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Headwall Private Markets is a liquidity provider for private company shareholders and investors. Our main focus is secondary transactions in mid to late stage private companies. In addition, Headwall has select primary investment opportunities.
LiquiditySolutions for Private Company Shareholders &Investors
AboutUs HeadwallPrivateMarketsisaliquidityprovider forprivatecompanyshareholdersandinvestors. Ourmainfocusissecondarytransactionsinmid to late stage private companies. In addition, Headwall has select primary investment opportunities.
OurServices Special PurposeVehicles SecondaryInvestments PrimaryInvestments
SECONDARY INVESTMENTS KEYFEATURES DirectAccess Transparency throughout the transaction Experiencedteamtohelpnavigatetheprocess Ourexperienced sales&operationsteamworkdirectlywithour clientsthroughouttheentiretransactionprocess.Inaddition, webelieveitisimportanttoestablishagoodrelationshipwith theunderlyingcompaniesthatwetransact.
PRIMARY INVESTMENTS Our relationships throughout the private equity ecosystem will occasionallyenableustoofferprimaryinvestments.Likeoursecondary investments,wewillprovidetransparencyandguidancethroughoutthe entiretransactiontoourclients. KEY FEATURES DirectAccess Transparency throughout the transaction Experiencedteamtohelpnavigatetheprocess
SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLES SPV’s are a common investment structure to hold both secondary and primary investments in the private market. SPV’s allow the pooling of capital that creates investment opportunities that otherwise might not be possible for qualified investors. The Headwall team will work with each client to structure an SPV that is best suited for them.
415-534-6777 ContactUs info@headwallpm.com www.headwallpm.com New York City 590 Madison Avenue 28 th Floor New York, NY10022