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What are the Regulations for Lithium Batteries Shipping?

Lithium batteries are dangerous and have a great potential for damage. Be sure to abide by all necessary DOT, IATA, and IMO requirements when transporting lithium batteries.

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What are the Regulations for Lithium Batteries Shipping?

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  1. TheDOT,IATA, IMDG have DevelopedSpecific RegulationsforShippingLithium Batteries Lithium Batteries Shipping Calls for Added Precautions!

  2. What is a Lithium Battery? It is a rechargeable battery that uses lithium ionsforstoring energy and has a higher energy density and lower self-discharge rate comparedto othertypes of batteries.This makeslithium batteriesapopularchoiceto powermodernelectronics.

  3. DidYouKnow? The devicescontaining lithiumbatteriesare classifiedas dangerous goodsandrequire specific packaging,labeling, marking,andshipping regulations.

  4. Need for Precautions When ShippingLithiumBatteries • Varioussafetyconcernsarelinkedto lithium batteriesastheycontainflammable electrolyteswhichcanresultin: • Fires • Explosions • Thermal Runway • Venting • Leaking

  5. To ensurethehealthand safety of employees, property, and the environment, authorities have developed regulations for the safe shipmentoflithiumbatteries. ThisPhotoby UnknownAuthor islicensedunderCCBY

  6. Theseregulationsmustbefollowed byallshippingcompanies, airline and vesseloperators,as wellas railway companiesandtrucksand other vehiclestransportinglithium batteries in commerce.

  7. Four Important Considerations When Shipping Lithium Batteries

  8. Rule# 1: Choose the Right Shipping Company

  9. Rule#2:Labeland Markthe Shipment Appropriately

  10. Rule# 3: Run Relevant Tests Accurately

  11. Rule# 4: Packaging of theShipment

  12. Increasedriskstoemployee healthand safety Dangerto thepublic andenvironmentduringtransportation mishaps. Possibilityof the shipmentbeing rejectedbythe shipper/carrier. Accidentalmisdeclarationof lithiumbatterytype. Levy of fines and penalties. Discreditamongstpeers Impact onorganizationalreputationand trustworthiness Possibilityof lawsuits ConsequencesofNOTComplyingwith Shipping Regulations

  13. TrainingtoSupport RegulatoryCompliance To reducelithiumbatterytransportation risks andminimizeworkerhazardexposure, those who ship lithium batteries must be awareof, andput intopractice,theU.S. DepartmentofTransportation’sregulatory requirements as detailed in the Hazardous MaterialsRegulations (HMR). Therefore, workers must be trained on safe practices to ensure the safer transportation of lithium batteries by air, highway, rail, and water.

  14. Our laptopandmobile-friendlycoursesmeetthe training requirementsforshipping lithium ionand lithiummetalcells and batteriesas requiredby: • DOTHMR(40 CFR Part172.704), • IATADGR (Section1.5),and • IMDGCode(Section1.3.1). • ENROLLTODAY! • https://hazwoper-osha.com/online-courses/dot-iata-imdg-shipping- lithium-batteries-series ShippingLithiumBatteriesTraining Courses

  15. ReadtheArticle @ https://hazwoper- osha.com/blog-post/lithium- batteries-shipping-calls-for- added-precautions

  16. Contact Us! Safety Matters! 1-866-429-6742 info@HAZWOPER-OSHA.com https://hazwoper-osha.com/ 11901SantaMonicaBlvd. Suite#414 LosAngeles, CA90025

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