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  1. PORTO POLYTECHNICPRESENTATION WELCOME TO P.PORTO P. PORTO is a referentialpublichighereducationinstitution. Beginning its activity in 1985, it’stodaythefourthlargestinstitutionofhighereducation in termsofaccess. We are a dynamoof cultural change, bothnationallyandinternationally. Wemeetcurrentdemands, building bridges between academia, the professional world and civil society. We build strategiccooperationwith local agents, andcontributewith real solutionsto real problems. Werankfourthamongfirst-choicehighereducationinstitutions, andfifth in number of students. 18.322 Students 59 Undergraduate Degrees 70 Master Degrees

  2. PORTO POLYTECHNICCAMPI CAMPI At Campus 1, betweendowntown Porto andthemainlytechnologicalandinnovativearea of Asprela (north of thecounty), P.PORTO studentscanenjoytheperks of bothinnovativeandtechnologicallearningvenuesand a bustling, increasinglycosmopolitancity. Campus 2 islocatedbetweenthetowns of Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim. Felgueiras is home toCampus 3, wherewecanfindtheSchool of Management and Technology. Politécnico do Porto is spread acrossanextensiveanddiversifiedarea. 5 Cities 3 Campi 8 Schools

  3. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOLS SCHOOLS Aneducationalcomplexwithmodernequipment, laboratoriesandresearch centres located in 3 Campi thatfosters a high qualityandvariededucationalofferbased in seven core clusters. • Arts • Business Sciences • Education & Sport • Engineering & Technology • HospitalityandTourism • Media and Design • Health

  4. PORTO POLYTECHNICPORTO SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ISEP Since 1852, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto hasbecome a successfultrademark in theeducationandinnovation of Engineering, preserving its commitmenttothe future. Anchored in anappliedknowledge-basededucationalmodel (hands-on), ISEP followstheinternationalbestpractices in Europeanqualitycertification, favoringthedevelopment of academicprojects in businesses andresearchgroups. One of the top schools of technology in Portugal, ISEP isalsotheengineeringschoolwith more certifiedprogrammes in allIberianPeninsula. A RUA DR. BERNARDINO DE ALMEIDA, 431 4249-015 PORTO, PORTUGAL T 228 340 500 F 228 321 159 E MAIL@ISEP.IPP.PT W ISEP.IPP.PT 6.222 Students 481 Teaching Staff

  5. PORTO POLYTECHNICPORTO ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS SCHOOL ISCAP With a longhistory of training in thefield of business sciences, the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto has, since 1886, implemented a highereducationmodel of excellence, stronglyconcernedwithcreatingan interface betweentheacademyand its surroundingcommunity. ISCAP continuallystrivestoprovide a stimulatingenvironment in Business Sciences. A RUA JAIME LOPES AMORIM, S/N 4465-004 SÃO MAMEDE DE INFESTA, PORTUGAL T 229 050 000 F 229 025 899 E INSTITUTO@ISCAP.IPP.PT W ISCAP.IPP.PT 4.043 Students 230 Teaching Staff

  6. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF EDUCATION ESE The Escola Superior de Educação hasthestronghold of teacher training, butalso of the training of educators, and social and cultural players in numerousareas - fromlanguagestomusic, tosports. ESE is a schoolwhereeducation, culture, sportsandcitizenship converge in a single spaceof training andknowledge. A RUA DR. ROBERTO FRIAS, 602 4200-465 PORTO, PORTUGAL T 225 073 460 F 225 073 464 E ESE@ESE.IPP.PT W ESE.IPP.PT 1.766 Students 162 Teaching Staff

  7. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS ESMAE Built in 1985, onthefoundations of theformer School of Music, the Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo isone of thefoundingschools of the Porto Polytechnic. Located in the centre of Porto, ESMAE has na internationalstanding, andoffercustomisedandcutting-edgehighereducationprogrammes in musicand drama. A RUA DA ALEGRIA, 503 4000-045 PORTO, PORTUGAL T 225 193 760 E ESMAE@ESMAE.IPP.PT W ESMAE.IPP.PT 701 Students 128 Teaching Staff

  8. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY ESTG Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, located in theregion of Vale do Sousa e Baixo Tâmega, the School of Management and Technology hasestablisheditself, since 1999, as a leader in academicandindustrycollaboration. Thisschoolarticulateshighereducationwiththe business world andisalwaysfocusedonstudents' employabilityand meeting regional needs. A RUA DO CURRAL, CASA DO CURRAL, MARGARIDE 4610-156 FELGUEIRAS, PORTUGAL T 225 314 002 F 225 314 12O E CORREIO@ESTG.IPP.PT W ESTG.IPP.PT 1.446 Students 121 Teaching Staff

