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Understanding Sin and Forgiveness: Biblical Insights

Delve into the concept of sin as an offense against reason and love for God and neighbor, and explore the theme of forgiveness through a biblical lens. Learn about capital sins, the New Testament teachings on sin and grace, and the sacrament of Reconciliation.

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Understanding Sin and Forgiveness: Biblical Insights

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  1. CHAPTER SIX Sin and Forgiveness

  2. Journal: Bishop Barron on AmorisLaetitia

  3. Prayer: How long are you going to keep us in suspense? If you are the Christ tell us plainly. John 10 Dear God, thank you for my faith in your Son. I know him to be the tangible expression of your love. Do not let me keep my family in suspense by failing to live his love for them. Amen.

  4. We Are Sinners Capital sins Moral vices that give rise to many other failures to love.

  5. Pride – excessively high opinion of oneself Sloth – laziness Greed – desire for earthly goods Seven Capital Sins Envy – sorrow over another’s good fortune Gluttony – immoderate consumption of food or drink Anger – desire for revenge Lust – craving for sexual pleasure We Are Sinners

  6. The Reality of Sin • Sin is: • An offense against reason, truth, and right conscience • A failure in genuine love for God and neighbor caused by a perverse attachment to certain goods • An utterance, deed, or a desire contrary to the eternal law

  7. The Reality of Sin • There is much evidence of the existence of sin in the world today. • Jesus Christ came to save us from our sins.

  8. The Bible on Sin Old Testament Images of Sin hattah – missing the mark pesha – rebellion awon – guilt or iniquity

  9. The Bible on Sin Consequences of sin: alienates us from God alienates us from ourselves alienates us from others

  10. The Bible on Sin The New Testament on Sin, Jesus, and Forgiveness New Testament descriptions of sin: missing the mark lawlessness injustice falsehood darkness

  11. The Bible on Sin The New Testament on Sin, Jesus, and Forgiveness The most profound explanation of sin as found in the New Testament is “a refusal to love, to accept God’s offer of friendship and grace in our Lord Jesus Christ”.

  12. Different Kinds of Sin Original sin All humans are born into the disharmonious situation of our world to which we are all subject.

  13. Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin An inclination toward evil caused by original sin. “The rebellion of the ‘flesh’ against the spirit”(CCC 2515). concupiscence

  14. Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin venial sin mortal sin personal sin A failure to love God above everything and our neighbors as ourselves

  15. Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin Total rejection of God and alienation from him mortal sin • Three conditions must be present: • Grave matter • Full knowledge • Complete consent

  16. Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin Reconciliation A sacrament of healing, also known as Penance or Confession, through which Christ extends his forgiveness to sinners

  17. Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin Venial sin Personal sin that weakens but does not kill our relationship with God.

  18. violence A cycle of sin and injustice caused by individual sins Different Kinds of Sin Original Sin Versus Personal Sin • Examples: • greed • selfish actions • pride and prejudice • envy • lust • avarice Social Sin

  19. Conversion and the Sacrament of Reconciliation repentance contrition Change of mind or change of heart Heartfelt sorrow and aversion for sins committed along with the intention to sin no more

  20. Conversion and the Sacrament of Reconciliation The statement by which a priest, speaking as the official minister of Christ’s Church, declares forgiveness of sins to a repentant sinner in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. absolution The formula of absolution reads: “I absolve you from your sins; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

  21. Elements of the Sacrament • Five Steps of the Sacrament of Reconciliation: • Examine your conscience. • Have contrition for your sins. • Confess your sins. • Absolution. • Do the penance assigned.

  22. Vocabulary Capital sins Original sin Concupiscence Personal sin Mortal sin Venial sin Social sin Reconciliation Repentance Contrition Absolution

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