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'God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world' ~ Paul Dirac St. John’s CE Primary School Problem Solving and Mathematical Understanding Policy and Yearly Plans. 11/12 12/13 13/14 School Action Plan Curriculum Area Document. St John’s CE Primary Curriculum Leader Policy
'God used beautiful mathematics in creating the world' ~ Paul Dirac St. John’s CE Primary School Problem Solving and Mathematical Understanding Policy and Yearly Plans 11/12 12/13 13/14 School Action Plan Curriculum Area Document
St John’s CE Primary Curriculum Leader Policy Cycle of Development for Problem Solving and Mathematical Understanding Curriculum Leader Statement- We embrace the concept that mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem-solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. Mathematics provides a foundation to understanding the world and is essential to everyday life, critical to science and technology, many forms of employment, the economy, the environment and development. Mathematics is a creative subject. We believe it can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a child solves a problem for the first time, discovers a more elegant solution to a problem or suddenly sees hidden connections. Within the NC Programme of Study for Mathematics our learners will participate in planned activities that promote: Using and applying mathematics Numbers and the number system Calculations Geometry and Measures Handling Data During Key Stage 1 Learners will: Develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. They will begin to count, read, write and order numbers with enthusiasm. They will develop a range of mental calculation skills, learn about shape and space through practical activity which builds on their understanding of their immediate environment. They will use mathematical language using it to talk about their methods and explain their reasoning when solving problems. During Key Stage 2 Learners will: Develop their use of efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately. They will explore features of shape and space and develop measuring skills in a range of contexts. They will discuss and present methods and reasoning using a wider range of mathematical language, diagrams and charts. Within a range of contexts they will solve problems by using and applying their mathematics , including problems which model/are real-life scenarios.
Our Curriculum. We believe that as part of our thematic approach to learning problem solving and mathematics will be fully embedded within all themes with a meaningful link.
The Curriculum Leader is responsible for reviewing the themes linked to Problem solving and mathematical understanding. She or he will evaluate the themes covered and make adjustments in the following year to ensure that skills are being taught. She or he will present their findings in an Action Plan that feeds into the School Improvement Plan and highlights key objectives for the following year. • Leadership and Monitoring • Throughout the year the area of learning will be monitored through: • Lesson observations • Planning monitoring • Book Scrutiny and Feedback • Pupil Interview • Class presentations through assemblies, curriculum events to parents • Assessment tracking and reports to parents.
Assessment and Tracking The assessment of maths is a thorough and detailed process. Children are assessed termly against NC levels. APP is used as a tool to support this work in the Autumn and Spring term. In the Summer term OATS and SATS are used to assess from Years 2 – 6. In Year 1 APP and FSP is used for assessment and in Reception assessment is observed and completed in line with the FSP. End of year assessments in both written and mental maths are scrutinised to ascertain which children are exceeding expected progress, meeting expected progress or falling behind expected progress. Those children not meeting expectations are discussed and necessary interventions are put in place. Those children exceeding expectations are highlighted for future planning and are then supported by additional challenge and extension. Tracking grids show the progress the children make from the benchmark of Year 2 as they progress through Key Stage 2. Class teachers are responsible for monitoring this progress over the year. This is monitored closely by the senior leadership team and the curriculum leader.
Curriculum Review July 2013 Problem Solving and Mathematical Understanding Position Statement In this area of learning we did the following well: We recognise the importance of maths being a practical and visual subject and this is evident in learning experiences Our children enjoy maths Data at Year 2 and Year 6 is showing continuing improvement in terms of attainment We have an increased dialogue concerning teaching and learning in maths. In this area of learning we need to: Embed and secure knowledge of progression in mathematics between levels 2 to 4 Raise the status of mental maths and talk maths Continue to develop professional dialogue concerning teaching and learning in mathematics.