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WEB QUEST Smoking in cars with children. Year 10 Science – Life and Living Stream. Introduction Challenge Lesson 1a Lesson 1b Lesson 2 Lesson 3a Lesson 3b Lesson 4 Conclusion. Presentation guide Rubric Teachers guide. Contents.
WEB QUESTSmoking in cars with children Year 10 Science – Life and Living Stream
Introduction Challenge Lesson 1a Lesson 1b Lesson 2 Lesson 3a Lesson 3b Lesson 4 Conclusion Presentation guide Rubric Teachers guide Contents
You may have heard or read about the current discussion on whether to ban smoking in cars with children You may have even formed some ideas as to whether or not we should make it illegal But before we can make any decisions about creating new laws we must first consider all of the facts Introduction
Challenge • Your challenge is to prepare a Photostory presentation over the next four lessons which you will use to present your ideas to the class on whether smoking in cars with children should be banned here in Western Australia • You will need to use a range of information sources to support your argument for or against this law • This WebQuest will help you by providing links to a variety of resources • On the contents page you will find the link ‘Report Guide’, this is the outline that you should use to present your report
Lesson 1a: Existing Knowledge • Before you begin researching you need to consider what you already know about smoking in cars and how it may affect the human body • Click on the link below to create an Inspiration mind-map that shows what you already know about this issue, and what you need to find out (the mind-map has been started for you, you need to expand it and develop new ideas) • Save your brainstorm and paste it into your report
Lesson 1b: Background Knowledge • The introduction to your report should summarise the issue of smoking in cars with children and whether it should be made illegal • Use your Inspiration mind map to create some focus questions on what you might need to find out • Use the links below to find out more about the issue (consider the who, where, when and why) and use this information to form your introduction You Smoke I Choke Video Link
Lesson 2: The Human Body • The next step in creating your report is to learn about the heart and lungs and how they work in a non-smoker, this will give you an idea of the health of the child before they begin riding in cars with smokers • Visit the following websites to find out more about heart and lungs • In the ‘Child Health’ section of your presentation, describe what a healthy heart and lungs look like, include diagrams and videos if you can (consider whether a child’s heart and lungs are different to an adults) Respiration Video
Lesson 3a: Smoking and its Effects • Based on the knowledge gained from lesson 1 & 2 • Do a clear research and a report on the effect of smoking on your health • Effect on children due to passive smoking • Use the following links and website to analyze the effect of smoking • Give your report on why smoking should or should not be banned in Western Australia and statements to support your opinion http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/Pages/default.aspx http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/smoking.html
Lesson 3b: Smoking effect on Lungs http://lungcancer.co.uk
Lesson 4:Smoking-related Diseases • The next step in creating your report is to learn about the heart and lungs of smokers or being a passive smoker. • This information will provide you with a comparison of these organs with a non-smoker (Lesson 2). • How does your health vary from being in a car with a smoker or smoking yourself to that of a non-smoker. Use the links below to find out more about the issue of smoking related diseases. • List of smoking related diseases expanded http:www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5077308/ • Action on smoking & health http://ash.org • http://en.wikipedia.org?wiki/Passive_smoking • http://www.canstopsmoking.com/smoking-facts/passive-smoking.htm • http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/pubs/etsfs.html
Reflection • Before submitting your Photostory to the teacher and presenting it to the class, you need to take some time to think about the following questions: • What new things have I learnt by doing this Webquest? (Refer back to your first Inspiration mind-map) • What new skills have I acquired? (Did you use any new software?) • What was the most valuable resource I used? • Did I manage my class time effectively? • What would I do better next time? Find a classmate to interview you on these questions, record the interview and include it at the very end of your Photostory for the teacher to view.
Conclusion • Well done! • Over the past four lessons you have learnt to use technology in a variety of ways to learn more about the human body, smoking and the issues surrounding the possible legislation to ban smoking in cars carrying children • The final step is to submit your report at the online drop box • Don’t forget to look at the rubric to make sure you have met all of the task requirements!
Presentation Guide • Not sure where to start? Your presentation should address all of the following headings: • Inspiration mind map (explains what you already know about the issue) • Introduction (explains the issue in detail) • Child health (explains what a healthy child’s heart and lungs are like) • Effects of smoking (explains how passive smoking might affect that child’s health) • Smoking related diseases (explains the long term effects for the child) • Conclusion (summarises your opinions on the issue and explains why) Your presentation will be created using Photostory, so you are encouraged to use as many pictures, videos and audio clips as possible – you need to make it interesting! Refer to the rubric for more information on what to include.
Rubric Assignment is out of a possible 24marks
Teacher’s Guide • Inspiration mind map • Group understanding • Project Management Plan • Relating ICT to the LAOs • Justification of learning tools • Lesson Plans 1, 2, 3 and 4 • Social constructivism statement • Resources • Personal reflections – Lesley, Irene, Jaih
Group Understanding • Our group understands this project as the creation of an ICT-based learning program that spans four lessons that are related by a common theme. We aim to take advantage of the ICT resources available to us in order to create a series of lessons that are interactive and encourage constructivist learning. The student will be required to engage with the content using a variety of media and problem-solving skills. • As we are all studying to teach in the area of senior school science, we have chosen to look at smoking in the context of ‘life and living’ the stream of study that includes human biology. We intend to relate this study to relevant and topical issues surrounding smoking, which is appropriate to the curriculum, but is also relevant in a societal context.