  9. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF HEALTH • ESS • Escola Superior de Saúde isthelargestPortuguesehighereducationinstitution in thearea of healthcaretechnologies. With its 2,445 students, 275 teaching staff members, 12 undergraduatedegrees, sevenmasters’ degreesandseveralcontinuingeducationcourses, the School isthethirdbiggest in P.PORTO. • The mostrecentadditiontoone of Europe’sstrongesthealthandscience hubs, ESS leads theway in Health Technology Education. A RUA DR. ANTÓNIO BERNARDINO DE ALMEIDA, 400 4200-072 PORTO, PORTUGAL T 222 061 000 F 222 061 001 E GERAL@ESS.IPP.PT W ESS.IPP.PT 2.375 Students 309 Teaching Staff

  10. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM ESHT As a centre of excellence in teachingandresearch, the Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo isplacedatthe top of mind of themarket, providing a sustainableandinnovative training model. Wedevelopselectedstrategies, notonly for teachingandresearchbutalso for servicesprovision, relationshipwiththecommunity, establishing networks andpartnershipsandinternationalisation. A RUA D. SANCHO I, 981 4480-876 VILA DO CONDE, PORTUGAL T 252 291 700 F 252 291 714 E GERAL@ESHT.IPP.PT W ESHT.IPP.PT 50 Teaching Staff 759 Students

  11. PORTO POLYTECHNICSCHOOL OF MEDIA ARTS AND DESIGN ESMAD The Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design isperceived as a nationalandinternationalreference in the training of competitive, creativeandinnovativeprofessionals, in theareas of Design, Film, Photography, Multimediaand Web. We are oneofthemostcomprehensive, differentiatedandaward-winning training programsofthe country. A RUA D. SANCHO I, 981 4480-876 VILA DO CONDE, PORTUGAL T 252 291 700 F 252 291 714 E GERAL@ESHT.IPP.PT W ESHT.IPP.PT 537 Students 63 Teaching Staff

  12. PORTO POLYTECHNICRESEARCHING AT P.PORTO RESEARCHING AT P.PORTO The priorityactionaxisof P.PORTO in R&D aimsatgeneratingknowledgetomeetsociety’sgreatchallenges, whetherthey are of a local, regional orinternationalnature. Ourresearchers are involved in thelatestfindingsandemergingtrends. We bridge seniorresearchers’ efficiencywithyoungresearchers’ audacity. Ourcultureisbasedonthedeepandconstantdialecticsbetweenaccomplishmentandproduction. Wecooperateand lead atnationalandinternationallevel. Ourculture combines leadershipwithpartnership, convergencewithdiversity, competitivenesswithcooperation. 24 Research Centres 692 PhD Researchers 551 ISI Publications

  13. PORTO POLYTECHNICP.PORTO WORLDWIDE P.PORTO WORLDWIDE Internationalcooperationhaslongbeen a priority in theinstitution’spolicy. The network, knowledgeandinformationsocietythriveat P.PORTO andallowstudents, teachersandresearcherstoexperiencethecomprehensiveness of resourcesavailableglobally. Weranked 6th in PortugueseHigherEducationwith more internationalstudents, and 3rd in mobilityprogrammes for teachersand staff. 183 Incoming Teachers 114 Outgoing Teachers 632 Incoming Students 351 Outgoing Students

  14. PORTO POLYTECHNICSTUDENT WELFARE SERVICES STUDENT WELFARE SERVICES The P.PORTO StudentWelfare Services (SAS) operates a strictequalopportunitiespolicythatpromotesthesuccessofeachstudent, developingactivitiesandprogramsthatencouragetheirpersonal, cultural, scientific, academicand professional fulfillment. FOOD SAS guaranteesequitableaccesstomealsthrough its canteensand cafeterias spread acrossthethree campuses. ACCOMMODATION In eachresidence hall, everystudentfindshisspecialplaceofcomfortandwell-being. SAS haveseveralresidence halls located in thecity of Porto and Vila do Conde.

