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Early Universe

Explore the fascinating early universe events from singularity to nucleosynthesis, including the radiation era, inflation, matter-antimatter pairs, and the matter era. Discover the creation of light nuclei and the significance of matter asymmetry.

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Early Universe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early Universe

  2. Singularity • In the first few seconds of the universe photons outnumbered matter – radiation era. • The Planck era existed before 10-43 seconds. • No scientific model to explain • Quantum gravity, string theory -42 -39 -36 -33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

  3. Inflation • The forces of nature were initially identical. • Split as universe cooled • A period of inflation expanded the universe. • 1050 times in size • Possible confirming disturbance measured? -42 -39 -36 -33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

  4. Energetic photons created matter-antimatter pairs. Quark epoch Lepton (electron) epoch At 1 microsecond the Universe was too cool to make more pairs. Most matter-antimatter pairs annihilated. Slight excess of matter Asymmetry currently explored in accelerators Creation of Matter -42 -39 -36 -33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

  5. Exploring Early Times • Particle accelerators can briefly reproduce the temperature of early times. • Fermilab in Illinois • CERN in Switzerland • Equivalent to about 1 picosecond (10-12 s)

  6. Creation of Light Nuclei • During the first few minutes there was fusion as in stars. • proton + neutron  deuterium • deuterium + deuterium  helium • helium + helium  lithium + proton • There are only about 72% protons and 28% neutrons. • Forms 75% hydrogen, 25% helium, trace of lithium • All heavier elements made in stars -42 -39 -36 -33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

  7. Nucleosynthesis • The density of ordinary matter determines the likely mix of light nuclei. • WMAP measures ordinary matter at 4.6% of the total. • Predicted mix matches other observations

  8. Matter Era • 50,000 years after the big bang matter energy exceeds radiation – matter era. • Matter eliminated by antimatter • Radiation energy decreased by redshift • 400,000 years after the big bang atoms formed. • Proton + electron = hydrogen -42 -39 -36 -33 -30 -27 -24 -21 -18 -15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0 +3 +6 +9 +12 +15

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