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In our fast, busy lives, we often end up spending more time at our workplace than at home. Naturally, our lifestyle in the workplace has a lot of direct impact on our health. Heart, being a very important component of health, also gets affected by our lifestyle choices at our workplace. Let us see then, how we can make our workplace a little friendlier towards our heart.<br>
In our fast, busy lives, we often end up spending more time at our workplace than at home. Naturally, our lifestyle in the workplace has a lot of direct impact on our health. Heart, being a very important component of health, also gets affected by our lifestyle choices at our workplace. Let us see then, how we can make our workplace a little friendlier towards our heart.
One thing that needs to be cleared at the onset- why is it important to have a hearthealthy workplace? Employees are the resources of the company. Statistics show that poor diet, lack of exercise and other major risk factors for heartdisease and stroke are responsible for at least 25 percent of companies’ healthcare costs. Besides, a physically unfit employee cannot be an asset to the company. In order to be efficient at your work, you need to first be healthy. And heart health is extremely important to stay healthy overall.
So what needs to be done? Firstly, it is extremely important to eat healthy at your workplace. While at work, we eat out more often. We gorge on unhealthy munchies. We get stressed and binge on calories. Now none of this is actually helping you in the long run. Eating out for more than half a day, every day, basically sums down to eating three meals that are not home cooked. You do not know what oil and how much oil these foods are being cooked in and how hygienic they are. You do not know whether the ingredients are fresh or not. You also do not know how much sugar and salt goes into these foods. Under these circumstances, it is not advisable to eat out so much. Firstly, you need to start eating more of home cooked food. Don't go into elaborate meal making- a few simple cucumber sandwiches will do. But make it a point to get food from home. Plan ahead, shop ahead, recycle last night's dinner- but get your own lunch.
If your office has a canteen that provides food, talk to the people responsible for the canteen and urge them to make healthier food. Also, try snacking healthy. Carry high protein healthy snacks with you. Home-made oats bar, fruits, mixed seeds and nuts are all excellent snacking options.
Secondly, being inactive is one of the worst things that you can do to your health. Most desk jobs require you to sit for eight hours a day. Now that is a health blunder. An extra hour of standing burns 600kj. And you burn twice as many calories when you are standing as compared to when you are sitting. So get moving. Do not sit for a stretch of more than 20 minutes. Stand up, loosen your legs, walk around the office a bit- it will not take more than two to three minutes.
Thirdly, over consumption of caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes as means to combat stress, sleeplessness, anxiety etc. is killing you slowly. We don't need to go into details here as to how harmful these things are for your heart, and your overall health. Stress at work is common. Try dealing with it in healthier ways. For example, if you are too stressed about work, just take a break, go out, take a walk. You will definitely feel better. Also meditation is extremely helpful in dealing with stress and anxiety. Practice meditation for fifteen minutes every day, and you will definitely see the difference.
Employer's Role: As an employer, CEO, owner of a company, it is your duty to take care of your employees. Because unhealthy employees are your loss. You can do the following to ensure good heart health of your employees. Policy: Bring into action heart healthy policies like a no smoking policy or an annual health checkup policy in the workplace. Activities: Take initiatives to encourage more physical activities among its employees. Organise a sports day once a month, or amarathon- anything that would ensure fitness of your employees.
Facilities: Supply kitchen facilities in the office. You don't need to have a fully functional kitchen- invest in a microwave oven and refrigerator so that your employees can eat fresh/ warm food always. Educate: Organise talks by medical professionals to educate your employees about various health issues.
Help each other strive towards a hearthealthylife at the workplace. A healthy employee is the biggest asset of a company.