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The globalization of the European book market: Diego Crancer ’ s Catalogus librorum (Seville 1680) and the sale of bo

The globalization of the European book market: Diego Crancer ’ s Catalogus librorum (Seville 1680) and the sale of books in New Spain . Pedro Rueda Ramírez. Catholic Communities and Books during the Early Modern Period (circulation, uses, business, consumption) Friday 17th February 2012.

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The globalization of the European book market: Diego Crancer ’ s Catalogus librorum (Seville 1680) and the sale of bo

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  1. The globalization of the European book market: Diego Crancer’s Catalogus librorum (Seville 1680) and the sale of books in New Spain Pedro Rueda Ramírez Catholic Communities and Books during the Early Modern Period (circulation, uses, business, consumption) Friday 17th February 2012

  2. The list of books for sale, by Diego Crancer or Cranze The Cataloguslibrorum, or List of Books of all Kinds for sale in the House of Diego Cranze in this city ([Seville]: by Diego Cranze, 1680) is the first catalogue of books for sale to be printed in Seville, the first in Andalusia, and the first catalogue printed in Europe for the sale of books in Mexico

  3. Catalogo, o memoria de libros, de todas facultades … para vender en las Indias [Sevilla: s.n., c. 1689]

  4. Diego Crancer’s family

  5. Diego Crancer’s family

  6. Books from “Flanders” Catalogus librorum, ô Memoria de los Libros de todo genero de Facultades, que se venden en Casa de Diego Cranze en esta ciudad. [Sevilla]: Por Diego Cranze, 1680, p. 7.

  7. SendingbooksfromSevilletotheAmericas The dispatch of books to Mexico was subject to two administrative procedures: those of the royal officials at the Casa de la Contratación (A) and those of the Inquisitors of Seville (B) Aduana de Sevilla Oficiales reales de la Casa de la Contratación Inquisidores en el Castillo de San Jorge Embarque de los libros en los navíos Memoria de títulos Cajones de libros Hoja de registro A B

  8. The control process of the Inquisition in Seville Senders of books were obliged to present a list of the titles in question to the Inquisitors in Seville The Castle of St George (the headquarters of the Inquisition in Seville)

  9. Diego CrancertotheInquisitors of Seville Most Illustrious Gentlemen, I, Diego Crance, inhabitant of this city, affirm that I have these books [in the list] in the Customs House. I request licence from your lordships to transport them to the shores of the Indies without impediment. Diego Crançe

  10. The Inquisitors of Seville to the censors of the Holy Office Presented to the Holy Office of the Inquisition of Seville on 21 June 1680. Inquisitors Pimentel and Carvajal. And seen by these inquisitors, they asked that a censor of this Holy Office should see these books with regard to the interests of the Holy Office. Signed by one of the said inquisitors. By order of the Holy Office. Don Sancho de Flores.

  11. Pedro Zapata, censor, authorizes the dispatch of the books to Mexico I, Pedro Zapata, priest in theCompany of Jesus, master of theology and prefect of studies at thecollege of San Hermenegildo, censor of theHoly Office, certifythatthebookscontainedin in this list are not forbidden and with regard to the interests of the Holy Office may be transported. Seville 21 June 1680. Pedro Zapata.

  12. The Atlantic voyage Sanlúcar de Barrameda Seville

  13. The Atlantic voyage Diego Crancer reached the port of Veracruz on 15 September 1680 in the convoy of ships that made up the fleet of Gaspar de Velasco.

  14. The Atlantic voyage Agustín López de la Cámara Alta. Plano de la plaza de Vera Cruz. Veracruz, 20 April 1793. Seville. Archivo General de Indias.

  15. The languages of the titles Diego Crancer’s Catalogus (Seville, 1680)

  16. Structure of the Diego Crancer’s Catalogus (Seville, 1680) Libri theologici in folio. Libri theologici in quarto et octauo. Libri juridici in folio Libri juridici in quarto. Libri medicorum in folio. Libri medicor. in quarto, et octavo. Libri miscellanenei in folio. Libri miscell. in quarto, et octavo. Libros de romance en general. De folio. [Libros de romance] Libros de a quarto, y pequeños.

  17. Structure of the lists of sales

  18. Formats in Diego Crancer’s Catalogus (Seville, 1680)

  19. Formats in Diego Crancer’s Catalogus (Seville, 1680)

  20. Formats in Diego Crancer’s Catalogus (Seville, 1680)

  21. The representative of the Inquisition, Francisco Flores de Valdés I have taken the Instituta of Arnoldo Vino and three a quartilla volumes of Juan Bisembacho in pandectas and the Instituta of Schenedeiuini y two small books in duodecimo on Florentine history by Nicolas Machiauelo and three octavo volumes entitled Origine juris romani as it has notes by Arnoldo Vino. Which by my mandate I confiscate from Diego Cranse, a bookseller who came with the recently arrived fleet under don Gaspar de Velasco, and at whose request I issue this notice in Los Angeles on the 21st of December 1680. The letter to the Inquisitors in Mexico

  22. Thebooksconfiscated in Puebla Cataloguslibrorum, ô Memoria de los Libros de todo genero de Facultades, que se venden en Casa de Diego Cranze en esta ciudad. [Sevilla]: Por Diego Cranze, 1680, p. 5. “…la Instituta de Arnoldo Vino…” Letter from the representative of the Inquisition in Puebla

  23. Thebooksconfiscated in Puebla Letter from the representative of the Inquisition in Puebla “…tres tomos de a quartilla de Juan Bisembacho in pandectas y la Instituta de Schenedeiuini…” Cataloguslibrorum, ô Memoria de los Libros de todo genero de Facultades, que se venden en Casa de Diego Cranze en esta ciudad. [Sevilla]: Por Diego Cranze, 1680, p. 5.

  24. Johann Schneidewein (1519-1568) Matthias van Wesenbeke (1531-1586) Johann Schneidewein (1519-1568). In quatuor Institutionum Imperialium Iustiniani Imp. Libros, Commentarij] Matthaei Wesembecii, se trataba del jurista Matthias van Wesenbeke (1531-1586). In Pandectas Iuris Ciuilis et Codicis Iustinianei

  25. Thebooksconfiscated in Puebla Letter from the representative of the Inquisition in Puebla “…dos libritos en doce de la historia florentina autor Nicolas Machiauelo …” Cataloguslibrorum, ô Memoria de los Libros de todo genero de Facultades, que se venden en Casa de Diego Cranze en esta ciudad. [Sevilla]: Por Diego Cranze, 1680, p. 7.

  26. ArnoldusVinnius (1588-1657) Arnoldus Vinnius (1588-1657). In quatuor libros institutionum imperialium commentarius academicus & forensis

  27. Silver ingots Silver ingot rescued from the galleon “Nuestra Señora de Atocha”, which sank in Florida in 1622. Museo de América de Madrid.

  28. Thank you

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