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Lyra D . , Economou G. and Sotirakoglou K.

A G R I C U L T U R A L U N I V E R S I T Y O F A T H E N S. Could marine algae consist an auxilliary tool for Orobanche management ? . Lyra D . , Economou G. and Sotirakoglou K. Agricultural University of Athens, Iera Odos 75, 11855 Hellas E-mail: dionyssialyra@yahoo.com.

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Lyra D . , Economou G. and Sotirakoglou K.

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  1. A G R I C U L T U R A L U N I V E R S I T Y O F A T H E N S Could marine algae consist an auxilliary tool for Orobanchemanagement ? Lyra D., Economou G. and Sotirakoglou K. Agricultural University of Athens, IeraOdos 75, 11855 Hellas E-mail: dionyssialyra@yahoo.com 2nd InternationalConferenceon«NovelandSustainableWeedManagementinaridandsemi-aridagro-ecosystems» 7-10 September Santorini Hellas

  2. Unusual life cycle High potential of broomrape seeds in the soil seed bank Total dependence on the host Almost all control methods for broomrape have not proven to be as effective economical and applicable as desired

  3. Urgent need for effective control methods……

  4. Urgent need for effective control methods………… O r o b a n c h e s p e c i e s I n v a d e N e w A r e a s G l o b a l E f f e c t p r o b a b l y d u e t o Cost Action 849 “Parasitic Plant Management in Sustainable Agriculture” R e s t r u c t u r I n g o f c r o p s

  5. Urgent need for effective control methods………… A P P L I C A B L E C H E A P T A R G E T E D

  6. B I O L O G I C A L C O N T R O L I n s e c t s ( i.e. Phytomyza orobanchia ) P a t h o g e n s ( i.e. fungi ) S t i m u l a n t s (Trenchev, 1981) (Boari and Vurro, 2004) (Wegmann, 2006)

  7. S t i m u l a n t s “ S u i c i d a l G e r m i n a t i o n” I n d u c t i o n I n h i b i t i o n

  8. S t i m u l a n t s N a t u r a l (plant origin) Strigolactones N e w s o u r c e s a l g a e S y n t h e t i c Strigolactones GR

  9. Seaweeds :Treasure from the sea Wallenkemp, J. O. Treasure from the sea. Organic Gard. and F. 2(3) :52-53 • P l a n t g r o w t h r e g u l a t o r s • M a j o r a n d m I n o r e l e m e n t s • P r o t e I n s • C a r b o h y d r a t e s • A m I n o a c I d s • V i t a m I n s a n d • A n t I o x I d a n t s Seaweeds are excellent sources of: Beneficial effects on plants • Increased nutrient uptake • Greater resistance to diseases, frost • Higher yields • Better quality product • Reduction of storage loss

  10. H y p o t h e s i s M a r i n e a l g a e couldhave b e n e f i c i a l effects for O r o b a n c h e control

  11. A s c o p h y l l u m n o d o s u m (An)

  12. An- information An is a member of the order Fucales (apical cell group). It generally grows upward in the water column anchoring to hard substrates using a holdfast. Upward growth promotes the maximum absorption of sunlight for photosynthesis (Lobban 1985). Geographical distribution

  13. An formulations

  14. A. nodosum effect on O r o b a n c h e control Suicidal Germination (Economou et al. 2007) Systemic Acquired Resistance (S.A.R.) (Gonsioret al. 2004)

  15. Steps ofour research activity

  16. Step 1: Evaluation of effective dose of Algit Super® (an An extract) 0.019 V/V Germination (%) Log [Algit Super®] G. Economou et al. (2007) Phytoparasitica 35(4):367-375

  17. GR A. nodosum Longer radicle

  18. Step 2:Evaluation of A. nodosum components Plant hormones Cytokinines Giberellins Auxines Betaines Plant regulating role (Crouch, I. J. and van Staden, J. 1993) (Stirk, W.A. and van Staden, J. 1997)

  19. …..growth regulators effect….. • Analysis of variance among the growth regulators showed differences not statistically significant (F-value: 4,13 p: 0.0522). • Beatine appeared to be the best seed stimulant relative to Kinetin, IAA and GA3, with higher mean values of germinability. “ …plant growth regulators have a stimulatory effect on Orobanche seeds…” (Batchvarova et al. )

  20. Step 3: Identifying the factors involved in An efficacy • Orobanche species (Ph. ramosa, Ph. aegyptiaca, O. crenata) • Temperature effect (18, 20, 23οC) • Population variability (18Ph. ramosa, 16 Ph. aegyptiaca, 10 O. crenata) • Statistical analysis • Response to stimulants best fit with Boltzmann function (GraphPad Prism 4.03) • Kruskal – Wallis test / Nemenyi test/ Box-Whisker plot

  21. Orobanche species – Temperature - Germination (1) GR24 Algit Super Ph. aegyptiaca Ph. aegyptiaca Ph. aegyptiaca GR24 Algit Super Ph. ramosa Ph. ramosa Ph. ramosa

  22. Orobanche species – Temperature - Germination (2) GR24 Algit Super O. crenata O. crenata O. crenata

  23. Orobanche species – Temperature - Radicle length (1) GR24 Algit Super Ph. aegyptiaca Ph. aegyptiaca Ph. aegyptiaca GR24 Algit Super Ph. ramosa Ph. ramosa Ph. ramosa

  24. Orobanche species – Temperature - Radicle length (2) GR24 Algit Super O. crenata O. crenata O. crenata

  25. Population variability – Ph. aegyptiaca Germination Radicle length

  26. Population variability - Ph. ramosa Germination Radicle length

  27. Population variability – O. crenata Germination Radicle length

  28. Key message (1) An stimulating effect An components are under investigation

  29. Key message (2) ? An efficacy temperature population diversity Orobanche species

  30. The higher radicle elongation Catch crops ?

  31. Strong points Active EnvironmentaLbenign Natural aGent EconomicAlfeasible CommercializEd

  32. Weak points Unknown behaviour in a complex biosystem

  33. Seaweed extracts have a place in Orobanche management as a part of an integratedapproach ……the findings would corroborate the claims….

  34. S a s e f h a r i s t o p o l i Thank you very much

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