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中断服务流程 (ISR) 与对应 CSL 编程接口 之 CPINTC 总结

中断服务流程 (ISR) 与对应 CSL 编程接口 之 CPINTC 总结. Bruce Chen 2012-2-3. 应用背景. 基于 KEYSTONE 多核架构 以 C6678 为例. ISR. 中断. CPINTC. INTC. 调用中断 处理函数. CPINTC: Chip-level interrupt controller. It aggregates interrupts. Mapping system interrupts to host interrupts.

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中断服务流程 (ISR) 与对应 CSL 编程接口 之 CPINTC 总结

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  1. 中断服务流程(ISR)与对应CSL编程接口之 CPINTC总结 Bruce Chen 2012-2-3

  2. 应用背景 • 基于KEYSTONE 多核架构 • 以C6678 为例

  3. ISR 中断 CPINTC INTC 调用中断 处理函数 CPINTC: Chip-level interrupt controller. It aggregates interrupts. Mapping system interrupts to host interrupts. At most 1024 system interrupts can be handled while make at most 256 output . INTC: interrupt controller (inside corepac). Mapping 128 interrupts to 12 vectors, exception, NMI, reset.

  4. CPINTC • 2 mappings; one is fixed while the other is programmable • channel num = host interrupt num System interrupts Host interrupts Channels Program mable fixed

  5. What inside CPINTC • Take c6678 CPINTC for example CPINTC INTC0 Core0~3 INTC0 does services for core 0~3 INTC1 Core 4~7 INTC2 TPCC1 TPCC2 INTC3 Hyperlink TPCC0

  6. CSL API • INTC configure • 1. INTC initial • CSL_intcInit • CSL_intcGlobalNmiEnable • CSL_intcGlobalEnable • 2.INTC mapping &hook callback function • CSL_intcOpen // map Event ID to Vector ID • CSL_intcPlugEventHandler // hook callback function

  7. 3. enable events • CSL_intcHwControl • CPINTC • 4. CSL_CPINTC_open //Open the handle to the CPINT Instance • CSL_CPINTC_disableAllHostInterrupt • CSL_CPINTC_mapSystemIntrToChannel • CSL_CPINTC_enableSysInterrupt • CSL_CPINTC_enableHostInterrupt • CSL_CPINTC_enableAllHostInterrupt

  8. 5. generate interrupt • ((CSL_CPINTC_RegsOvly)CSL_CP_INTC_0_REGS)->STATUS_SET_INDEX_REG //configure register

  9. Reference • TMS 320C6678 datasheet • TMS320C66x DSP CorePac User Guide • KeyStone Architecture Interrupt Controller (INTC) User Guide

  10. Reference code • pdk_C6678_1_0_0_11\packages\ti\csl\example\cpintc

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