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VILAB: Microelectronics Virtual Laboratory for Cooperation in Research and Knowledge Transfer. Partner Progress Report 980901 - 990901 Tallinn Technical University Raimund Ubar. VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901) Tallinn Technical University. List of subprojects:
VILAB: Microelectronics Virtual Laboratory for Cooperation in Research and Knowledge Transfer Partner Progress Report 980901 - 990901 Tallinn Technical University Raimund Ubar
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University List of subprojects: SP1: Improving FPGA Design Flow by Introducing Test Activities Partners:IIS/EAS, TTU The goal:Integrate the ATPG developed in TTU into the FPGA Design Flow used at the IIS/EAS SP2: Testability Driven System Design Flow Partners:LIU,TTU, TUD The goal:Developing behavioral level ATPG and Testability Analyser for preanalysing SW/HW codesigns SP3: IDDQ ATPG and Testing Partners:ICS,SUT, TTU The goal:Developing an ATPG for combined voltage and current testing and interfacing it to commercial design tools (Mentor Graphics)
2.2 3.2 4.1 3.1 STU SP: High-level ATPG for IPcores IET IET 2.4 2.3 SP1: Improving FPGA design flow by test IIS/EAS 3.3 4.2 LIU SP2: Testability driven system design flow TUD ICS SP3: IDDQ ATPG and testing STU SP: Fault model research WUT VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtasks and subprojects of the Tallinn Technical University
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 2.2 (Links to: IIS/EAS, LIU – Subprojects SP1, SP2 ) Results: • Fault simulator and ATPG for digital systems • WWW Distribution of test generation and fault simulation tools (Turbo-Tester) via URL http://www.pld.ttu.ee/tt/ Tools can be installed: Solaris 2.x, Windows 95/98/NT Current distribution contains utilities for gate-level circuits: • three test generators • deterministic • genetic algorithms • random • multi-valued simulator for dynamic signal analysis • fault simulator • EDIF design interface with a library compiler
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 2.3 (Link to: ICS - Subproject SP3 ) Creation of interfaces between tools Results: Interfaces between design and test generation tools • EDIF interface created at TTU was modified to support translation into ISCAS85 format used by test tools of ICS • Interface between high-level VHDL description and Hierarchical Test Pattern Generator Subtask 2.4 (Local use – Subproject SP1) Creation of the set of benchmark circuits for evaluating the quality of test tools Results: The following benchmarks are currently available at TTU: • Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) • Differential Equation (DIFFEQ) • 8-bit multiplier (MULT8x8) Data files are available for: behavioral, RTL (in VHDL) and gate-level (in EDIF) descriptions
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.1 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU, ICS – SP1, SP2, SP3) Cooperative research in the field of design for testability and test generation (TTU) Results: • ATPG developed at TTU has been improved to reach very high speed of test generation (SP1 with IIS/EAS) Publications:DATE`99, ETW`99, Semicon`99 (Singapore) • IDDQ ATPG development, linking to commercial design tool (SP3 with IES) • DD-based diagnostic model generation from VHDL (SP2 with LIU) Publications:Kluwer Acad. Publishers Under development: • ATPG based testability analysis (SP2 with LIU) • Testability driven ATPG (SP2 with LIU) Under discussion (Links to WUT, Uni Stuttgart, TIMA): • Investigations on the fault model quality (WUT) • ATPG for functional BIST (Uni Stuttgart) • Design error diagnosis in digital circuits (TIMA)
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.2 (Links to IIS/EAS, LIU – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in VLSI design for applications in digital data processing (IET) Results: • Concept of integrating an ATPG into the FPGA design flow (with IIS/EAS) Publications:Joint VILAB publication (IIS/EAS & TTU) • Hierarchical diagnostic model for VLSI designs Converters and model generators developed: • from RT level VHDL into high-level DD-based diagnostic model • from gate-level EDIF into low-level BDD-based diagnostic model Under development: • ATPG for testing SW/HW codesigns (with LIU) Under discussion (Link to IET): • High level test generationfor IP cores
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 3.3 (Links to LIU, TUD – SP2) Cooperative research in the field of hardware-software codesign (TUD) Results: • A fast cycle-based simulator for verification hardware components of HW/SW codesigns was developed Publication:Date`99 Under development: • New DD-model for diagnostic describing of behavioral descriptions of specifications for SW/HW codesign is being developed The diagnostic model will be used for developing a behavioral level ATPG and Testability Analyser for preanalysing SW/HW codesigns Publication:Kluwer Academic Publishers
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 4.1 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in the field of ASIC development using cores (IET) Results: Improving FPGA design flow by introduced test activities • A novel FPGA design flow combined with ATPG was developed and experimented on a real FPGA circuit for telecommunication • Preliminary experimental results have shown the advantages of using structural tests generated by ATPG compared to using functional test sequences created by designer Publications:Joint VILAB publication (IIS/EAS & TTU) Under development: Design error diagnosis in digital circuits (Link to: TIMA Laboratory) Under discussion: ATPG for functional BIST (Links to: Uni Stuttgart, IIS/EAS)
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 4.2 (Links to IIS/EAS,LIU, TUD – SP1, SP2) Cooperative research in the field of HW/SW codesign developments (TUD) SP2 - Testability Driven System Design Flow Partners: TTU, LIU, TUD The main goal of the subproject is to investigate a complete SW/HW codesign flow with emphasis on testability analysis and test generation Results: For such investigations, the interface between High Level Synthesis System (its output VHDL description) and the high-level ATPG (its input Decision Diagrams) was created during the 1st project year Under development: Experimental work is to be carried out in cooperation between LIU and TTU
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Subtask 5.3 (Link to TU Ilmenau) Cooperative research in multimedial knowledge transfer course on “Advanced methods on Test“ (TTU) Results: • Course on Design and Test has been developed The course was carried out (in cooperation with LIU) at Ericsson Telecom AB • Concept for Computer Based Interactive Training in the field of "Digital Design and Test" • The concept was developed in cooperation with TU Ilmenau • It consists on Java applets, user's Web browser and a server, performing all computations • Using the interactive teaching software, user can experiment with different methods of test pattern generation, fault simulation, design for testability,built-in self-test, and fault diagnosis Under development:Teaching software for teaching Design and Test
VILAB: Partner Progress Report (980901 - 990901)Tallinn Technical University Publications: • VILAB joint publication: • G.Elst, K-H.Diener, E.Ivask, J.Raik, R.Ubar. FPGA Design Flow with Automated Test Generation German 11th Workshop on Test Technology and Reliability of Circuits and Systems. Potsdam, 1999, pp. 120-123. • Other publications: • R.Ubar, J.Raik. Hierarchical Test Generation for Complex Digital Systems with Control and Data Processing Parts. SEMICON Techn. Symp., Singapur May 3-6, 1999, pp.43-64. • J.Raik, R.Ubar. High-Level Path Activation Technique to Speed Up Sequential Circuit Test Generation. ETW, Constance, May 25-28, 1999, 5 p. • R.Leveugle, R.Ubar. Modeling VHDL Clock-Driven Multi-Processes by Decision Diagrams. In "Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems". Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. • R.Ubar, A.Moraviec, J.Raik. Cycle-based Simulation with Decision Diagrams. DATE. Munich, March 9-12, 1999, pp.454-458. • R.Ubar, A.Jutman. Hierarchical Design Error Diagnosis in Combinational Circuits by Stuck-at Fault Test Patterns. 6th MIXDES, Krakow, June 17-19, 1999, pp. 437-442.