  15. PORTO POLYTECHNIC STUDENT WELFARE SERVICES SCHOLARSHIPS AND EMERGENCY AID SAS promotes a direct social actionstrategythroughscholarshipsandemergencyaid. The grantingofscholarships in highereducationaimstosupportoneofthenoblestprinciplesofoursociety - equity. FAES Fulfillingthemissionofaninstitutionthatwantstobe more inclusive, whichemphasizesequalaccesstoqualityeducation, Porto Polytechnichascreated a Social SupportandEmergencyFund (FAES-P.PORTO), anadditionalfundtotheexistingones, constitutedbydonationsof singular orcollectivepatrons. FAES-PORTO willallowtheinstitutiontoimplement a "complement" tothe social welfareoftheStatesupportingstudentswho, despitetheexistenceofeconomicneeds, do nothaveaccesstothiswelfare.

  16. PORTO POLYTECHNICSTUDENT WELFARE SERVICES RECREATION SAS encourage a spirit of community, sharingandsolidarity, in commitmenttotheothers. PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING - opAS SAS Participatory Budget allowsany P.PORTO studentstobeinvolveddutifully in anyactivitiesrelatedtostudents’ well-being. 9.038.730€ Funding Amount 5.405 Scolarship Holders 319 Single Beds 269.188 Meals

  17. PORTO POLYTECHNICCULTURE CULTURE Striving for excellence in highereducation, P.PORTO iscommittedtobeing a dynamicagent in thecreation, production, disseminationanddevelopmentofculture, promotingseveralinitiativesofscientific, artisticand cultural nature. Theseenterprisesinvolveconferences, exhibitions, thematic workshops, seminars, cinema, journeysand meetings ofallkinds, crossing thescientificandpedagogicalmemoryofthefirstschoolswithcontemporaryartisticproduction.  Alltheseeventsallow a new generationofskills, a range of new informationandsharingideas, playing a strong role ontheformationof global citizensprovidedwithan open culture.

  18. PORTO POLYTECHNICSPORT SPORTS P.PORTO knowshowimportantsportsisandhowdeterminantsportingactivitiesmaybe for students' personaland social development, as well as thatofthesurroundingcommunities. Thatiswhyhundredsofstudentsandotherpeoplefromthesurroundingcommunities are dailyinvolved in differentsportingactivitiescarried out in oursportsfacilitiesandequipment. Our Sports Complexofferstheacademiccommunity high-qualityfacilitiessuitable for differenttypesofmodalities. P.PORTO Studentscanalso aspire torepresenttheteam in theNationalUniversityChampionshipsandmanyotherinternationalcompetitions.

  19. PORTO POLYTECHNICSTUDENT SUPPORT STUDENT SUPPORT PSYCHOLOGICAL AND CAREER SERVICES (GIAP) GIAP aimstoprovidequality, efficientservicesto help graduateandcurrentstudents build skills, improve theirwell-beingandachievepersonalandacademicsuccess. Also, ourteamemphasizes a holistic approach tocareerandlifeplanningandiscommittedtoempoweringindividualstobecomethrivingprofessionals in the global community, withconfidenceandcompetence. It is a specialized centre andespeciallydedicatedtograduateandcurrentstudentsof P.PORTO. ACADEMIC ORGANISATION OFFICE (GOA) GOA is a P.PORTO serviceaimingathelpingstudents in admission processes, enrolling in courses, creatingsupportgroupsandassisting in admission processes tohighereducation.

  20. PORTO POLYTECHNICSTUDENT SUPPORT MERIT SCOLARSHIP P.PORTO awardsMeritScholarshipsannuallytothebeststudents of bothGraduateandUndergraduateprogrammes. The scholarshipsconsist of a financial benefit, with a fixedvalue, and are grantedtostudentswithoutstandingacademicachievement. STUDENT OMBUDSMAN The Student Ombudsman defendstherightsandensurestheinterestsoftheacademiccommunityof P.PORTO bymediating in anindependent, impartialandconfidentialway. Its role istoensurethelegality of theactionscarried out by management bodies, servicesandallthoseinvolved in students’ educationalprocess.

  21. PORTO POLYTECHNICSTUDENT SUPPORT STUDENTS’ UNION Students’ unions are an open channel for communication, sharingandworking, all vital conceptstoourmission. The students’ unions play a vital role representinganddefendingstudents’ rightswiththeSchools’ management. 84,5% Graduates in Employment or Further Studies 77,2% Graduates Working in their Field of Study 1.322 Number of GIAP Service Users


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