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Reading Permit Files. Enforcing Environmental Law January 2002. S tate P ollutant D ischarge E limination S ystem. Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC) http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/uwa/p4120104.gif. What is the legal effect of exceeding an action level?.
Reading Permit Files Enforcing Environmental Law January 2002
Hydrologic Unit Codes (HUC)http://www.dec.state.ny.us/website/dow/uwa/p4120104.gif
When you’ve done BAT--BMP may be the next step (unless there’s ALARA, or LAER)
Concentration (ug/L) x Flow (L/hr) x Time (hrs) = Mass Load (weight) Process waste Joined by storm drains
.5 permitted; 8.9 measured The RBCs have lost their growth of bacteria--I believe due to the higher water temp--we are doing a 6 hr. composite each work day with an engineering firm to analyze the data to help solve our problem.
2.0 permitted; 10.6 measured 110.6 on ammonia was due to drawing supernate (?) into plant at a high rate --[illegible] flow regulated back into the plant with better results
The 2.3 DO had to be operator error as the next worst value was a 6.7 & 6.8; all the rest were above 7.0
Should the “Friends of Murder Creek” bring a citizen suit against the Akron sewer plant?