Project Management Plan • Delegation of tasks was completed early in the planning and organisational process, the following was the result: • Inspiration concept map (group) – 2nd March • Formation of ideas and concepts (group) – 2nd March • Project management plan (group) – 2nd March • Lesson 1 and 2 (lesson and plan) (Lesley) – 23rd March • Lesson 3 (lesson and plan) (Irene) – 23rd March • Lesson 4 (lesson and plan) (Jaih) – 23rd March • Compile as one item (group) – 30th March • Create rubric and complete Teacher’s Page (Lesley)– 6th April • Social constructivism statement (Lesley) – 6th April • Reflections (individual and group) – 8th April • Submission (Irene) – 10th April
Relating ICT to the LAOs • In completing this WebQuest students have demonstrated learning in a range of the outcome areas, most notably: • Acting responsibly – by enabling access to a range of relevant resources, ICT has allowed students to come to conclusions on the given topic and demonstrate ethical consideration of the impact of products on people and the environment • Science in daily life – the WebQuest has allowed the student to apply understanding to a specific societal context, it has aided students in understanding some abstract science concepts • Life and living – students have accessed resources that have provided them with information on their own biology and that of other living things, furthermore they have been encouraged to engage with the topic and consider information critically
Justification of learning tools • PowerPoint – we felt this was an ideal basis for our WebQuest as it can be used to create an aesthetically appealing and easy to view learning tool that motivates and engages students, it is also easy for students to use themselves • Internet – the internet is a versatile tool for seeking out knowledge therefore we felt that it was a necessary and relevant element of an ICT project • Inspiration – this software is the ideal way to facilitate lateral thinking, particularly because it can be saved, added to and referred to at later dates, it can be used to assess how much was learned by the students during completion of the WebQuest • Photostory – this was the most suitable software for creating a presentation as the ability to include pictures, music etc means that the subject matter is more engaging and better understood
Social Constructivism Statement • Social constructivism is an ideal teaching method that encourages learning through investigation and processes. It emphasises the act of learning as being of greater value than the knowledge to be learned. Social constructivists believe that teachers are facilitators of learning, rather than instructional disseminators of knowledge. • This WebQuest aimed to approach teaching from a constructivist standpoint. As such the students are provided with the tools to find the information they need, but not the information itself. In doing this the students are required to think more critically about the task at hand and engage more thoroughly with the content. We enhanced this project by incorporating an issue that is current and relevant to the community in which the students are participants. • The reasoning for requiring the students to create a presentation was to encourage them to consider the information and its importance and then organise it in an appropriate fashion. Hopefully this process of sorting through the information helps to transfer the information into their long-term memories, therefore maximising the impact of the lessons.
Resources • Percival, Z. (2008). You smoke I choke. Retrieved 15th March 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0bi7hrqwXU • (2009). Enforcing smoking ban not a core police function: Commissioner. Retrieved 15th March 2009, from http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/02/10/2487789.htm • Murray, P. (2009). Car smoke ban ignores main child risk at home. Retrieved 15th March, 2009, from http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID=9&ContentID=126554 • (2008). Respiration 3D medical animation. Retrieved 15th March, 2009, from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiT621PrrO0 • Nemours Foundation. (2009). How the body works. Retrieved 15th March, 2009, from http://kidshealth.org/kid/ • The Heart Foundation. (2008). Your heart and how it works. Retrieved 15th March, 2009, from http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/Heart_Information/Pages/default.aspx • The Associated Press (2009). List of smoking related diseases expanded. Retrieved 4th April 2009, from http:www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5077308/ • NHS HealthScotland. (2009). The effect of smoking on other people. Retrieved 4th April 2009, from http://www.canstopsmoking.com/smoking-facts/passive-smoking.htm • US Environmental Protection Agency. (1993). Retrieved 4th April 2009, from http://www.epa.gov/smokefree/pubs/etsfs.html • John F. Banzhaf, (2007). Action on smoking & health.Retrieved 4th April 2009, from http://ash.org • Thompson, B.(2009). Welcome to Wikipedia.Retrieved 4th April 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org?wiki/Passive_smoking
Resources • The Heart Foundation. (2008). Your heart and how it works. Retrieved 15th March, 2009, from http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/Heart_Information/Pages/default.aspx • Teenhealth http://kidshealth.org/teen/drug_alcohol/tobacco/smoking.html • The Lung Cancer http://www.lungcancer.co.uk
Personal reflection - Lesley • Webquest – Not having any knowledge of a Webquest before, the task of creating one was somewhat daunting, and did not come easy, however, I now feel that a Webquest is a learning tool that I would happily use in my classroom. I believe it is a great way of engaging students in meaningful work and encouraging them to be critical thinkers. • ICT tools – Prior to this unit I was fairly comfortable with tools such as Powerpoint, the internet and Inspiration, but inexperienced with Photostory and Wikispaces. Having used trial and error methods I now feel confident in using Photostory and feel that students would pick up the required skills easily. I did however experience a number of problems using Wikispaces and felt inadequately supported in its use. • Group work – I felt that our group did not work as well together as I would have liked. Unfortunately the contributions from group members were uneven in quality and quantity. Attempts to address these issues were made but were only partly successful. I am fairly satisfied with the finished product but feel it could have been improved by having more even contributions.
Personal reflection - Irene • Webquest- I find webquest is easy way of managing students work. And as a teacher it is one of the best way to be organised. Since using webquest I find this tool an excellent way to communicate to students and best suited for group work. • Wikispace – To start with it was hard to understand. After few trial and error method I feel comfortable w ith wikispace. Eventaully I got the technique to do it. Wikispace should be easily available from university rather than using it on the web which is only a 30 day trial. • Group Work – I felt that there was communication gap and not enough input from all and also some of the work done was not recognised or taken into account. There should have been clear distribution of work. I was more than happy to do what ever required to do the project well. • May be ICT project should be allocated in a different way or assessed diferently