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Why are vaccinations important for my baby

Has your baby turned two months old? If so, then it's time to take him/her to a pediatrician to get vaccinations done. For more info about Pediatric Specialist Doctors in Sharjah http://ibo.ae/departments/department-of-pediatrics/<br>

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Why are vaccinations important for my baby

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  1. Why Are Vaccinations Important for My Baby? https://physicalhealth.quora.com/Why-Are-Vaccinations-Important-for-My-Baby

  2. The following list shows the types of vaccines and the conditions which they defend against:

  3. Hepatitis B Vaccine The virus of Hepatitis Bdamages the liver. There is no cure for diseases emerging fromHepatitis B virus, andhence, its vaccine is necessary to guard against the ill effects.

  4. Hib Vaccine It protects ababy against Haemophilus influenza ty (Hib). Hib is abacteriumwhichcauses infection int brain and the spinal cord. This infection cancause damage to baby's brain and hearing capability.

  5. PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINE It protects ababy against Streptococcuspneumonia which is thesourceofcausing diseases like pneumonia, meningitis andsomeear infections.

  6. Pediatric Specialist Doctors in Sharjah In Sharjah,best pediatric doctorsworkat Ishaq Bin OmranMedicalCenter (IBO).

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