what has been achieved in today’s discussion, • b. what is my specific assignment until the next conference/meeting, • c. where and when is the next conference/meeting?