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Over the last two decades, the longevity of cars has improved. Twenty years ago, cars were built to last for about 100,000 miles on average. Today, cars typically can last on U.S. roads for an average of 122,500 miles or about 11.6 years thanks to a variety of vehicle improvements, including lubricants, powertrain technology and rust prevention.
Identify anysignsoftroublewiththetransmissionandstay up-to-datewithcar caremaintenanceto avoid anydamageto thevehicle’sengine.
ChecktheLights Payingattentionto thislight isoneofthequickestandeasiestwaysto know if thereis somethingwrongwiththevehicle’stransmission.
Listento theTransmissionandWatchOutforLeaks If redliquid is leaking from themiddleofthevehicle,thatmeansthetransmission is havingproblemsandneedsto befixed immediately.
PayAttentionto HowtheTransmissionFluid FeelsandSmells Thesmellandtextureofthetransmissionfluid canbesignsofdamagethat’s happeningontheinsideofthecar,whetherit’s acarwithanautomaticormanual transmission.
GettheRightTransmission Fluid andChangeIt Stay ConsistentWithMaintenance
Transform theTransmission WithaTrustedTeam It’s essentialto takecareofvehicletransmission issuesrightaway. Startbygetting in touchwithatrusted expertteam ofprofessionals whohaveexperiencewithtransmission repair,suchasSan Antonio- based CambridgeAuto.
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