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Patterson: Chap 2 Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Patterson: Chap 2 Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning. Dr. Charles Tappert The information here, although greatly condensed, comes almost entirely from the chapter content. Neural Networks.

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Patterson: Chap 2 Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning

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  1. Patterson: Chap 2Foundations of Neural Networks and Deep Learning Dr. Charles Tappert The information here, although greatly condensed, comes almost entirely from the chapter content.

  2. Neural Networks • Neural networks are models that share some properties of animal brains -- simple units work in parallel with no centralized control unit • A networks architecture can be defined by • Number of layers, number of neurons per layer, and the types of connections between layers • The most well-known and easiest to understand is the feed-forward multilayer NN • A feed-forward multilayer NN can represent any function given enough neuron units

  3. Neural Networks • The feed-forward multilayer NN

  4. Neural NetworksThe Biological Neuron

  5. Neural NetworksThe Perceptron • Definition: The simple single-layer perceptron is a linear model used for binary classification

  6. Neural NetworksThe Perceptron • Artificial neuron for a multilayer perceptron

  7. Neural NetworksThe Perceptron • Fully connected multilayer feed-forward perceptron

  8. Neural NetworksTraining Neural Networks • A well-trained ANN has weights that amplify the signal and dampen the noise • Bigger weights mean tighter correlations between the signal and the networks outcome • The process of learning is the process of adjusting the weights, making some smaller and some larger, thereby allocating significance to some information and minimizing other

  9. Neural NetworksTraining Neural Networks • Backpropagation learning • Similar to the perceptron learning algorithm • Compute the output of a training sample with a forward pass through the system • If the output does not match the training label, adjust the weights, working backward from the output layer to the input layer • Mathematical details in Appendix D

  10. Neural NetworksActivation Functions • Activation functions are used to propagate the output of one layer’s nodes to the next layer • The activation functions for the hidden units introduce nonlinearities which are necessary to solving most problems

  11. Neural NetworksActivation Functions – Linear

  12. Neural NetworksActivation Functions – Sigmoid

  13. Neural NetworksActivation Functions – Tanh

  14. Neural NetworksActivation Functions – Rectified Linear

  15. Neural NetworksActivation Functions – Softplus

  16. Neural NetworksLoss Functions • Loss functions quantify how close a given neural network is to the trained ideal network • Looking for the ideal state is equivalent to finding parameters that minimize the loss • Thus, loss functions reframe the training problem as an optimization problem

  17. Neural NetworksLoss Functions • Mean squared error loss function • Negative log likelihood loss function - M classes

  18. Neural NetworksHyperparameters • Hyperparameters are tuning parameters that deal with controlling optimization functions • Hyperparameter selection focuses on ensuring that the model neither underfits nor overfits the training dataset

  19. Neural NetworksHyperparameters • Learning rate • The amount by which you adjust parameters • Scales the size of the steps (updates) • How much of the gradient to use • A large error and steep gradient combine with the learning rate to produce a large step • A large learning rate is often used in the initial portion of training and a smaller learning rate later as the system approaches the global minimum

  20. Neural NetworksHyperparameters • Regularization • Helps with the effects of out-of-control parameters by minimizing parameter size over time • Basically controls overfitting • Usually represented by the coefficient lambda l • Big training data is the ultimate regularizer

  21. Neural NetworksHyperparameters • Momentum • Helps the learning algorithm get out of spots in the search space where it could become stuck • Helps updater find gulleys leading toward minima • Helps produce better quality models

  22. Neural NetworksHyperparameters • Sparsity • The sparsity hyperparameter recognizes that for some inputs only a few features are relevant • For example, for a network that classifies a million images, any single image will be indicated by a limited number of features

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