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Our 10 minute countdown timer is highly valuable for those who are going to host a live streaming video. You can insert our visual timer into your live video. While you start a broadcast, you will find this timer helpful for your needs. Add this timer when you want to let your video go live. The timer
Seven Reasons Why A Countdown Timer Is A Must In Effective Time Management Much is said about time management. However the term has begun to apply to a wide variety of subjects ranging from list management, project management and even up to the idea of maintaining one's personal energy. All these are important but we need to look at the term itself. Time management, if one looks at the actual words, means, actually, the management of time. It includes the management of the seconds, minutes and the hours of our day. I have found, running several businesses and wearing many hats (as do many of us) that the use of a simple countdown timer can work wonders. I want to point out 7 reasons why using a timer can help us get more done and even reduce stress. Here are 7 excellent reasons why all of us should be using a countdown timer: 1) Timers improve our awareness of time. A first rule in the successfully handling anything is to confront and become aware of it. Just as we get overweight in life by idle eating and not really paying attention to what we put in our mouths, we can also waste our precious time as though it is a limitless possession. A big reason diets work is that they cause us to pay attention to what we are eating. Our use of calories, of money, and of our time expand beyond what we need and what is healthy unless we become aware of how we use these commodities. We need to be aware of these things to control them. Use of a timer is the way to become aware of and to control time. 2) Timers break time into manageable bits. Goals are best conquered in stages, in degrees and in steps. The hours in our day are no exceptions. Timers allow us to break our lives and activities into manageable bits. 3) Just as a diet contains a firm decision not to exceed our caloric intake or fall shy of our agreed- upon exercise., a countdown timer, along with a personal agreement to play by the rules, will help
keep us from straying from one task to another. Successful multitasking is a myth. We accomplish the most by doing things one at a time. The decision to use and to follow the countdown timer helps us to stick with our own decisions and helps us to maintain discipline in our use of time. Use Countdown Timer To Get More Done And Become More Productive Instantly Here are three simple ingredients to get at least triple the amount of work done as you are getting now. Use Parkinson's Law, Time Boxing, and Train your brain for urgency. Parkinson's Law is pretty simple, it says that if you have a certain amount of time blocked out for a task - that task will balloon up to the amount of time you have set aside for it. That means that if you give yourself 8-hours to set up a website, it is going to take you 8-hours to do it. But it you give yourself one hour to do it, then you will find a way to set up some kind of website - maybe not the perfect website, but something after one hour. Shorter, smaller tasks makes sure you get more done than big, long, bulky tasks. That is why you have to have some clear small tasks, instead of big to-do items and time yourself doing it. This is called Time Boxing. That means if you say it will take you one hour to set up a website, then hold yourself to it. Create a countdown timer, use a tool like tool-timer, use your phone, or use your kitchen timer to countdown the seconds of that one hour to make sure that you have something online. Think about that, if you were setting up a simply web page and you had 8-hours to do it and you were 58 minutes in, you wouldn't care if there was a bunch of incomplete stuff on the page, would you? It would be fine if the header looked crappy, if the design was bad. But if you only had an hour and you were 58 minutes in, and you only had two minutes left to finish. You would do whatever you could to make it passable, to make it look good enough so you could come back later and make the changes you need to make. In the worst case, if just left that ugly web page alone - it would still serve its purpose. What is interesting about timing your tasks and having a countdown timer is that you begin to train yourself to do things quickly. If you stick to the countdown timer, and you only give yourself an hour to set up a web page or ten minutes to write an article, you get used to that buzzer going off and you get up from the computer and you completely stop. You will find yourself starting to rush when the countdown timer approaches zero. You will figure out ways to type faster, read faster, think faster and just get your tasks finished and good enough before that timer runs out, because
you are focusing not on what people will think of you or how good or bad something is, but can I have something finished before that clock reaches zero. Free Online Countdown Timer - A Great Tool Are you goal oriented? If you are someone who is goal oriented and who wants to keep an eye on their time, you will want to find a good online countdown timer. It helps with productivity and it helps you to keep on deadlines. We use a countdown timer ourselves, and our favorite free online countdown timer is at Online-Stopwatch.com. When you get to the website, you are going to see a lot of stuff for sale - egg timers, gadgets, and other kinds of fun stuff. But the online countdown timer is free... a lot of the money that they make, we think, comes from Google AdSense. If you go and click on the countdown timer, you'll find that it can be set to 50 minutes. Then reset it and it will start the countdown. What really works well when you're on the road is to make a smaller box within your browser and show the timer. Our 10 minute countdown timer is highly valuable for those who are going to host a live streaming video. You can insert our visual timer into your live video. While you start a broadcast, you will find this timer helpful for your needs. Add this timer when you want to let your video go live. The timer will start working 10 minutes before your scheduled time. Within these 10 minutes, you can make
your audience ready for the content. Thus, a countdown timer is one of the best options to gain attention. Moreover, our countdown timer can create a sense of urgency. Professional marketers know about its importance and know the right use of it. Thus, you can use it while announcing a new product and service. Your customers will not miss out on your attractive deal and discount. With the proper use of the countdown timer, you can find an increase in sales. Thus, when marketers and sellers like to get an instant response from their potential customers, they can use our timer. We have created a colorful background with a pleasing alarm that lets your audience wait for something special. The timer indicates the time left to take any step. Moreover, it motivates your potential customers to grab the deal. Most users have chosen our timers for different applications, like time-lapses, tutorials, progress videos, and sports highlights. You may display the timer before showing your major video content. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and keep on watching the new content regularly. You can click on the Like button to give feedback. Leave a comment to let us know your views about our countdown timer. MORE INFORMATION: - Countdown Videos