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Learn to improve your search skills and get accurate information faster using advanced search techniques. Discover tips like using quotes for exact phrases, synonym searching with the tilde (~), and using numeric parameters. Enhance your online research with site limiting and unit conversions for precise results.
Tips and Tricks Panthers Instructional Technology Academy
Describe what you need with as few terms as possible. Since all words are used, each additional word limits the results. For example, [ weather cancun ] is a simple way to find the weather and likely to give better results than the longer [ weather report for cancun mexico ].
BASIC SEARCH TIPS CaPiTaLIZATION doesn’t MaTtEr You get the same results if you search New York or new york
Both searches returned the same number of hits – 797,000,000
USING QUOTATION MARKS “ ” “to be or not to be” Use “” IF YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR A SPECIFIC PHRASE OR PERSON’S NAME Searches the exact words in that exact order without any change.
SYNONYM SEARCHING USING THE TILDE ~ Putting a tilde ~ in front of the word car automatically includes synonyms in the search, increasing the results from about 90 million to 123 million.
SIMILAR CONTENT Related: finds other websites related to the one you enter. ANOTHER EXAMPLE related:www.philadelphiazoo.org
GOOGLE BOOKS Google Books can be accessed from the more link.
Content includes the full text of many digitized books and magazines, including searchable LIFE magazine.
Wonder Wheel & Timeline After you enter your search term(s), click “Show options” to get other search choices, like Wonder wheel & Timeline.
CALCULATOR Calculator operators + addition / division - Subtraction %of percentage of * multiplication ^ raise to a power
USING THE MINUS SIGN TO LIMIT YOUR RESULTS Don’t forget: No space between the minus and the word to exclude!
UNIT CONVERSION You can use Google to convert between many different units of measurement of height, weight, and volume, among many others.
SITE LIMITER USING SITE: This search includes websites about Iraq only from TheNew YorkTimes. SPECIFY THAT YOUR RESULTS MUST COME FROM A CERTAIN WEBSITE
DOMAIN SITE LIMITER USING SITE: In this example using site:edu only finds websites about cloning from educational institutions. Use any domain limiter to narrow your search results. DOMAINS: . gov .mil .uk .fr .de .com .org .biz .edu
REMEMBER • Keep it simple –all the words count. • Brainstorm some keywords BEFORE you search. • Use the handy cheat sheet handout. • Excellence is just a mouse click away! Panthers Instructional Technology Academy
Please give us your feedback by filling out this survey. www.wssd.org/google Future Workshops February 11, 24 Doing More with Databases